Ignoring your cheap troll attempt here, I agree, the mirrors on other cars should definitely not show your own mirror picture. I mean, it was a nice idea for showing *something* and not having to waste render time for it, but as soon as you think about it you realise just how wrong it is. Black is not good either, but a shaded window-coloured grey would work nicely I think.
Regarding the chase view mirrors, in my opinion LFS is simply not simulator enough yet, partly for the reason that unnecessary and purely arcade things are still possible. False starts were a good step into the right direction, but we still suffer form longitudinal grip issues making each start pretty much pedal-to-the-metal, but now with a little reaction test added beforehand. Another example is suspension and wheel damage, particularly in the open wheelers, which allows for far too aggressive driving and immersion killing kerb hopping. Or having extremely accurate setup options on the road cars. Or...
Now these examples might be rather specific and to some extent nitpicky issues, but exactly that makes the chase view stand out as a glaringly obvious no-brainer for me. I have no idea how someone can seriously defend the chase view as equally realistic as the cockpit view, or try to devalue the latter one by saying it's not realistic either (sure it isn't, but it's much closer than a magic camera hovering behind the car). For me the chase view itself is kinda similar to the old stabilized keyboard steering; of course people are using it and of course LFS should maintain configurability, but just like the devs removed the countersteer-o-matic keyboard help to make clear that LFS is a simulator intended to be driven with a FF wheel, they should leave out anything that would further encourage the use of a 100% arcade driving view. If LFS supports driving from that view so be it, after all we still support keyboard and mouse drivers too, but there's no need to waste time putting in niceties for people using unrealistic driving options.