(27 posts, started )
Is there any update to RaceManager?

Would be very helpful if someone could help.
have you searched it?

Not since S1 to my knowledge.
Yep, I checked all the links on the forum with "RaceManager" and nothing...
make one?


Sorry, that was rude of me.
I could make you an insim for this, if you wish.
This please

#Info regarding the LFS Server
# Admin password of the LFS server
adminPassword = admin
# IP address of the LFS server
# Leave as is if running on the same computer as the server
host =
# Insim port of the LFS server
port = 29999

# Information about RaceManager interface
# UDP port to listen to (should be an available port)
# This is where the LFS Server will send the data
port = 29997
# IP address to listen on to recieve UDP packets
# Leave blank in most cases (all network interfaces)
# Set to if using on same computer as server for additional security
host =

BlueFlag = ^4Blue Flag ! Let the car behind go !
BlueFlagSent = ^6Blue Flag sent to car in front
YellowFlag = ^3Yellow Flag ! Watch for incoming traffic !
YellowFlagFront = ^3Yellow Flag ! Caution ! Do not overtake !
GreenFlag = ^2Green Flag ! All clear.
Welcome = Welcome! This server is using LFS-Marshal 0.6.
FlagsOn = Racing flags enabled!
FlagsOff = Racing flags are now disabled.
WhiteFlag = ^7Final Lap!

# Messages sent to the Spectators. xxxx will be replaced by name of player involved
specBlueFlag = ^4Blue flag for ^8xxxx
specYellowFlag = ^3Yellow flag for 8xxxx
specWhiteFlag = ^7White flag to ^8xxxx

# Speed used as a threshold for yellow flags
# 32768 = 100 m/s
SPEED = 2500
# Angle threshold used to determine if we have a spin or not
# 32768 = 180 degrees
ANGLE = 7500
# Angle Velocity used as a threshold for spins
# 8192 = 180 degrees per second anticlockwise

# Number of nodes used as threshold for blue flag
# Number of nodes used as threshold for blue flag (when cars are very close)
# Number of seconds between 2 blue flags
# Number of seconds between 2 blue flags when car is close
# Number of nodes used as threshold for yellow flag
# Number of seconds between 2 yellow flags

# The nodes are given as relative to a point close to the starting line
# Example: 10 means 10 nodes before the starting line
# Node where the "Get Into Formation" message will be sent
SendMessageNode = 33
# Node where the actualy checking and notifications will be sent
# In most cases should be equal, or very close to SendMessageNode
CheckFormationNode = 32
# Node where the Green Flag message will be sent
GreenFlagNode = 3

# Range of distance in meters between 2 cars when in formation
DistanceMax = 18
DistanceMin = 2
# Will get a black flag when car behind is at this position or closer
# If 0, means car will get a black flag if he overtakes before Green Flag
DistanceFlag = 0
# Speed limit, in km/h
MaxSpeed = 80

# Messages
GetIntoFormation = Please get into formation! Speed Limit: 80km/h
TooFar = You are too far. Please close the gap
TooClose = ^1You are too close. Slow down
TooFast = ^1You are going too fast! Slow down
GreenFlag = ^2Green Flag! Go! Go! Go!
BlackFlag = Black Flag! Do a STOP AND GO !
FalseStart = ^3Yellow Flag! False start
RollingStartWelcome = Warmup lap! Do not overtake!
KeepPositions = Keep your positions!

Just an update, and if you could make the GUI in lfs with the button system

ps. yikes, that sounds like alot :S, just do what you think is reasonable, I mainly want the rolling start
it'll take a couple of days, as im busy with the next LTC InSim release. Keep annoying me on MSN about it :P
Quote from imthebestracerthereis :This please

#Info regarding the LFS Server
# Admin password of the LFS server
adminPassword = admin
# IP address of the LFS server
# Leave as is if running on the same computer as the server
host =
# Insim port of the LFS server
port = 29999

# Information about RaceManager interface
# UDP port to listen to (should be an available port)
# This is where the LFS Server will send the data
port = 29997
# IP address to listen on to recieve UDP packets
# Leave blank in most cases (all network interfaces)
# Set to if using on same computer as server for additional security
host =

BlueFlag = ^4Blue Flag ! Let the car behind go !
BlueFlagSent = ^6Blue Flag sent to car in front
YellowFlag = ^3Yellow Flag ! Watch for incoming traffic !
YellowFlagFront = ^3Yellow Flag ! Caution ! Do not overtake !
GreenFlag = ^2Green Flag ! All clear.
Welcome = Welcome! This server is using LFS-Marshal 0.6.
FlagsOn = Racing flags enabled!
FlagsOff = Racing flags are now disabled.
WhiteFlag = ^7Final Lap!

# Messages sent to the Spectators. xxxx will be replaced by name of player involved
specBlueFlag = ^4Blue flag for ^8xxxx
specYellowFlag = ^3Yellow flag for 8xxxx
specWhiteFlag = ^7White flag to ^8xxxx

# Speed used as a threshold for yellow flags
# 32768 = 100 m/s
SPEED = 2500
# Angle threshold used to determine if we have a spin or not
# 32768 = 180 degrees
ANGLE = 7500
# Angle Velocity used as a threshold for spins
# 8192 = 180 degrees per second anticlockwise

# Number of nodes used as threshold for blue flag
# Number of nodes used as threshold for blue flag (when cars are very close)
# Number of seconds between 2 blue flags
# Number of seconds between 2 blue flags when car is close
# Number of nodes used as threshold for yellow flag
# Number of seconds between 2 yellow flags

# The nodes are given as relative to a point close to the starting line
# Example: 10 means 10 nodes before the starting line
# Node where the "Get Into Formation" message will be sent
SendMessageNode = 33
# Node where the actualy checking and notifications will be sent
# In most cases should be equal, or very close to SendMessageNode
CheckFormationNode = 32
# Node where the Green Flag message will be sent
GreenFlagNode = 3

# Range of distance in meters between 2 cars when in formation
DistanceMax = 18
DistanceMin = 2
# Will get a black flag when car behind is at this position or closer
# If 0, means car will get a black flag if he overtakes before Green Flag
DistanceFlag = 0
# Speed limit, in km/h
MaxSpeed = 80

# Messages
GetIntoFormation = Please get into formation! Speed Limit: 80km/h
TooFar = You are too far. Please close the gap
TooClose = ^1You are too close. Slow down
TooFast = ^1You are going too fast! Slow down
GreenFlag = ^2Green Flag! Go! Go! Go!
BlackFlag = Black Flag! Do a STOP AND GO !
FalseStart = ^3Yellow Flag! False start
RollingStartWelcome = Warmup lap! Do not overtake!
KeepPositions = Keep your positions!

Just an update, and if you could make the GUI in lfs with the button system

ps. yikes, that sounds like alot :S, just do what you think is reasonable, I mainly want the rolling start

wow thats a lot!!

Quote from Krammeh :it'll take a couple of days, as im busy with the next LTC InSim release. Keep annoying me on MSN about it :P

is there anything you cant do
Quote from mcgas001 :is there anything you cant do

Its only another insim. All the idea's are already there .

I will create it in VB6 I think! And the release the .exe :P
Quote from Krammeh :Its only another insim. All the idea's are already there .

I will create it in VB6 I think! And the release the .exe :P

is that a working code up there then?

also wouldnt it be an idea to add some kick commands to that program,i mean people will just ignore the flags otherwise,only an idea...
Quote from mcgas001 :is that a working code up there then?

also wouldnt it be an idea to add some kick commands to that program,i mean people will just ignore the flags otherwise,only an idea...

er, not quite...what is posted above is just the CONFIG!!! the code is/will be a LOT more involved.
If it was that simple I would now be working on my 387th Insim app, instead of wondering how to code my first!
Quote from mcgas001 :is that a working code up there then?

also wouldnt it be an idea to add some kick commands to that program,i mean people will just ignore the flags otherwise,only an idea...

haha, I wish! lol. Thats just the settings file.

I will be creating the code later on and making it read the config file above.

It will take me a couple of days, as LTC is higher on my lists. Although, I may take tonight away from LTC, so I can create this project! Maybe even totally open source, but not sure!



I dunno, something like that!

im looking into compiling php scripts into EXE files. anybody know about this?

**edit 2**
Going to code and release in PHP (open source)
I love you krammeh
Started on it .

While at work haha.

The config loading section of things :P.

It should be finished by tomorrow mate.


I wish / need your programming skills
Quote from imthebestracerthereis :seriously?!


I wish / need your programming skills

Yeah should be finished by tonight, test it with a few LTC regulars or something then release it .

It will also tell you if/when its out of date compared to the latest release!
:huepfenic :huepfenic
I love you krammeh
fallen a bit behind.

had a few PC Support jobs to sort out first (paid :P).

I will work on it more tomorrow after work.

Should be able to get a decent test release complete.
Here's the development log:
* Config loading
* InSim Connection
* RaceStart Detection
* Stores players details in array upon connection
** Grabs PB and a few others if pubstat-ident-key stored
* Removes players details after disconnection

Features to be added
* Warmup Lap (with all the notices/penalities and such)
* Extend flag notices
* Spectater flag notices
* Determine spinouts/crashes
* Auto map rotation (with custom settings [allowed tracks/random cars/set cars for set maps])
* Database statistics (if you set your mysql settings, it will store race details)

I think that just about covers it. If there's anything you want me to add to the bottom section for this, please tell me now :P rather than when ive completly finished :P
erm, did the old racemanager need mysql?
I just want to use it in my server, I cant output data on my website
Quote from imthebestracerthereis :erm, did the old racemanager need mysql?
I just want to use it in my server, I cant output data on my website

The database stats are OPTIONAL. If you dont put in a database info, it just wont store them . It's just a little addition NOT required.
Quote from imthebestracerthereis :w00t

will be working on it a lot tonight, so if you wanna add me to MSN, that would be a great help


I really would like to test this program... could you please send me a link to download it somewhere??
I was just wondering, what happened to this!

(27 posts, started )