Is there any update to RaceManager? 
Would be very helpful if someone could help.

Would be very helpful if someone could help.

#Info regarding the LFS Server
# Admin password of the LFS server
adminPassword = admin
# IP address of the LFS server
# Leave as is if running on the same computer as the server
host =
# Insim port of the LFS server
port = 29999
# Information about RaceManager interface
# UDP port to listen to (should be an available port)
# This is where the LFS Server will send the data
port = 29997
# IP address to listen on to recieve UDP packets
# Leave blank in most cases (all network interfaces)
# Set to if using on same computer as server for additional security
host =
BlueFlag = ^4Blue Flag ! Let the car behind go !
BlueFlagSent = ^6Blue Flag sent to car in front
YellowFlag = ^3Yellow Flag ! Watch for incoming traffic !
YellowFlagFront = ^3Yellow Flag ! Caution ! Do not overtake !
GreenFlag = ^2Green Flag ! All clear.
Welcome = Welcome! This server is using LFS-Marshal 0.6.
FlagsOn = Racing flags enabled!
FlagsOff = Racing flags are now disabled.
WhiteFlag = ^7Final Lap!
# Messages sent to the Spectators. xxxx will be replaced by name of player involved
specBlueFlag = ^4Blue flag for ^8xxxx
specYellowFlag = ^3Yellow flag for 8xxxx
specWhiteFlag = ^7White flag to ^8xxxx
# Speed used as a threshold for yellow flags
# 32768 = 100 m/s
SPEED = 2500
# Angle threshold used to determine if we have a spin or not
# 32768 = 180 degrees
ANGLE = 7500
# Angle Velocity used as a threshold for spins
# 8192 = 180 degrees per second anticlockwise
# Number of nodes used as threshold for blue flag
# Number of nodes used as threshold for blue flag (when cars are very close)
# Number of seconds between 2 blue flags
# Number of seconds between 2 blue flags when car is close
# Number of nodes used as threshold for yellow flag
# Number of seconds between 2 yellow flags
# The nodes are given as relative to a point close to the starting line
# Example: 10 means 10 nodes before the starting line
# Node where the "Get Into Formation" message will be sent
SendMessageNode = 33
# Node where the actualy checking and notifications will be sent
# In most cases should be equal, or very close to SendMessageNode
CheckFormationNode = 32
# Node where the Green Flag message will be sent
GreenFlagNode = 3
# Range of distance in meters between 2 cars when in formation
DistanceMax = 18
DistanceMin = 2
# Will get a black flag when car behind is at this position or closer
# If 0, means car will get a black flag if he overtakes before Green Flag
DistanceFlag = 0
# Speed limit, in km/h
MaxSpeed = 80
# Messages
GetIntoFormation = Please get into formation! Speed Limit: 80km/h
TooFar = You are too far. Please close the gap
TooClose = ^1You are too close. Slow down
TooFast = ^1You are going too fast! Slow down
GreenFlag = ^2Green Flag! Go! Go! Go!
BlackFlag = Black Flag! Do a STOP AND GO !
FalseStart = ^3Yellow Flag! False start
RollingStartWelcome = Warmup lap! Do not overtake!
KeepPositions = Keep your positions!