Thank you.
I have a really cheap microphone and I really need something at least remotely acceptable before I worry about putting foam on it, I have a habbit of getting a bit over-excited, sometimes to the point of astmatic, so even with a screen there isn't much my microphone can do. If I remember to hold it in the right place then it's not so bad ... but that goes out the window when the decibels go soaring.
The software is very specific to the STCC, i'm not even sure it would do a good job on non-TBO cars, it relies on driver names being entered in a particular way (according to STCC regs) and the safety car has to have a specific name too, and the SC board reacts provided the SC is driven and run to STCC regs...
It's most likely the software would fall over or generate lots of 'customer feedback' if it was launched publicly.
There's also the issue of the TV deal, Simbin are currently trying to develop something like this and i'm not about to put it in their hands as they are rival bidder for 1 of the TV slots i'm aiming for. Having a broadcasting technology lead over everyone else gives us a little more leverage to try and secure any deals available, and that's something we need right now both in terms of 'well its about time we got something back' and also in terms of getting the wider audience and recognition I feel the series deserves.
It's possible that in the coming year we may 'duplicate' the STCC with a new format though.
EDIT: It's also worth mentioning that there are alternative tools that still do a very good job. I dont think any are yet migrated to patch X, but you can still broadcast LFS in a reasonable way without blagging our tools