I've been following after all GT5 news, facts, screens and videos that I could find so I had to say something here, seeing that sadly there are people whose ability to be objective and appreciative ends with LFS - maybe blind fanboyism or simply lack of knowledge about other sims/games (not offending anyone, but it is just the impression I often get in this forum :shrug

LFS imo has the best road car physics atm, but the problem for me is the lack of licensed cars and tracks. So there comes my interest in gran turismo, although I understand that the previous installments weren't sims (gt4 wasn't very far), there is a strong possibility that GT5 might finally deliver...
- this time it's really aimed at online (as well as offline) racing via ps network and home with all those nice features for community, tournaments and so on..
- there are going to be two selectable driving physics models: standard (all videos are from it)- updated and fixed gt4/gthd engine; professional - new complex physics model for hardcore simracers.

- 16 cars on track (of course not on par with pc sims, but when comparing to consoles and especially considering car modeling :O ) will be enough to have interesting races imo.
On topic: I think that graphics are simply stunning (best racing game gfx by far) with those 200k polygon car models, real interiors, subtly used effects as heat haze, swinging grass from the wind and NOT overdone IN GAME post processing. They said that current mirrors and driver hand animations are only placeholders and are being worked on. Plus they are planing changing weather and damage this time. So considering that what has been shown so far is only an unfinished build of a prologue of a final GT5, you have to be really shortminded(wrd?) to ignore it
p.s. sorry for a long post