The online racing simulator
Reason why people hate LX4/6
(93 posts, started )
For the LX lovers, we'll be running LX6 @ Aston Historic from today till tuesday on our "Gromnet & Serbian Racing Team" server, preparing for the race in tuesday night, which will be private unfortunately, but you'll see some serbian drivers there till then, so join in..
#27 - Jakg
As usual, lots of people like "driving" the LRF's because they're different and look cool, but racing them is hard - tbh us forumers don't play that much compared to most drivers, but at the same time we tend to have a fair few miles in, and like a little more variety than GTR/AS3
I love the LX cars, I wish there were more servers running them.
I get why people don't dig them, especially when you have sticky buggers like the FXR and FOX to compare them to. But to hate them? Excessive. Don't like them? Just don't drive them Life's too short to hate stuff you can't do

I guess my GPL background prepared me for the LXs: high-powered, no-downforce, hard-tyred, twitchy things which just want to swap ends on you are what got me into simracing in the first place. I don't race the LXs much (hell, I don't race much at all these days) but they are definitely my favourites. Old school track cars ftw :up:
the lx cars rock especially the 4. i don't drive it online but offline is enjoyable. i was in a lx league hosted by the crc and that was just pure fun. imo, it's one of the cars you would drive b4 you start driving the single seaters (except the fox).
i love the lack of control in the lx6... great for drifting ( well with my set-up )

great car.. though with a full Goood rig it would be more fun
I havent really given the lx-4 and lx-6 the time. Bad enough trying to drive the XRG and XRT without being super sketchy in a full grid. It scares me that I might screw up in it big time. Pretty much goes for all the single seaters too.
The LX4 is great but I have to admit, with a mouse and my inexperience, the LX6 is difficult to handle.
Quote from rjm1982 :If the ctra or redline server started races with the uf1000, the mrt, or the lx-X cars, those would be the popular cars.

Redline Server 3 were set to LX4/LX6 @ SO1 and as nobody was going to play this, it were set to MRT @ SO3. In fact I raced alone with max. a handfull people. Finally it were set back to a popular BF1 combo due to lack of interest on those rare combos.
Quote from -xdream- :Redline Server 3 were set to LX4/LX6 @ SO1 and as nobody was going to play this, it were set to MRT @ SO3. In fact I raced alone with max. a handfull people. Finally it were set back to a popular BF1 combo due to lack of interest on those rare combos.

I hate South City.
Quote from -xdream- :Redline Server 3 were set to LX4/LX6 @ SO1

Hmm, nice combo, but i never bother to look what's going on on Redline or CD so i missed it.
#38 - Gunn
I enjoy the LX cars. I can feel the back end just fine. But I still believe that the cars are too responsive to small steering inputs. I'd also welcome some decent tyres on these things.
Quote from ans7812 :I hate South City.

Get a wheel and SO will become you favorite tracks, along with BL rev and FE green....Happened to me. I wen't from hating those to really loving them.
Same goes for the LX's.
They are my favorite cars and I'll pass a good packed server to race the LX with a handfull of peole any day.
However, I do prefer then on "slow" tight and hard tracks. To me the LX don't do anything for me on AS or KY for example as they become boring quickly. SO with LX rocks though....any SO.

BTW, I'm working on hosting a full time LX and maybe RAC server with a track rotation but I can't make any promisses yet.
if everything goes right, it should be up in a few weeks.
#40 - SamH
We ran servers for the LXs but they never filled. I think there's an older generation of LFSers, who have fond recollections of the LXs, but are mostly too old to drive them these days and they fill their time reminiscing about the old S1 days etc instead.

I love the LX6 but I'll happily drive the LX4 too. They both feel amazing to me, and I don't mind battling both a competitor AND a car at the same time.. not least because if I accidentally take out the competitor, I can point at the car, tut and roll my eyes, and they'll understand
Quote from Woz :If there are not many people around (For NZ timezone) I tend to join empty servers and select one of these cars trying to get non downforce races going but then you just get swamped in the normal GTR cars because for most they are easier.

OT Thats what I don't get with the asia pacific region the servers that get populated are always the servers with all cars enabled. I just want go to such servers because everyone just ends up driving the GTR's or BF1 Hence I almost always race on european servers which is a shame really.

I'm noticing a few new LFS users from down under that are over the age of 40 so maybe that will change at some point My favorite cars by far in LFS is the road cars in particular the XFG, XRG, LX4, LX6 and FZ5 /OT
Quote from richy :I havent really given the lx-4 and lx-6 the time. Bad enough trying to drive the XRG and XRT without being super sketchy in a full grid. It scares me that I might screw up in it big time. Pretty much goes for all the single seaters too.

No need for this Richy. You remember what was going on when you first joined the forum? You've come a long way, my friend. I've seen and raced with you plenty in the CTRA servers and you've turned out to be quite the fine racer indeed.

LX6, yes, it's a beast to handle. But I've grown to really love the LX4. I don't think it is a difficult one to drive at all. Once you figure it out, which doesn't take a whole lot of figuring, the rear end plants right down. I don't find it twitchy, nor find it a handful. Well, maybe a little, but no worse than any other car. The XRT, in my case, is a worse car to try to come to grips with (no pun intended). I have horrible oversteer which I can not tame at all no matter how I set it up. A very nice LFS car to race that LX4 is.


People need to stop pissing their pants about the LRFs. Yes they've got more power than grip, so what, if you've got analogue inputs you've got everything you need to have fun with them.

The LX4 is just like a super-light TBO. About the same pace but less like driving an aircraft carrier, no turbo lag to deal with. LX6 is perfectly balanced, easy to get sideways but easy to catch too, just don't stomp the pedals and don't panic if it slides around a bit. FZ5 you need to remember the mega-long braking distances and to desperately try to get the front tyres to bite while accelerating, and in the RA you need to remember not to steer while you're braking. Got all that? You'll be fine!
Any race car worth its salt should have more power than grip imho. Just be gentle! As Sir Jackie Stewart says: "the throttle should never be stabbed at or stomped on, ye wee shite" (I'm sure he said that to James May at some point). Easy does it, slow in, fast out, tally ho Ginger and all that. You simply can't drive an LX the same way you drive a GTR or a TBO and to try is foolishness. Once that particular penny has dropped the rest tends to fall into place. The LX may look cute & harmless but it's a purpose built racer and should be respected, lest it throw your sorry arse into a fence or, worse, a pack of ravenous n00bs!
Most LFSer's are too lazy and ego-tistical to drive anything that requires a modicum of skill to get a good time, the LX class (along with the rest of the LRF's) don't massage your ego like the other "race" cars.
I love em, but it seem the vast majority of LFSer's seem content with ANOTHER lap of Aston in a GTR...........
ALL classes can have top notch races, just look at any of the RSSC replay's, just some classes of car need a bit of work to drive, and don't make you feel like a superstar all the time.
I have HUGE kudos to all the RSSC drivers because of the utmost respect to each other and the cars, and the top notch racing ability they show in the FZ5/RAC, IMO, THEY are the "real" LFSer's.
Quote from danowat :THEY are the "real" LFSer's.

meh and you wouldn't be expressing that view with any type of bias now, would you?
Of course not
Quote :I have HUGE kudos to all the RSSC drivers because of the utmost respect to each other and the cars, and the top notch racing ability they show in the FZ5/RAC, IMO, THEY are the "real" LFSer's.

I think that this is reflected in the complaints we've had so far in the RSSC.
Round 4 passed last night, and we've had 3 or 4 little complaints, with only 1 resulting in a 'hardly worth it' 1 race warning penalty.

Reason why people hate LX4/6
(93 posts, started )