Most LFSer's are too lazy and ego-tistical to drive anything that requires a modicum of skill to get a good time, the LX class (along with the rest of the LRF's) don't massage your ego like the other "race" cars.
I love em, but it seem the vast majority of LFSer's seem content with ANOTHER lap of Aston in a GTR...........
ALL classes can have top notch races, just look at any of the RSSC replay's, just some classes of car need a bit of work to drive, and don't make you feel like a superstar all the time.
I have HUGE kudos to all the RSSC drivers because of the utmost respect to each other and the cars, and the top notch racing ability they show in the FZ5/RAC, IMO, THEY are the "real" LFSer's.