Matt - Intel beg to disagree - they set "Thermal Specifications" on the maximum temperature they say CPU x should hit - ie for my B3 Quad Xeon it's somewhere around the 62.3 mark, whereas for a nice G0 revision it's in the 72 region.
Older Skt. A CPU's were 180 nm and thus made a shedload of heat (CPU's hitting 80° lasting for 8 years anyone?)
AMD CPU's (Specifically the 65 & 90 nm models) shouldn't really be pushed over 55°, and the stock cooler should be able to do that just fine, Intel CPU's (Specifically the P4's) run hotter, with the suggested load temp between 60-65.
EDIT - Some pics from Intel's site:

EDIT 2 - I think ATiTool will show the temperature - if it doesn't change much then it's a sign of it not being utilized, however if your drivers are hooky then it might not load, or the card might not have a temp sensor.
Have you tried a clean uninstall>reboot>driver cleaner>reboot>re-install drivers?
Older Skt. A CPU's were 180 nm and thus made a shedload of heat (CPU's hitting 80° lasting for 8 years anyone?)
AMD CPU's (Specifically the 65 & 90 nm models) shouldn't really be pushed over 55°, and the stock cooler should be able to do that just fine, Intel CPU's (Specifically the P4's) run hotter, with the suggested load temp between 60-65.
EDIT - Some pics from Intel's site:

EDIT 2 - I think ATiTool will show the temperature - if it doesn't change much then it's a sign of it not being utilized, however if your drivers are hooky then it might not load, or the card might not have a temp sensor.
Have you tried a clean uninstall>reboot>driver cleaner>reboot>re-install drivers?