The online racing simulator
I still dont get it why people want to know how the points are being calculated. What does it matter. Becky and her crew made it this way. So take it or leave it. Its simple, if your off pace no points. Fair enough.

If you race for real you know what i mean. Sure i also like to be rewarded for ending a race.
You get extra bonus points now for doing a lape without causing a yellow flag. This does give some extra points. I noticed it last night.
Quote from niels1 :I still dont get it why people want to know how the points are being calculated. What does it matter. Becky and her crew made it this way. So take it or leave it. Its simple, if your off pace no points. Fair enough.

Quote from niels1 :I still dont get it why people want to know how the points are being calculated. What does it matter. Becky and her crew made it this way. So take it or leave it. Its simple, if your off pace no points. Fair enough.

I dont think most people who ask want to have them changed in any way.

They just want to know for what they get points and how many. Thats perfectly understandable IMO.
Quote from zeugnimod :I dont think most people who ask want to have them changed in any way.

They just want to know for what they get points and how many. Thats perfectly understandable IMO.

I think its a difficult one. From one point I agree with Niels but I also see your point Boogy4Zeugy!

However, if the full calculation is given on how to get points, this will then be abused for points gain. Sometimes, for the benefit of the system, the less you know, the better!


This is really easy:
  1. Drive cleanly
  2. Get fastest Lap
  3. Have a lap time within 108% of lap record in CTRA.
  4. Come within top 7 on the server.
  5. Wave to 3rd Marshall on left as you go past start line. Becky has a CAM in the left eye.
Quote :Come within top 7 on the server.

I would say the top 3 (for lower tier) for reasinable points. Last night, for example, the combo was as1r/fox for 16 laps. It is a fairly long race with slow technical corners where at any time coming out of a corner you can spin easily. I won the first race and got 19 pts which was great. Second race, i came 3rd (nearly overtaking 2nd on main straight) and got around 7 pts (correct me if im wrong). Then 3rd race, it wasnt great, i came 5th, a reasinable time with maybe 2-3 yellow flags, i got 4 pts.
Quote :Wave to 3rd Marshall on left as you go past start line. Becky has a CAM in the left eye.

Quote from StableX :Wave to 3rd Marshall on left as you go past start line. Becky has a CAM in the left eye.

And a gun in the other? (like the scarecrows from James Bond?)
Quote from zeugnimod :I dont think most people who ask want to have them changed in any way.

They just want to know for what they get points and how many. Thats perfectly understandable IMO.

There is nothing wrong with asking how these points are build up once. This point thing is been debated about 66876827649 times now. There is nothing to change this is the wat it is. And if you wanna know just use the search button. There should be a answer availble.

Frankly I really dont care how the points are build up. What i do know is that i like the point system but too me more importantly is good quality racing. And if 1 thing is happening on the CTRA servers is good quality racing. With or without the points.
Quote from Becky Rose :This is a fair difference in pace, positionally speaking you probably where not too far apart on points so with the gap in lap times being quite large that would account for the difference, especially if Dustin was driving close to the lap record.

Since the change however, it's far easier to complete a race without crashing than it is to do lap record pace everytime you go out on circuit.

Close to lap record! Baby, I was the lap record. Those others had nothing on me.
Quote from Becky Rose :This is a fair difference in pace, positionally speaking you probably where not too far apart on points so with the gap in lap times being quite large that would account for the difference, especially if Dustin was driving close to the lap record.

Thanks for the information. Yes, it is a fair difference in pace and I could understand the points changing so much to reflect that...

...if the race was over 1 lap.

But it was over 3 laps. Surely you can see why people keep asking if/how/why laptimes have so much to do with the points, when you can score more points than someone who beats you, just because you put in a single super-hot lap. It's the old hare and tortoise analogy again. Although I don't particularly want to associate myself with being a tortoise.

Quote from niels1 :I still dont get it why people want to know how the points are being calculated. What does it matter. Becky and her crew made it this way. So take it or leave it. Its simple, if your off pace no points. Fair enough.

Treat them like deities if you want, I'll treat them respectfully as human beings. I want to know because I don't enjoy racing the UF1, not even that keen on TBOs, so I want to advance my licence in order to enjoy the cars I do like on the clean CTRA servers. Therefore I wanted to find out why winning a race isn't the quickest way of doing that.

How will the CTRA continuously improve if nobody questions or wants to know anything about it, or nobody mentions things which they think could be improved? If Becky and her crew wanted nothing but a bunch of "yes men" commenting on the CTRA, I'm sure they could moderate this forum a lot more vigourously. And they'd not get any more constructive feedback.
The points given to position and lap time, potentially, are the same. So finishing first will grant you as many points as setting the lap record. Finishing 2nd does grant you less points, I guess somewhere around 101% lap time or something like that.

This is all an extremely moot point though, and with all the details given in the last few months quite laborious too, simply because the points changed quite dramatically later the same day as the particular incident in question.

It is now much easier to drive a clean race and score full points than it is to drive a fast race and get full points. Whilst the old points system still has some effect, it no longer matters if you are 2 seconds off the pace and fall into that category that many claimed previously, "I'm slow but clean".

I think many people are genuinely slow but clean, but generally speaking the standard of racing in LFS is still too low. Our AVERAGE yellow flag ratio on the CTRA is 28%, and i'd like to think that on the whole we have fairly clean servers.

I watched some real racing at the weekend that I thought was attrocious and yet still the average was well under 1%.

Our yellow flags comes out much faster than real racing and a lot more readily, but I think in comparable terms we should be aiming for a 10% ratio.

I seem to float around 15% or so and I keep pulling over to answer questions...

If I could change one thing on the CTRA that would have the biggest effect on improving it, it would be to get all the drivers to drive like it was the real thing and avoid those incidents we accept so readily now.

So, if you drive cleanly and dont throw out yellow flags the whole lap time debate is no longer rellevent, everyone, and I do meen everyone, should be capable of scoring full points for their position by not registering yellow flags in most of their races.
Interesting. I'd like to throw a couple of ideas into the hat. Whether or not they could be implemented is debateable and I certainly wouldn't have a clue how to do it but I'll offer them up anyhow.

What if a 2 hr track cycle were treated as an event and the damage that was suffered in one race didn't magically disappear in a subsequent race. In fact, after a certain amount of damage it would not be possible to take part in future races ... unless. The reason I say unless is, chances are, there would be nobody left to race after an hour or so. Unless they paid some of their valuable points to have some or all of the damage fixed.

It's all very restrictive, I know, but if you want realism I think this is the direction you have to look towards. On the otherhand, this could just be another crazy mad-cap notion I'm having
#38 - FL!P
I'm sure it can't be done without changes to LFS itself.
steal from bump and jump
I was wondering if anyone else likes the bump and jump position indication that is on the bottom of the screen? I would like to have that in regular races too. I find it handy to know who i'm coming up on or who is coming up on me.(This is usually the case.) It's good too know how much room to give so you don't get punted off the track!
There is the LFS position list in races that arent on the Carpark or Autocross.
Quote from Toddshooter :I was wondering if anyone else likes the bump and jump position indication that is on the bottom of the screen? I would like to have that in regular races too. I find it handy to know who i'm coming up on or who is coming up on me.(This is usually the case.) It's good too know how much room to give so you don't get punted off the track!

Wish i could see it when spectating though!
#42 - FL!P
Quote from Toddshooter :I was wondering if anyone else likes the bump and jump position indication that is on the bottom of the screen? I would like to have that in regular races too. I find it handy to know who i'm coming up on or who is coming up on me.(This is usually the case.) It's good too know how much room to give so you don't get punted off the track!

Have a look at LFSRelax. Its Gap feature does something like that.
Quote from Toddshooter :I was wondering if anyone else likes the bump and jump position indication that is on the bottom of the screen?

Careful with that, it only shows the situation as it was when you last drove thru a check point.
ok now i get less points for consistanty and lap records on CTRA system then when i crashed with a nackered wheel :S
then to make matters worse my hard fought uf1 lap record is now taken by a platinum driver only doing 2 laps to steal that from me
how can silver drivers get anywhere when platinum drivers are glory hunters?
plz stop platinum drivers driving the lower cars like silver drivers cannot drive the higher cars.
its hard work in its self without platium drivers robbing us
#45 - Jakg
There's been numerous threads on this - why is it fair that people like Moose are banned from driving slower cars simply so you can get a lap record? Makes the whole point of a record pretty stupid!

Platinum and Titanium drivers already get bugger all points as it is on the lower servers
Since when has somebody driving faster than you been a case of robbery?
well FXO etc drivers are getting 50ish points while uf1 are getting 18
how is that fair?
and i havent seen a points increase for the lap records which is supposed to be the point yes?
Quote from Becky Rose :Since when has somebody driving faster than you been a case of robbery?

When someone has stolen your car and your chasing them in your friends car?

On Topic - I actually think they need to be careful not to make it too easy to get the higher level licenses, I see very little wrong with the current system and considering it is mostly an automated system it is very well implemmented imo
#49 - Dru
Quote from Becky Rose :
I watched some real racing at the weekend that I thought was attrocious and yet still the average was well under 1%.

Becky are you for real?

for your real racing to be correct a 1% average would mean 1 person driving for 100 laps with only one yellow flag caused?

you sure you have this right?

and that average is over all the drivers?

unless your yellow flags are calculated some other way?

as i've raced 5889 laps on the CTRA-X system and had 1227 yellows

so basically this means i'm running at 20% flags, which in truth means i'm on average i'm causing 2 yellows flag situations every 10 laps of racing (including rejoinig from pits and slowing down too much to let leaders thorugh etc etc) are you really saying that the figure is way too high?

#50 - Jakg
Beckies yellow flags are in no way related to how real flags work as it's impossible without a "live martial".

20% isn't bad, anything under about 30% is fine, under 20% is good, under 15% is great, and if your running at 5% (the lowest i'ev seen for someone who's done more than a few laps) then you freaking own

(i think i'm at 16% btw, and driving it down :P)