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Michael Schumacher Driving Style
(121 posts, started )
Actually, it was never really proven either way. Flat tyres? Bottoming? Mistake? Passing out momentarily? Nothing was ever proven which is why charges were never made. Could have been driver error in other words (but unlikely).
Yeah, you're right - all analysis was inconclusive really. I was just trying to steer this out of the "statistics" clause using the "profound statement" card.

Thing is that many drivers have died in accidents - did that make them all worse than others in terms of ability while they were alive?

Schumacher has had his share of accidents and several of them would of had a higher probability of a fatal or maiming accident if it wasn't for the security of formula cars and tracks of his day - a lot of progress in that department was instigated by the consecutive deaths of Ratzenberger and Senna.

Sadly we didn't get the chance to see them battle it out in equal(ish) cars. Although a certain GP in Donnington Park in the wet comes to mind with rather unequal cars.
Xaotik... Schumacher raced in Sennas day. He had the same chance of dying, just as Senna did. I am not a Schumacher fan, i just don't argue with the Truth, something Senna-fans cannot simply do.

They HAD to say it WASN'T driver error, OH NO, cos Senna NEVER made a mistake. Even when he caused accidents. Im sorry, he was insane if you can't see that, your insane too. Taking others lives into his own hands. Causing crashes, aggrivation...

Thats the kind of Idiotic behaviour that gets you banned from the majority of LFS public AND league servers. You don't condone it publicly, yet for Senna it is ok?!
Quote from BlueFlame :Xaotik... Schumacher raced in Sennas day. He had the same chance of dying, just as Senna did.

But that doesn't prove anything. This form of racing is not an arena with fights to-the-death - last man standing is the best.
[MadMax2]22 men enter - 1 man leaves! 22 men enter - 1 man leaves! [/MadMax2]

With that reasoning: Schumacher broke his leg - very few others broke their leg - ergo they are better drivers.

Quote from BlueFlame :Im sorry, he was insane if you can't see that, your insane too. Taking others lives into his own hands. Causing crashes, aggrivation...

And with that reasoning: 20 other drivers were equally insane as him to share the same racetrack with him.

Quote from BlueFlame :Thats the kind of Idiotic behaviour that gets you banned from the majority of LFS public AND league servers. You don't condone it publicly, yet for Senna it is ok?!

That sounds like a line a lawyer would use in some sort of cheap soap-opera portrayal of a trial.
#30 - Jakg
Quote from BlueFlame :No 'could of been' 'should of been'

Senna owned when he was alive, and then he died.

I'm not a Senna fanboy, i don't even like F1, but to say that Schumi statistically being a better driver, and then ignoring the fact his main competitor is a bit too dead to compete is ludicrous...
Quote from xaotik :But that doesn't prove anything. This form of racing is not an arena with fights to-the-death - last man standing is the best.
[MadMax2]22 men enter - 1 man leaves! 22 men enter - 1 man leaves! [/MadMax2]

With that reasoning: Schumacher broke his leg - very few others broke their leg - ergo they are better drivers.

And with that reasoning: 20 other drivers were equally insane as him to share the same racetrack with him.

That sounds like a line a lawyer would use in some sort of cheap soap-opera portrayal of a trial.

Madmax 3 Actually :P
You can all say drivers are insane for racing, and Schumacher and Senna were the same in alot of ways.
Senna was a nice guy yes, good driver of course, but he is no way the best driver of Formula 1. Gilles Villeneuve gets it for me.
Quote from Jakg :Senna owned when he was alive, and then he died.

I'm not a Senna fanboy, i don't even like F1, but to say that Schumi statistically being a better driver, and then ignoring the fact his main competitor is a bit too dead to compete is ludicrous...

Senna would of quit before Schumacher did. Truth is Senna didn't own. When he was in Lotus he performed that of Jenson Button, only when he was in McLaren did the championship start coming his way (1988 onwards). Looking at the stats, Senna was better statistically but it looked like the car let its self down, but I believe Schumacher has equaled Senna on so many levels, that is why he is better. Who knows Schumacher could still come back.
#32 - FL!P
Quote from BlueFlame :No 'could of been' 'should of been'

Sorry, but not 'should of been', 'should have been'.

That said, statistically, Schumacher is the best F1 driver of all times, whether you like it or not. He simply has won more points, races, and championships titles than anyone else, dead or alive (including one championship after only 11 races, which is another of his records). Also, AFAIK, he's probably the drivers who triggered the most innovations on the technical side of F1 racing (like wheel paddles, for example). And he resurrected Ferrari who hadn't won a championship for about 25 years, when he joined them!
Paddles first used in F1 in 1988 I believe.
Ferrari hadn't won since 1979 when he joined, which is more like 17 years, not 25.

Schumacher was better in many ways than Senna, but not all ways.

Senna was a bit better than Jenson, even in the Lotus. Don't ever make the mistake of confusing lack of results with lack of ability.
Quote from FL!P :Sorry, but not 'should of been', 'should have been'.

That said, statistically, Schumacher is the best F1 driver of all times, whether you like it or not. He simply has won more points, races, and championships titles than anyone else, dead or alive (including one championship after only 11 races, which is another of his records). Also, AFAIK, he's probably the drivers who triggered the most innovations on the technical side of F1 racing (like wheel paddles, for example). And he resurrected Ferrari who hadn't won a championship for about 25 years, when he joined them!

You said it better than me...

Well Tristan... If your saying it like that, then that means people like Roberto Moreno and Gianni Morbidelli actually had talent...
Quote from BlueFlame :Gilles Villeneuve gets it for me.

But he died! :P

Quote from BlueFlame :Truth is Senna didn't own. When he was in Lotus he performed that of Jenson Button, only when he was in McLaren did the championship start coming his way (1988 onwards).

Now, now. Button has scored the amazing total of 1 (one) GP win. And his best ranking of 3rd in the general classification (when Honda was cheating, IIRC).

Senna had 6 GP wins in the Lotus. And before that he basically performed miracles with a Toleman. Had what, 2 or 3 podium finishes? Including the one in Monaco where he practically dominated the race in the rain.

But anyway - rehashing all this is pretty pointless.
Don't compare Button with Senna..
#37 - FL!P
Quote from tristancliffe :Ferrari hadn't won since 1979 when he joined, which is more like 17 years, not 25.

Yeah sorry. Drifted a bit, there. But still...
Quote from tristancliffe :Paddles first used in F1 in 1988 I believe.
Ferrari hadn't won since 1979 when he joined, which is more like 17 years, not 25.

Schumacher was better in many ways than Senna, but not all ways.

Senna was a bit better than Jenson, even in the Lotus. Don't ever make the mistake of confusing lack of results with lack of ability.

Quote from diablo21 :Don't compare Button with Senna..

I'm just saying any driver is/has been as good. Senna is not and has never been, the be all and end all of F1.
Quote from BlueFlame :I'm just saying any driver is/has been as good.

Which, is plainly a false statement. Even statistically, as you like to point out.
#40 - FL!P
Quote from tristancliffe :Paddles first used in F1 in 1988 I believe.

Had to look it up. We're both wrong, apparently.

Quote :As recently as 1992, the steering wheel on a Formula 1 car was a relatively plain, straightforward piece of equipment, round in shape, with a metal plate at the centre to attach it to the steering column, and generally no more than three buttons – one for selecting neutral, one for releasing liquid through a tube in the helmet for the driver to replenish his fluid levels and one for the radio.

The advent of complex electronic systems in Formula 1 throughout the 1990s changed all that. McLaren engineer John Barnard was the first to introduce this system and enabled Nigel Mansell to shift gears without having to move a hand away from the steering wheel.

And John Barnard introduced it on the Ferrari in 1988 when Mansell drove for them. I concede it might be 1989. Williams were not the first in 1992, and they weren't Bernard engineered.
Quote from FL!P :How about Senna? Remember how he took out Prost at Suzuka in 89 and 90?

Everything is fair in love and war, they say!

ah! but in 89, it was Prost who took Senna out and then Senna took out Prost out in 90. Tbh, judging by the reasons for why both drivers did it, they had 1 reason in common and that was winning the championship but in 90, Senna should've had the left side of the track for pole position after it had been agreed before qualifying that it would be on the right but a mr. Balistre (I think ) changed it to the right after qualifying which was very unjust to Senna so he had the right to be angry whilst with Prost, his only reason was to win the championship. That doesn't mean I don't respect Prost, Prost is one of my favs

Oh right! sorry, I forgot, you're French FLIP . Just joking , I know everyone has their opinions of drivers
Quote from Elderado :Didn't take the time to watch it but does he explain how to ram people or stop in the middle of the track to keep your pole position?

Darn - u beat me to it.......

Anyone remember:
Adelaide '96
Jerez '97
Monaco '06

Any more?
Well, try and look at it judging the driver on his own or basing his speed and consistency in testing and qualifying. Senna, Prost, Schumacher and many other champions were all cheeky but what made them unique was their character and driving ability.
#46 - FL!P
Quote from Leprekaun :Oh right! sorry, I forgot, you're French FLIP . Just joking , I know everyone has their opinions of drivers

Don't get me wrong, Lep. I'm not a fan of Schumacher or of anyone else. I've been very impressed, in one way or another, by a lot of drivers, including Senna, Prost and Schumacher, but I never swore allegiance to any of them. As long as I can watch good races, I don't really care on who wins them.
#47 - aoun
Quote from J@tko :Darn - u beat me to it.......

Anyone remember:
Adelaide '96
Jerez '97
Monaco '06

Any more?

I surely remember!!!

Senna made plenty of mistakes, and yeh caused abit.. so did Juan Montoya, but i dont recall them doing it on complete purpose or parking on the track like a retard!
I thought I had read somewhere that they finally found the data logger from Senna's car (it went missing and/or was purposely damaged right after the crash if I remeber correctly) and sorted through it all. The caution lap prior to his crash is believed to have reduced tire pressure enough so that his skidplate bottomed out. No broken steering column, no sabotage, no holding his breath and passing out... Haven't seen anyone as fun to watch since....

Incomplete explanation
I don't get why you people are still arguing over Senna and Schumacher. Senna was good in his times, and Schumacher was good during his times. So just stop comparing these to drivers because, cars they used were far different from each other. Any of you see a coincidence? In 1994 Senna lost his life with no more championships to win. In 2004 Schumacher stopped winning championships. Each had they're own era of winning now it's somebody else's turn to start a new era. So just stop saying who cheated or not, the truth is everyone cheats in life we may not see it, but everyone cheats at something.
Quote from Btoryo :I don't get why you people are still arguing over Senna and Schumacher. Senna was good in his times, and Schumacher was good during his times. So just stop comparing these to drivers because, cars they used were far different from each other. Any of you see a coincidence? In 1994 Senna lost his life with no more championships to win. In 2004 Schumacher stopped winning championships. Each had they're own era of winning now it's somebody else's turn to start a new era. So just stop saying who cheated or not, the truth is everyone cheats in life we may not see it, but everyone cheats at something.


Michael Schumacher Driving Style
(121 posts, started )