The online racing simulator
Well 50 degrees on idle is pretty damn Celeron idles at 35, and it's an old, slow, and hot chip. Temperatures can sometimes double under load, and I'm guessing he just has the basic Intel HSF. It would be worth going through the drivers and updating, or repairing them. If you could get your hand on a second hard drive that would be sweet, that way you could figure out if it is a corrupt install and/or spyware/virus'.
Mine can get up to around 60C idle on really hot days...

...maybe his computer really is overheating. I just moved to a college dorm with no A/C and my computer which was working fine now struggles to stay even mildly hot.

But dude, what country are you from? Is English not your main language? If so, that's fine, but I just hate those people who come on forums begging for other people's time to help them with problems, but don't bother to invest their own time to even write full sentences. At the very least, PLEASE try to separate your sentences with periods.
Inside your windows folder there is a folder called minidump. Windows generates a memory dump every time the computer blue screens. If you look in there (C:\windows\minidump) and attach a few of the most recent ones to this thread I will have a look at them and tell you what the problem is likely to be.
There weird i put there but not there
Attached files
New WinRAR archive.rar - 72.7 KB - 106 views
OK, I have had a look at the minidump logs and there is no consistent error. Your Windows crashes from a variety of things, none of which really relate to each other. This leads me to suspect that your RAM is faulty.

To check your RAM, go to here:

Download from the "pre-built and iso" section whichever one you want to use, if you have a floppy drive that is probably easiest. Follow the instructions to make the disk or cd and reboot your computer from it. Leave it running for at least one complete cycle, and if there are any errors reported then you know your RAM is faulty.

There are a variety of other things that could be wrong, but RAM is the most likely (and probably the cheapest and easiest one to fix).

Hope that helps.
Ok can i say i got new ram and before it still did it

i have no floppy drive its a gaming pc
It still could be the RAM, although that would be a strange coincidence. What brand of RAM did you buy? Also, are you certain it is seated correctly? It could be your mobo that's causing the problems if that it the case.

Still, run the Memtest app and see what's what. Buy a floppy drive from a PC store - they cost $10.
ok il do that and i wil see
You can use the iso memtest file and burn it to a cd instead of using a floppy.
i put it on but nothing happeds whn i load pc