The online racing simulator
LFSLapper insim4 Release
(2101 posts, closed, started )
thankyou Gai Luron for a fantastic program

i have a small request, would it be possible to put in the next version of lapper the option to warn/spectate/kick players with extremely high pings?

(at least i hope its a small request lol)
Quote from revolucio :Hi, all is correctly, but into the dedi server when LFSLapper stops, shows this: "INSIM ERROR: WOULDBLOCK"

Help, please

I need help, please
Ok, here is my lapper config. Basically everthing works except the !top command. As I mentioned, it only shows the default car when I do !top, so if I do !top fz5, it will still show the list of the lx6, in this example...

I have had this problem a while and would really appreciate any help

Obviously I have changed the extension from cfg to txt as this forum wouldn't allow cfg...
Attached files
LFSLapper.txt - 25 KB - 254 views
Now ive been searching each page after some answers and found some that didnt work, so i wondered if any one of you could please send/make a Demo Drift CFG ? Ive been trying to make one but havent sucseded. So I realy need help here, any one mind? Sorry for my bad english :bounce8:
Ok, I just got Lapper running a server. I stopped things I didn't want to run and "stuff" but when people are racing "IS_MTC only for multiplayer hosts" keeps coming up onscreen? We are on the autocross(AU1) if that helps. I'd just like to know why it's doing this and maybe how to stop it. Thanks.

Edit: It must be easy to fix because I didn't find anything while searching.

Edit2: Thinking about it now maybe I put a # in front of something I shouldn't. Just looking through it now...

Maybe your admin password

Nope, pass is the same. I'm getting some messages and PB times so it is working. I'll just start from scratch again, thanks anyway.

Edit: Ok, I tried it again with just putting in the password with nothing else changed and I still get this message, see attachment. I thought I might have changed a few things by mistake but obviously I didn't if it happens with a fresh .cfg file.

I have gone by the first post and seems to work apart from this.

Please forgive me if it's something stupid...

Edit2: Do any files have to be server side? Because I'm running this from my PC and this is a mates server rented from 500servers.
Attached images

LFSLapper will be connected with host and not on LFS in your Local machine. It's better to put Lapper on server. The /insim 29999 it's on server, not on Local. In local your insim port must be close.

If you want use Lapper anyway, put IP adress of your 500server and pass in your local cfg file. open port if you have router and try.

Quote from U4IK ST8 :Nope, pass is the same. I'm getting some messages and PB times so it is working. I'll just start from scratch again, thanks anyway.

Edit: Ok, I tried it again with just putting in the password with nothing else changed and I still get this message, see attachment. I thought I might have changed a few things by mistake but obviously I didn't if it happens with a fresh .cfg file.

I have gone by the first post and seems to work apart from this.

Please forgive me if it's something stupid...

Edit2: Do any files have to be server side? Because I'm running this from my PC and this is a mates server rented from 500servers.

Ask your mate to get Franky500 to put lapper on the server for him
Ah I see, thanks lads.

LFSLapper works fine, except the drift thing doesn't work, it keeps saying
Warning:Error loading ./DriftPB.txt or file does not exist yet!

While i did drifted, and did finished my lap..
Great work!
It's possible to autorename pb.txt file with parameters?
Example: pb{ShortTrackName}.txt

It would be useful!
Hi people, superb bit of programming! Lapper rocks!

Anyway, enough of the ego stroking, you know you're geniuses (geneii?).

Now my question.... or plea for aid.

I have lapper set up and working fine and dandy.

Just a couple of n00b questions.

1: Drift Scoring - Only seems to keep a score if it's the drift that you end the lap on. What I mean is, I have had 20,000pt drifts mid lap - got it wrong and ended up with a score of 23pts. Is this normal, or have I knackered summat?

2: Drift Scoring again - The 'Great Drift' and stuff. Is set to show 'Great Drift' at 4,000 points - is there a way of adding 'Mega Drift' at say 10,000pts and 'Unbelievable Drift' at say 20,000pts as well?

No doubt I'll be back with more inane questions soon enough.


1 - look this chapter on cfg file to cumulate:
GoodDriftScore = 4000
GoodDriftAction = /msg {Nickname} ^3made excellent drift: ^7{LastDriftScore} ^3pts

# Minimum drift score required.
MinimumDriftScore = 0
and this:
MinimumDriftSpeed = 0
MinimumDriftAngle = 1
MaximumDriftAngle = 360

2 - no only one step actualy to compliments

but try this

# Spinning detection options

# Minimum angle velocity to trigger action. Possible values: 0 - 720.

MinAngleVelocity = 40

#AngleVelocityAction = /spectate {Nickname}|/msg {Nickname} ^3 removed from track for wrecking
AngleVelocityAction = /msg Very nice slide by {Nickname}

#MaxNbInStunt is max time (in 100 ms) allowed in stunt mode before MaxNbInStuntAction is executed. If -1 No MaxNbInStuntAction are activated.
MaxNbInStunt =1
MaxNbInStuntAction = /msg {Nickname} made an amazing 360
Quote from gwendoline :

but try this

# Spinning detection options

# Minimum angle velocity to trigger action. Possible values: 0 - 720.

MinAngleVelocity = 60

#AngleVelocityAction = /spectate {Nickname}|/msg {Nickname} ^3 removed from track for wrecking
AngleVelocityAction = /msg Very nice slide by {Nickname}

#MaxNbInStunt is max time (in 100 ms) allowed in stunt mode before MaxNbInStuntAction is executed. If -1 No MaxNbInStuntAction are activated.
MaxNbInStunt =1
MaxNbInStuntAction = /msg {Nickname} made an amazing 360

Lol, very funny.....

Anyway, thanks a lot, you are a star.

But I think I fudged the question now I've played a bit longer.

This is more what I meant....

1. Can we set it so that the 'out lap' is counted? With tyres only lasting for a lap when drifting the entire track, it doesn't record your lap scores until your tyres are mullered. Or is it just a case of 'preserve your tyres on the out lap you numpty'?

2. What I meant about the scoring was: Lapper only seems to record scores as the start/ finish line is crossed.

What I am after, is a way to record a score to the !drf leaderboard if the score was lost at half lap.

Thanks mucka, you're a star for putting up with n00bs like me.



Oh, and how can I make the ConnectMsg stay on screen longer?
To lapper can count the first lap (when you outing diretly of pits), build A layout with finish line moved (after pit outings).

Increase this number...permanent mess no possible
# How much time will big text messages last (text that is started by rcm_all command).
# In milliseconds.

MessageTime = 15000

exemple of welcome message (connect mess)
ConnectMsg =
^3 PREQUALIFY IN PROGRESS (10 days left) |
Welcome to ^2{LongTrackName} ^8({ShortTrackName})|
Associate weather city {colon} ^2Budapest ^8(Hungary) |
{LongDate} - {ShortTime} |
Forecast weather/Estimations conditions meteo |
Air Temp {colon} ^623 C |
Sky {colon} ^6More sun than clouds/Plutot ensoleille|
Wind {colon} ^66 km/h SSW (no wind) |
Total laps done on {Car} {colon} ^2{Laps} |
Local PBs'rank Position {colon} ^2{Posabs} |
^7League prequalify Position {colon} ^2{Posqual} |
^7Estimate Pool {colon} ^2{Groupqual} |
Clean (and experienced) visitors accepted |
Respect blue flags as quick as possible |
Dont trouble leaguers performing here
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh..... clever bugger!

And saving scores 'lost' mid lap?

Then my server will be complete... Mwahahaaaaaaaaaaa....

Thank you
Servermessages don't hide

I'm having a strange problem: The BIG Text-Messages like "Please, brake in time !" disappear only once.

I try to explain.
  1. Race "1" starts, it shows "Please brake in time". After 5 seconds, the Message disappears.
  2. Race "2" starts, it shows "Please brake in time", but the message does not disappear.
I run LFSLapper on Linux/Debian with the most current mono-Version.

Hints are welcome.

Hi, I have small/big problems with LFSLapper:

Normally lapper runs ok, bun now i want to modify setup.cfg of the server to connect as admin:

I changed setup.cfg like this:

// optional: admin password

and server runs OK, and I can connect as admin, but when I want to start Lapper, it doesn't want to run, in console I get this message:

InSim : password does not match you multiplayer admin password

but i changed LFSlapper.cfg line to:

Password = test

but message is still the same.

Help please, what I need to do, to connect to my server as admin and run LFSlapper?

BTW: I run demo server
Hi venni,
i have the same problem and i'm under linux too RedHat9 / Mono

Big text like "it is 12h00 : it is time to lunch" or "it is 00h00 it is time to sleep if you work tomorrow" don't desappear.
Only the "/rcm" text don't desappear, the "/msg" text is correctely displayed. Strange.

Her is the piece of my .cfg :

ScheduledAction =
0 0 0 * * * |/rcm Info pour ceux qui travaillent ... il est minuit !:/rcm_all|
0 0 12 * * * |/rcm il est 12h00 - pensez a aller manger:/rcm_all|
0 0 0 1 1 * |/rcm BONNE ANNEE A TOUS !!!:/rcm_all|
0 * * * * * : 30 * * * * *|/msg Replays are store at ^6^8
see post below
I fixed the problem of the "not disappearing" /rcm messages in the source. The Problem was, that the timer was not stopped and couldn't be reinited.

I changed the function "RestartTimer()" in Main.cs to:
void RestartTimer()
timer.Interval = MessageTime;

I attached the patched EXE-File (v5.14) here, simply replace the old one.
Attached files - 51.4 KB - 335 views


Update Release 5.15 with Timer correction

License Hack
Hi Gai-Luron.

I did another hack, to fit LFSLapper to our aims, and I think that it is useful for many other people too.

We run two servers. You have to earn a license on the first server, to connect to the second one.

So I implemented into LFSLapper the check, weather a racer has a license or not. If not, LFSLapper kicks him out.

To perform this check, LFSLapper checks a PHP-Script at a custom URL ({Username}) for a short return-value: 1 or 0.

The Part of the config looks like this:
# Here you can enter an URL to a custom PHP-Script of your Website, to
# check, if a connecting user is licensed to drive on your server.
# The URL has to return 1 in case of a licensed driver. Otherwise 0.
# If you do not want to use this feature, comment this lines by #
CheckLicense ={Username}
NoLicenseAction = /msg You need a License to use this server!|/rcm_pty {Username}|
/msg You need a License to use this server!|/rcm_pty {Username}|
/msg You need a License to use this server!|/rcm_pty {Username}|
/msg ^7Check^8 !|/rcm_pty {Username}|
/kick {Username}

I added one class called "licenses.cs" and did some very(!) small changes in the Main.cs (you can find them by searching for "venni").

I attached those files here. Maybe you can implement it in the next version. Many thanks in advance.
Attached files - 19.3 KB - 293 views
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LFSLapper insim4 Release
(2101 posts, closed, started )