Quote from Venus :This is sposed to be a race simulation. I think its about time you got rid of the big messages (Yellow flag, Blue flag etc) and actually placed some models around the track that waved the correct flag for the proper event.

And did any of you ever think a race simulation needs a Checkered Flag at the finish??? Its about time it had one.

Small thing I know, but without those basic things, it has a more arcade feel, regardless of the realism we know it possesses in car.

Another obvious thing missing, is crowds. Its about time the sim got these basic things, partially animated crowds, waving the odd banner/flag wouldn't add too much to the f/r load (animations could be dialed back nyway in options). But it should be there.

Although it has everything a race sim should have, missing these few basic things, leaves wins feeling a little hollow.

Another thing that would be nice, but probably not possible is a podium. Mostly for SP, as I don't think ny1 would want it in MP.


I fully agree, but in the real racing cars there should be lights to indicate there is a blue/yellow flag, or maybe someone trough radio.
i was about to write about the engine stalling... it would be great especially when playing with an axle clutch so you'd have to release the clutch slowly to get a smooth start
they need to edit the first post!
just to name a few...
+ Public and private slots there is
+ Option to force cockpit view there is
+ Cancel a penalty given by server admin (/p_clear X)
+ No reset whilst on grid (/canreset=no)
HA hasn't been around for the entire summer. I saw him online for the first time in ages just the other day. I'm sure he'll get around to updating the post as soon as he can. It's a lot more work than just highlighting the features which have been added to LFS.
The forced cockpit view for servers has already been implemented (Patch x). (just to keep it updated)

EDIT: ive just realised that 'thebestracerthereis' has already sed that. doh!
I dont think they updated it in awhile
probally already suggested but a favorites server function
In my opinion, more than a 4th GTR car we need an AWD car in the LRF class. There are 3 rwds now and IMO only LX6 is enjoyable to drive, so an awd in that class would be great - not only for road tracks but also for rallycross and autocross.
An AWD ( Group B \ WRC ) cars would be fun

Quote from ealoken :An AWD ( Group B \ WRC ) cars would be fun


I agree. Group B might be a bit too powerful (500+hp), but WRC spec car would be great.
i think that lfs could have bikes or something
Quote from tonix :I agree. Group B might be a bit too powerful (500+hp), but WRC spec car would be great.

meaby, powerful cars ar heavy to drive, thoug, its what makes the difference from good driver to exelent.

i also want more gravel tracks, higher speed and moore fights.
Quote from ealoken :and moore fights.

Indeed, I would like to be able to drag certain people out of their virtual cars and give them a tune up. +1.
This is rather simple and doesn't have anything to do with gameplay, but an option to disable the screensaver and Windows power management settings (screen off, HDD off, suspend, etc.) would be very nice to have. My display has gone off because of no mouse/keyboard activity more than once during a race.

EDIT: Just finished a race and thought of something else: separate audio controls for different sound effects. Currently, any audio settings related to the car (engine, tires, collision, etc.) is all grouped together in one setting. I think there should be separate settings for:
- Engine
- Tires (squeal, screech, etc.)
- Collision
- Road noise
- Drive train
- Turbo

The main reason for this, for me, is so that I can better customize CSR. Eg.: I want CSR to handle the engine noise, but it doesn't do tire squealing/screeching nor collision, so I want LFS to handle those. But, LFS can only control all of those as one setting.

Other than that, I'm sure there are others who also want to customize the various sounds of their cars as well.
All I personally want is that the sounds get a massive update sometime. No advanced/basic editor is imho needed as long as it is almost impossible to make a car sound like a car.
Quote :All I personally want is that the sounds get a massive update sometime. No advanced/basic editor is imho needed as long as it is almost impossible to make a car sound like a car.

I'm not asking for an "advanced editor" (CSR does a great job of being that for me ), all I'm looking for is an option to balance out the various sounds in some more detail.
One thing, mainly for endu races...

An option to add / delete laps for a specific player would be cool.

It's always hard to know ingame in a longer race (6 hours) who you are fighting for position with once you had a disconnect. It's also kind of hard when lapping (other don't get blue flags, or you don't get any).

something like /addlap <player> <amount of laps> /dellap <player> <amount of laps>

That would really help
Quote from three_jump :One thing, mainly for endu races...

An option to add / delete laps for a specific player would be cool.

It's always hard to know ingame in a longer race (6 hours) who you are fighting for position with once you had a disconnect. It's also kind of hard when lapping (other don't get blue flags, or you don't get any).

something like /addlap <player> <amount of laps> /dellap <player> <amount of laps>

That would really help

There is a problem with that. Basically it allows server admins to decide who wins a race on public servers. It needs some sneaky feature that it can't be used just about anytime.

I can't really think of anything that could prevent it from happening but the suggested feature is needed one. Although in events like MoE it would also add the workload of the admins unless done autmatically by insim.
brilliant thread by the way
I was about to post a thread about adding the Surround Sound feature in LFS, but it is mentioned here already. I would like to "vote" for it. It is nice to hear what is going on behind me. I have to fake the surround sound with the CMSS 2 feature in Sound Blaster Audigy 2. This feature up-mixes stereo to the rear left and right speakers. I also have to turn on "Matrix" mode on my front center in order to hear the engine in a more realistic position.
Quote from Gargantula :I was about to post a thread about adding the Surround Sound feature in LFS, but it is mentioned here already. I would like to "vote" for it. It is nice to hear what is going on behind me. I have to fake the surround sound with the CMSS 2 feature in Sound Blaster Audigy 2. This feature up-mixes stereo to the rear left and right speakers. I also have to turn on "Matrix" mode on my front center in order to hear the engine in a more realistic position.

so you mean to tell me that someone actually read this thread before starting a new thread on something that already has been suggested?

Yes, I like to check out the stickies and to search before posting on any forum. Rare, I know, but I know how annoying it can get for duplicate or useless threads to be posted.