Hi Mopstar, it looks like you havn't filled in your name in the $menus within the server or at the
myctra page, IIRC you need to enter a password while in the servers to gain access. If you are having difficulty with the $menus , when in a ctra server type $ in the chat and use the [?] button to navigate the menu.
I think (and Im no ctra admin so I could be well wrong
) that you didnt score points in the race above because even tho you had just crossed the line, as shown in the replay and LFS results,; the ctra race manager either, A: discounted your results because it initiated kicking you before it recieved the full results for the race, or, B: didn't get your results because you had already been kicked and were no longer on the server. or some combination of the 2.
anyway its best to wait until the results screen fully appears, if only the [?] appears then wait 10 seconds or so
before repeating any chat binds
As you know you were kicked automatically for the "
" spam, this has caught many of us out whilst celebrating, or even during close racing, but its a good rule and there for a good reason.
I recomend everyone to get aquainted with the CTRA site, and READ through the rules, and all the $menus in the servers before clicking the I AGREE button.