Becky, I would appreciate it if i could have this ban taken off. The reason i say this: If you were to ask, sparkydave, moose, lordblaster, ANYbody, the will tell you that i am not a wrecker.(fusion.IceMan) Now on the otherhand im pretty sure i know why this ban is in place, there is another person who plays on this account.(sprinter11X) Which i am positive that this will be the last time. I have warned him that if he goes into these servers you cant be a jacka** or you will have us both banned. Obviously that was not taken seriously. I have a 3 day ban with the ctra servers, and i would really like to ask if you could plz lift that ban becky. I can promise it wont happen again. Now if that replay had Fusion.IceMan in it(me) then dont lift the ban, but im pretty sure this ban is not because of me. I apologize to whoever(sprinter11x) has crashed or taken out with plain disregard. I never would do that nor do i try to. I love the CTRA servers, i think its one of the best things that has happened to lfs in a long time. In 3 days i have to go in for lab tests on a surgery and 1 day later i have to have the surgery. This was the best thing to keep my mind off of it(ctra) so i would really appreciate it if you would concider lifting the ban.
Thanks becky,
Mike Morris (Fusion.IceMan)
Thanks becky,
Mike Morris (Fusion.IceMan)