The online racing simulator
Banned :\ [solved]
(13 posts, closed, started )
Banned :\ [solved]
Becky, I would appreciate it if i could have this ban taken off. The reason i say this: If you were to ask, sparkydave, moose, lordblaster, ANYbody, the will tell you that i am not a wrecker.(fusion.IceMan) Now on the otherhand im pretty sure i know why this ban is in place, there is another person who plays on this account.(sprinter11X) Which i am positive that this will be the last time. I have warned him that if he goes into these servers you cant be a jacka** or you will have us both banned. Obviously that was not taken seriously. I have a 3 day ban with the ctra servers, and i would really like to ask if you could plz lift that ban becky. I can promise it wont happen again. Now if that replay had Fusion.IceMan in it(me) then dont lift the ban, but im pretty sure this ban is not because of me. I apologize to whoever(sprinter11x) has crashed or taken out with plain disregard. I never would do that nor do i try to. I love the CTRA servers, i think its one of the best things that has happened to lfs in a long time. In 3 days i have to go in for lab tests on a surgery and 1 day later i have to have the surgery. This was the best thing to keep my mind off of it(ctra) so i would really appreciate it if you would concider lifting the ban.
Thanks becky,
Mike Morris (Fusion.IceMan)
I can't imagine you being the sort to get banned either Mike......
I will vouch for you Iceman. Certainly have never seen anything in my races with you that warranted a ban. It concerns me though that you've allowed someone else to use your account. Especially a sub-standard driver who has indeed attracted a ban and tarnished your name
I do hope you're not licence sharing, that's not permitted under the LFS licence agreement.
#5 - SamH
Mike, I've raced with you many times too and enjoyed the racing always. I'll look into the report and send you a link to get more info
Thanks a bunch Sam, and all of you guys, as far as license sharing, Its my dad, im pretty sure TONS of people do it, but im just honest enough to let everyone know. But this is not going to happen again. CTRA means a bunch to me. When i come online, its the only thing i do with lfs anymore. I love it, and all of the good racers that come with it. Thanks again Sam, i told my pops if he even so much as goes into a CTRA server, im locking the game ive worked really hard to get to this point in CTRA (27th in the Hall of fame) and the last thing i need is for my pops to screw that up. I Have so many more points i need to get
Thanks guys, Means alot
Quote from SamH :Mike, I've raced with you many times too and enjoyed the racing always. I'll look into the report and send you a link to get more info

Mike either way, ban lifted or not, I do wish you well for your upcoming op.
I havn't been on the ctra servers for a while, but I do remember some great racing with you and your teammates some weeks back, and very clean respectfull races they were too

As for letting another party know your LFS login details (or maybe a friend or EDIT DAD using your PC? ) Nows about the time to buy them an S2 voucher or change you pw's and let them buy their own

seriously, have a speedy recovery oh and put me on your LFSWorld buddy list and pop in for some laps if you see me on (mainly MOE GT2 testing atm).

#8 - Dru
Can vouch for Iceman too. however is it not allowed that Iceman's dad can not play LFS on the same computer in his basement on the same license?

anyhow Mike,

From all at ZWR mate, wish you the best mate, speedy recovery


Wow guys, what can i say, this is why i love lfs so much. Just some great people on here. Sparky, i really appreciate that m8, as well as you dru I will for sure do that sparky, provided i dont get my license revoked. To be entirely honest, i thought that license sharing was about not giving it out to your friends, or another person, but when they live in the same house as you, i guess i didnt see a major problem with it. I mean its my dad you know? But as of now i realize that this must not happen. Right now money is tight, (surgery and all) but i will try real hard to get him a license. I dont want to loose mine because of sharing, but its my own fault. Same with this short ban, i should have known. Hes a really good driver in real life(just won the USCA championship. but its hard for him to understand the concept of a mouse but in the mean time, ill do my best to not have him race on my comp. When im not here its going to be hard. This is a shared computer. And honestly hes really hard headed.

Even if my license is revoked for license sharing, at least i fessed up to it, and ill leave with my pride i knowing i made some awesome friends here, ALL of you guys have really gained my respect, LFS i cant thank enough for that, I do hope to see you guys again on the track, and i hope that this can all be resolved. If the devs read this, i am really sorry about the license sharing, i had a different understanding about the boundries of it. Still am very thankfull for the oportunities that lfs has brought(friends) And i really thank everyone for the support on my surgery. I was hit on my harley davidson by a car( if you guys would like to see pics of my new and old bike. Sparky and dru thanks again, and to everyone. Thank you sam for lookin for the ban, and getting me the replay, im going to check it right now and see if i was in the wrong, or it was my pops.
You guys are awesome,
yeh I've race with u few times...and i think u surely don't deserve ban, good, clean racer and part of a well-known-respected team!
as far of game sharing, all who access ur cpu can access ur liveforspeed, as far as my cpu is organised like that(just that my homies are safe, they don't like lfs ), so I think we can't blame him for sharing his account...i guess not, so hope u get rid of ur ban iceman
#11 - SamH
Okay we've been able to resolve the problem by PMs, and Mike's now able to get back on the servers.

I'll go ahead and close this thread as the problem is solved

We need to talk. I need it explained to me why two people can build up one licence but only 1 person is penalised and even then only on trust.
#13 - SamH
Okay, I've discussed the situation with Becky and she's pointed out how the thread appears to read. Here are some facts, so we can get everyone on the same page:

Iceman31x brake-tested another driver. First offence, normally would result in a warning or a caution. The admin who processed the report decided to award a short-term ban as a "wake-up", as well as a caution. When I came to review the report, I figured Mike had had his wake-up, and unbanned him. The caution for the offence remains and Mike has a severe points penalty and an infraction to show for it. Case closed.

Entirely separate from the report is the question of who is using Iceman31x's licence, but you need to subdivide that into CTRA licence and LFS licence. It was established in PMs very early on that it was Mike who was driving at the time of the offence. It was also established very early that Mike defends his CTRA licence from his dad as much as humanly possible.

There is no evidence anywhere to show that Mike's dad has been upping his CTRA licence on his behalf (and lots of evidence to the contrary). I'm also firmly of the belief that Mike's licence is *more at risk* from his dad than it is ever likely to benefit.

Lastly, the official moderator position - Mike and his dad can legitimately share the LFS licence, in the same house and on up to two separate PCs. In this particular instance, Mike and his dad are on a shared PC and so there is absolutely no risk to the S2 licence name Iceman31x.

I hope that this answers all outstanding questions. If anyone really feels the need to discuss or ask more questions, please do so in PM to me.
This thread is closed

Banned :\ [solved]
(13 posts, closed, started )