I never really looked at the LEDs (in fact I have some small pieces of tape to cover them since I think they're too bright). If you feel the FFB working, I wouldn't worry.
BTW my Momo just broke down on me.

After only 1 week of use! I was driving just like normal when suddenly the FFB felt incredibly uneven. I thought I'd hit some invisible bump and ruined my suspension or something, but when I restarted it was still there. The smoothness of the resistance is gone, now it is very jagged and weird. And when I turn the wheel to it's maximum rotation I get this weird, continous humming sound. This doesn't only happen in game, but also on the Windows desktop. I've tried unplugging my power leads, changing the USB contact to the PC and turning the PC off and on, with no luck. I attached a video. To hear the sound I think you need to play it in Windows Media Player -- I couldn't hear sound in Winamp or VLC.
This was quite a let down. Here's my complete wheel history:
1) Bought my first wheel back in 2004. This was a crappy one with no force feedback or anything, but it was fun nonetheless. After a while it refused to let me turn to the right.

So I returned it to the store in 2006. Thanks to the Norwegian laws the shop is required to provide an equal or better product in return if it breaks and they decide not to fix it. Since this wheel was out of production I got a
2) Logitech Formula Force EX in stead.
This kept going until about a month ago, when it started shaking uncontrollably when turning to the left or right more than 45 degrees. It was as if the FFB suddenly shut down for a fraction of a second before starting again with a loud bang, several times in a row. Totally unplayable. So I returned this to the store and got my
3) Logitech Formula Force EX # 2. And guess what? The exact same problem. This was the point where I had recently discovered LFS, so I was pretty annoyed that my new wheel didn't work either. But the guy at the store said it was a known issue and were happy to take it back. Then I decided I'd had enough of these wheels, and paid the extra $$ to get a
4) MOMO instead. This is the wheel that I've been using for the past week, with great success. Now I'm completely and utterly hooked to LFS, and the prospect of handing the wheel back to the store and waiting even further for a replacement really annoys me. But I see no other options.
I'm pretty pissed right now, as you can imagine.. is this just my bad luck, or do Logitech products generallly have a lot of errors??