The online racing simulator
nissan 180sx taillights?
(22 posts, started )
No you can't make that, just with skin
I think people doesn't like these tail light....
I have s13 silvia headlights. kouki tails would own.
It wouldn't be too hard. Just make the Kouki tailight part, and then the bar that runs between 'em in the skin itself. It would rock for this Origin 180SX skin I have.
Ok, a little harder than I thought, It would take some actual light coding to do some of it. But I'm close enough for my likes.
#6 - Panda
i have some FC3S tail lights. ill post a picture later.
#7 - Panda
#8 - shim
Quote from MooMoo11131 :Shim, I would love if you'd upload your tail lights

Here you go. Enjoy staring at each others rear ends!
Attached files - 341.5 KB - 1565 views
you could do the trim rings around it i'm sure with the skin, and black out the portions that dont light up to make it appear like chuki tail lights, kouki's would be pretty darn impossible though.
Thanks. (Monkey Man) DELETED by Monkey Man
(simscube) DELETED by simscube
Preview? sounds pretty interesting.
Doesn't look bad, pretty similar but would not dislike higher resolution

@ Nathan: Preview 4 You
Thanks for the preview. Ill have to give them a looksy sometime.
uhh, preview of tailights in action please
Quote from dizzlez :uhh, preview of tailights in action please

Such a BS... Open LFS and see them by yourself
Quote from Panda :i have some FC3S tail lights. ill post a picture later.

I have that too since the days of S2Q and before I register... Now I still have them although I can't be bothered to look at it.
Kewl! But where's thr reverse light? I can't seem to see it.
Quote from hiroshima guy :Kewl! But where's thr reverse light? I can't seem to see it.

He can't put them on because the little bar or w/e that connects the lights has the reverse lights on them i think... don't know.
Sorry, Im a total noob when it comes to adding and modding stuff so....

How do i get those lights to work, ive saved the lights in the dds folder and they wont show on the car???

Quote from Corey_XR4I :Sorry, Im a total noob when it comes to adding and modding stuff so....

How do i get those lights to work, ive saved the lights in the dds folder and they wont show on the car???


If you put them in your DDS folder while playing LFS it wont show need to restart LFS to see them!

I hope it will help you
#22 - Equi
Quote from Corey_XR4I :Sorry, Im a total noob when it comes to adding and modding stuff so....

How do i get those lights to work, ive saved the lights in the dds folder and they wont show on the car???


Rename the file to

Should work.

nissan 180sx taillights?
(22 posts, started )