The online racing simulator
$rules translations for other languages
hi @ll,

while promoting ctra in my team i recognize, that there is some important lack of basis knowlegde, if you are not able to read english language. so i translated the rules in short for my mates, but doing that the third or fourth time, i come up with the idea to do the work of translating the ctra-rules section into german (that's the language i speak ).

i've not finished yet, but the half is done and i post the done-part here, perhaps anyone else is interested in, or anyone can improve my translation (i'm not so good). i will fullfill it in the next days, so more will come.

if a translation is not wanted by the CTRA-admins, tell me, and i will delete this post
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ctra_deutsch.txt - 3.6 KB - 157 views
I'm more than happy for CTRA rules & resources to be translated to other languages but it must be remembered that the rules by which we operate and the decisions made by stewards are and will always will be based on the English rules set and not any other interpretation of them.

English is in a sense our 'official language'. As much as i'd love to impose Welsh on you.

i think it should be easy to adjust the translations when it once done, so that changes from you in the original can be reflected fast in the translation. for me it's like a personal need, because atm i explain the ctra to my team mates and i think it's better to have a translation than anyone lost 75% of understanding content because of not being so fit in english. and i think: YOU HAVE TO UNDERSTAND THE RULES AND HELP SECTION COMPLETLY TO RECOGNIZE THE POWER OF THE CTRA-X SYSTEM
Translations would defiantly help and from what I gathered from Becky's post they would be welcome.

But I think she was trying to say that all rules are in English and some words in the English language cannot be translated 100% so the rules in these other languages would only be that, a translation and only to be used as a guide to help people understand the English section which are the actual rules being enforced due to the meanings and contexts being dropped or added because of the translation.

IMO it's a great idea and hope someone actually does it =)
#5 - SamH
wow great samH, that's moren than i expect. i'm working for it and you got it reworked and completet within the next hours. thanks a lot
well thats a great idea and i´m willing to help to make the german-translation complete.

but, as the ctra-x started, i had the same problems with my
team-mates and thats why i made a news on our website for it.

it explains all the new features and stuff. everyone is free
to link the articel, i´d be not that happy if someone would just
copy it.

here it is: ... ;Itemid=1&lang=german
i'm nearly completed, but the biggest problem i have is the interpretation of the "you" in german. sould it all be translated personally, so with a "du/dich/dir" or more generally with "man" ? what do you think is better ? the second one is more formal, but i would prefer the first

nice work LordBlaster
it's done hope there are no more errors in it, feel free to correct if there is any

perhaps the rules should be the next
Attached files
ctra_deutsch.txt - 8.3 KB - 145 views
#10 - SamH
I've updated the page and linked Deutsch from the English version and English from the Deutsch version. I can't say if there are any spelling mistakes, so please feel free to let me know
these are my corrections
note: these are just the parts with changes and not the complete text!
everything what is not below is just ok without any changes (in my eyes).

Quote from $help :
...Wenn man nur ein Kommando per Tastenkombination oder Lenkrad-Button-Belegung verknüpfen will, dann sollte es dieses sein.

Quote from $rules :
Ein Klick auf RULES bringt einen zu den speziellen Regeln für den Server, auf dem man sich gerade befindet. Man kann auch über die Webseite auf die Regeln per Menüoption zugreifen. Es ist nicht möglich auf den CTRA Servern zu fahren ohne eine Bestätigung, dass man die Serverregeln gelesen, verstanden _ und deren Einhaltung zustimmt hat.

Quote from $track :
Bietet in-game Informationen über die aktuelle Strecke an. Dies umfasst den Streckennamen und -kürzel, sowie verwendete Strecken-Layouts.

Man kann die Benzinverbrauchsstatistik sehen, die per Dateneingabe durch andere Fahrer entsteht (angezeigt wird der Verbrauch pro Runde, als auch für das gesamte Rennen) und auch eigene Verbrauchsinformationen übermitteln.

Quote from $result :
Zeigt die Ergbnisse des letzten Rennens an. Dieser Bildschirm wird automatisch angezeigt, wenn man am Ende eines Rennens die Ziellinie überquert. Die Ergebnisse sind nach Wagenklassen gruppiert.

Quote from $grid :
Der enstscheidende Punkt bei der Qualifizierung für die Startaufstellung auf den CTRA Servern ist, dass diese nicht auf dem letzten Rennen basiert, sondern auf der schnellsten Runde, die man nach dem Betreten des Servers mit dem ausgewähltem Wagen gefahren ist. Alle „schnellsten Runden“ der Fahrer werden vom CTRA-X System gehalten. Die Position in der Startaufstellung wird primär von der Wagenklasse bestimmt (GTR, GTR2, TBO usw.) und zum zweiten von der eigenen schnellsten Runde. ...

Quote from $servers :
the german text (from the text-file) is ok, but it´s not on the site, yet

Quote from $ctra :
Wenn man eine Nachricht von einem CTRA Administrator bekommen hat, kann man diese hier lesen und zustimmen.

Persönliche Details
Hier kann man seine persönlichen Informationen speichern. Dies beinhaltet den Vor- und Nachnamen (ist notwendig für die Anzeige in der „top racers“-Liste), das Land in dem man beheimatet ist oder für welches man fahren will (du entscheidest) und die Email-Adresse. Die Email-Adresse ist wichtig, wenn man Ratschläge zu den Reports erhalten möchte.


ah its 95% very good

i´m done for now.. the right side will follow later on ....
#12 - SamH
tyvm! I've updated the left side. Let me know of any changes for the right side when you can
maybe i can make it tonight, but not 100% sure...

i´m still at work, hungry and tired
no hurry, noone expect that you sacrifice your rare sparetime.

but i recognize the following: i tranlated the right side in the last textfile AND went over the first part to make the interpretation of "you" uniform for the whole translation. so you LordBlaster corrected a version which i did corrections before, so i can image for a non-german (like SamH ) it's hard to puzzle it together. perhaps it is the best way you take the textfile and do the corrections for the right side and so you can go over the left. so we can offer SamH one textfile which suits perfect. what do you think ?