The online racing simulator
Quote from nova_dan :i have loaded lfs lapper but i am drifting but no point scores for the drifting help help help

There must be a problem with your config-file. When I started to use lapper I got all sorts of problem with not working functions etc. ect. One small mistake somewhere in the config-file, screws other functions later on. Try again with a clean file and edit bit by bit, try it, if okay, edit another section and so on.

@Gai-Luron: Is a new version of lapper in progress at the moment and if so, what can we expect from it? I made several suggestions and asked some questions in the last couple of months but you didn't respond to it
Quote from venni :Hi Gai-Luron.

I did another hack, to fit LFSLapper to our aims, and I think that it is useful for many other people too.

We run two servers. You have to earn a license on the first server, to connect to the second one.

So I implemented into LFSLapper the check, weather a racer has a license or not. If not, LFSLapper kicks him out.

To perform this check, LFSLapper checks a PHP-Script at a custom URL ({Username}) for a short return-value: 1 or 0.

The Part of the config looks like this:
# Here you can enter an URL to a custom PHP-Script of your Website, to
# check, if a connecting user is licensed to drive on your server.
# The URL has to return 1 in case of a licensed driver. Otherwise 0.
# If you do not want to use this feature, comment this lines by #
CheckLicense ={Username}
NoLicenseAction = /msg You need a License to use this server!|/rcm_pty {Username}|
/msg You need a License to use this server!|/rcm_pty {Username}|
/msg You need a License to use this server!|/rcm_pty {Username}|
/msg ^7Check^8 !|/rcm_pty {Username}|
/kick {Username}

I added one class called "licenses.cs" and did some very(!) small changes in the Main.cs (you can find them by searching for "venni").

I attached those files here. Maybe you can implement it in the next version. Many thanks in advance.

Is there any chance of getting a copy of your server php script ... se&username={Username}

Lapper On Windows Xp 64bit
hey all ive used lapper many times before its a great program

thing is ive just installed windows xp 64bit and i cannot get it to run it says insim lapper in lfs when i start lapper and nothing works it doesnt even show welcome text how it says (type !help to c a list of commands )

ive set it up like i would on 32x and nothing

and just to clarify it ive opened the lfs port and added multyplayer password

running net frame work 2.0 and i also tryed 3.0 but there 64 bit versions

ive even tryed my old config file witch worked on 32x before i installed 64x

doesnt lfslapper support windows xp 64x ????

any help would be much appresiated

It's an issue already discussed. Recompile Lapper in 64 bit and it work fine.

Hey guys,
Alright i am confused with this stuff...
Lapper is extracted.. Yet when i try to open the shortcut...
It comes up with WR Loading...Not Loaded..
Then like 10 seconds later it says
Yet does absolutely nothing.
Is this to do with LFSLapper or my .Net framework,
And how might i fix this problem ?
Thnx for you help.
Sorry to ask again, but still having the same problem. I can only get !top to work for the default car. The command !top fzr will still show MRT in the example below. I have attached my cfg file, could someone please tell me what I'm doing wrong?
Attached files
LFSLapper.txt - 25 KB - 286 views
Quote from jasonmatthews :Sorry to ask again, but still having the same problem. I can only get !top to work for the default car. The command !top fzr will still show MRT in the example below. I have attached my cfg file, could someone please tell me what I'm doing wrong?

Try !top FZR as it is upper case
Nope, same problem....
Hi people

its greet pro lfslapper i love it

bt i have question

can we do more Action to good drift score like this :

GoodDriftScore = 2000
GoodDriftAction = /msg {Nickname} ^nice one: ^7{LastDriftScore} ^3pts
GoodDriftScore = 3000
GoodDriftAction = /msg {Nickname} ^good drift: ^7{LastDriftScore} ^3pts
GoodDriftScore = 4000
GoodDriftAction = /msg {Nickname} ^made excellent drift: ^7{LastDriftScore} ^3pts

i hope we can do somthing like that
hi, very simply suggestion -
classes based toplist display eg. !top GTR, !top TBO etc...

Hello, I need some help with the ScheduledAction function of lapper.
The following example is already in the config-file:

#ScheduledAction = 0 * * * * * : 30 * * * * *|/msg Kicking time (every 30 seconds)!:/kick unnamed

I disabled that one and replaced it with the following commands:

ScheduledAction =
0 * * * * * : * 2 * * * *|/ban unnamed 14:/ban Unnamed 14|
0 * * * * * : * 15 * * * *|/msg visit our site at

It should ban unnamed every 2 minutes and display a link to our team site every 15 minutes.
Unfortunately, it executes these actions every minute. I already tried several settings but I can't get it right. Any help is highly appreciated.
Quote from Yisc[NL] :Hello, I need some help with the ScheduledAction function of lapper.
The following example is already in the config-file:

#ScheduledAction = 0 * * * * * : 30 * * * * *|/msg Kicking time (every 30 seconds)!:/kick unnamed

I disabled that one and replaced it with the following commands:

ScheduledAction =
0 * * * * * : * 2 * * * *|/ban unnamed 14:/ban Unnamed 14|
0 * * * * * : * 15 * * * *|/msg visit our site at

It should ban unnamed every 2 minutes and display a link to our team site every 15 minutes.
Unfortunately, it executes these actions every minute. I already tried several settings but I can't get it right. Any help is highly appreciated.

Check this thread out it might help you
Thanks for the link, I still don't understand it though
I tried:

0 2 * * * * : 0 0 * * * *|/ban unnamed 14:/ban Unnamed 14
0 * * * * * : 0 2 * * * *|/ban unnamed 14:/ban Unnamed 14

Do I have to write the whole sequence to get it every 2 minutes or is there another way to get it? Thanks in advance.
Every two minutes at exactly two minutes and zero seconds...

0 2 * * * * : 0 4 * * * *: 0 6 * * * *: 0 8 * * * *: 0 10 * * * *|/ban unnamed 14:/ban Unnamed 14
0 12 * * * * : 0 14 * * * *: 0 16 * * * *: 0 18 * * * *: 0 20 * * * *|/ban unnamed 14:/ban Unnamed 14
0 22 * * * * : 0 24 * * * *: 0 26 * * * *: 0 28 * * * *: 0 30 * * * *|/ban unnamed 14:/ban Unnamed 14
0 32 * * * * : 0 34 * * * *: 0 36 * * * *: 0 38 * * * *: 0 40 * * * *|/ban unnamed 14:/ban Unnamed 14
0 42 * * * * : 0 44 * * * *: 0 46 * * * *: 0 48 * * * *: 0 50 * * * *|/ban unnamed 14:/ban Unnamed 14
0 52 * * * * : 0 54 * * * *: 0 56 * * * *: 0 58 * * * *: 0 0 * * * *|/ban unnamed 14:/ban Unnamed 14

Of course, you could put all the 'times seperated by colon' on one single line with the '|/ban unnamed 14:/ban Unnamed 14' at the end of it, but then it would be a very very very very very very long line indeed
Thanks for the reply, I just added all those lines and everything is working the way I want it.
Thanks to the people who tried to help me.
Hi all.

I've a problem with Lapper and Debian.

As the guide says, i need to have Mono and make. I've both of them. I've tried to run the command "make" as the guide says but i get an error:

"No rule to make target 'src/InSim.cs', needed by 'bin/LFSLapper.exe'. Stop. "


I've looked into src folder, and ther's Insim4.cs and no Insim.cs

Maybe this is the problem?

Thanks for help.
Quote from Cr45h :Hi all.

I've a problem with Lapper and Debian.

As the guide says, i need to have Mono and make. I've both of them. I've tried to run the command "make" as the guide says but i get an error:

"No rule to make target 'src/InSim.cs', needed by 'bin/LFSLapper.exe'. Stop. "


I've looked into src folder, and ther's Insim4.cs and no Insim.cs

Maybe this is the problem?

Thanks for help.

Are you just looking to run Lapper or have you rewritten it somehow?

On a side note I've just got lapper running on a Fedora box and its working fine, it only took me about 5 minutes to get going - However I don't think I'll be using it in the future as its become a little too 'bulky' for my likings
i've just to run it, but with wine i can't...

It says that i've to install the Windows versione of Mono to run .NET executables...
Quote from Cr45h :i've just to run it, but with wine i can't...

It says that i've to install the Windows versione of Mono to run .NET executables...

You dont run it with wine you run it with Mono, simply install mono with whatever package manger you use then run LFSLapper with

mono LFSLapper.exe LFSLapper.cfg

Well... it works!!!!

Debian server

One note... when installing with apt it doesn't not install the library 2.0 but only the 1.0, so remeber to add library 2.0 also, needed by Lapper. I don't remember the exact name of the package, but doing an "apt-cache search mono" u'll find it easily near the end of the list.

Bye! (and thanks for help)
is it only me that cant use the command !stats and !drf

actualy all the "stats" commands is non functional for me... tho i see on the screen that i get ponts and it says that i make record and so on... also the txt files are populated.

i started on new install everything.... also all other comands works like !help and !time and so on... its only the stats thats not working.
You have to be on the track while doing these commands...

like !top and !stats...

If u're spectator the command doesn't shows u anything...
Just a question. Lapper doesn't work with new patch X30. Are there any plans to update it, or maybe even something I can change to get it to work?
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LFSLapper insim4 Release
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