lfs forum history (3y)
(63 posts, started )
Quote from KiDCoDEa :correct if im wrong but i dont think anything was lost.

Quote from ajp71 :Only the unofficial tempory forum posts were lost, all the posts before the down time are still there.

Ahh cool I'll have to go and see if i can find some old stuff...
wow, a few ppl from Hull here... I wondered why so many Karoo dynamic IP addresses were banned from RSC
Quote from Altitude :I wondered why so many Karoo dynamic IP addresses were banned from RSC

"I didnt do it!"

[edit] Your birthday is one day after mine. :O
#54 - OPK
Quote from tristancliffe :Nice avatar Victor

I miss Spongebob


I was looking through some very early posts trying to answer a question, and found this thread, it's so old I couldn't help but nudge it from last to first place!
So you dug up a corpse, sprinkled parfume on it and tried to made love to it. There's a reason why dead things should remain underground as they start to stink.
Quote from spankmeyer :So you dug up a corpse, sprinkled parfume on it and tried to made love to it. There's a reason why dead things should remain underground as they start to stink.


Anyway, why it needed to be bump`ed?

Quote from z3r0c00l :I was looking through some very early posts trying to answer a question, and found this thread, it's so old I couldn't help but nudge it from last to first place!

To my knowledge, the data is still available at RSC - the forum is there at least - surely it's findable there?
august 19th, 2002-first 'ring request.

*duely noted*

This should be refered to for anyone asking about new tracks and be told "people have been asking for this for 5 years now, just drop it already!"
Quote from Bob Smith :Must be. As you can see, patch fever has been around a while too....

I checked the link.... OMG!!! A new patch!!!!

I clicked the link in your link and it DIDN'T WORK!!! Please help!!! I need the new patch!!!!

Which patch is it suppose to be?
Quote from Rappa Z :Which patch is it suppose to be?

Seeing as the day before, the first ever public version was released (0.04K), I'd assume it was 0.04L.

lfs forum history (3y)
(63 posts, started )