Xbox 360
(48 posts, started )
Xbox 360
Hey all its 1337sause and i have some great news
i am getting an XBOX 360 on sunday! I am getting
the Halo Edition with Halo 3 and a years subscription
to Xbox Live. I wanted to ask a question also, i am
thinking for buying a controller and some games,
so this is my question. What other games shall i get?
I am Taking your opinions and i will see what games
i will get for me and my friends, i would also like to add
that i am getting RockBand on the first week of December
so please dont suggest RockBand or halo 3.

That is fantastic news.

Call of Duty 4 - Almost as popular as Halo 3, but a better game.

Forza 2 - Physics are pretty solid, and the car selection is great.

Virtua Tennis 3 - Endless fun, if your into tennis get this game.

Skate - Skateboarding simulation, makes Tony Hawk look like pac man.

Assassins Creed - Free running, Sword fighting and knife throwing.
Well..Games to get atleast one is The Orange box..

Games not to get(well game lol):

Sega Rally Revo: Rented it..Within 20 minutes I returned it to blockbuster and was able to get a new game because it sucked so badly...

I myself am trying to get Gears Of War, Call of Duty 4, and Naruto:Rise of a ninja (Don't flame me because I have weird tastes).
i really like

guitar hero legends of rock:
Really great game to play with your mates

Test drive unlimited: really good simulator with lambo's ferraris and yamaha R1's and lots more

scares the shit out of me when playing out night without the lights on lol...

Rainbow six vegas:
really like this game because of all the diffrent things you can do and how indepth it is...

DIRT: i absolutely love rally so im abit biased on this game but it is seriously a really great rally game..
Rainbow Six Vegas is classic now, so its cheaper to buy, and loads of people still play it. I don't have it, because for me nothing can be better than Raven Shield on the PC. All my mates play it, and always bug me to buy it.

DIRT has no split-screen multiplayer by the way, that kind of ruined it for me because me and my dad used to have great fun playing 4 player split-screen on CMR4 on the PC.
Quote from daddyo :
DIRT: i absolutely love rally so im abit biased on this game but it is seriously a really great rally game.

Dirt is one of the games that show you how important gameplay is. It looks stunning, but fails when it comes to gameplay. I bought this game, and played it for about half an hour. Since then, it is collecting dust. It is seriously one of the most bad driving games i've ever played. I'd rather play NFS (even if i hate NFS).
Quote from jibber :Dirt is one of the games that show you how important gameplay is. It looks stunning, but fails when it comes to gameplay. I bought this game, and played it for about half an hour. Since then, it is collecting dust. It is seriously one of the most bad driving games i've ever played. I'd rather play NFS (even if i hate NFS).

OMG you did not just say that :fence3d:

But i guess 90% of the games i have are driving games so as long as its got wheels and seats i play it
Can't say any more than Quicksilver did.

Call of Duty 4, Halo 3 and Forza 2 are pretty much in heavy rotation in my drive. I need a multi-disc changer
Quote from daddyo :OMG you did not just say that :fence3d:

But i guess 90% of the games i have are driving games so as long as its got wheels and seats i play it

LOL! Yes i did say that!

I am a big fan of racing games aswell and most of my games belong to this category. As i said, i bought it aswell. It would be a really great game. But the cars feel about as bad as it can get IMHO. Honestly, every other Collin McRae title was better... WAY better. I have no idea why they did this to the physics. Probably they wanted to make it driveable for 5 year old kids.
Forza 2 is pretty damn good, it's pretty much all I play.

PGR4 is ok, its a bit dull, and not a lot of fun TBH, tried dirt, didn't like it, way to yankee-fied, as most of the xbox360 line up seems to be.

Tried Sega Rally, actually quite enjoyed it, not sure how it would stand up to long term play though.

Other than that, there is nothing much in the xbox360 lineup that plucks my strings, luckily it was free
Really impressive games in my opinion:

- Dead Rising
- Oblivion
- Forza 2
- Skate
- Assassins Creed
- Guitar Hero
- Halo 3 (story mode)
- Crackdown

...and a few more i probably forgot.
:hide:i had halo 3 for exactly 1 hour before i went back and traded it in for another game did not like it 1 bit, its the same as the other 2 halos BORING!:hide:
Halo is really a question of taste. I never play it online. I hate that part of it. But in my opinion, the story mode was epic in Halo 1, crap in Halo 2, and once more, epic in Halo 3. But as i said, it's a matter of taste.

And yes, totally forgot about GOW and Bioshock!
Halo 3's single-player campaign is pretty much like any FPS, so it was never going to be revolutionary. It's only really there for the storyline. It's multiplayer where Halo 3 shines. Although that said, I don't actually think it's as good as Call of Duty 4 in either respect. I think it may be my new favourite game

I really enjoyed the Skate demo and would think about picking it up if it was a few quid cheaper. I'm not a skater, but the physics and moves felt natural, which I really liked. I'd still be playing the demo if it wasn't time limited And it's an EA product too - makes me feel dirty for just liking it.

Dead Rising demo also fun if you like mindlessly killing zombies with whatever's nearby. But there are rumours of a sequel which is going to have multiplayer, so I'll be waiting for that instead.

I'm hoping there's an Ace Combat 6 demo somewhere I've not found yet. It's getting fairly reasonable reviews so I might have to check it out.

And of course Mass Effect. I'll be asking Santa for that one
I've been having the most fun in Halo 3 since I got mine. Not so much the single player, but for the first time I'm really experiencing an FPS game online thats a *lot* of fun.

Forza 2 is a well worthwhile purchase, easily my 2nd fav game for the 360.

Downloaded a lot of demo's, some worth mentioning:

PGR 4 (PGR3 is a lot of fun online..4 should be as well)
Skate (suprisingly fun IMO)
Flatout UC
NFS Prostreet
Yeah Dajmin there is an Ace 6 demo on the marketplace, that game is on my crimbo list for sure!
Regarding CMIRT. I bought this game for PS3, it may not be sim, but its a good arcade game. It has good entertainment value. It has a good,but short career mode. Online play is good. Graphics are brilliant. Damage is great. It has a good sense of speed to it.

All in all, i think its a very good game
Ghost Recon 2 is worth a look if you can find it for a good price. I like the strategy and pacing of the game. Lots of sniping if you want to do it too which I really enjoy

And Table Tennis is great fun in two player when you're having a drink with your mates! I picked it up for $20, and you can't really go wrong for that price.
I'm thinking of getting a 360 some time in the coming months, there's a few games I'd play, but what has made me post is that this guy is posting here asking what games to buy and driving games are being recommended, but for less than half of the rrp of a 360 title, he could buy a license to play the best driving game around!
Don't get Halo 3 for the single player storyline, its just not worth it for that. Its the most tedious and predictable storyline ever, fine if you never read books and only play FPS games, but otherwise, not good enough. Assassins Creed has the best storyline for a game thats pretty much just a hack n slash. But COD4 does it the best, you feel part of it and its actually exciting and intense.

Then again I don't buy games for single player really, multiplayer on xbox live is where most games work best. Halo 3 its simply the comedy factor, you don't have one game without seeing something hilarious. COD4 online is all about blowing the shit out of everyone and everything, much better than Halo 3 in that sense, but lacks some of the comedy.
I read books actually...

And i didn't say it was a great story. What i've tried to say is that playing the story mode in halo 3 is lots of fun and full of "ohhh shit!" moments.

Or do you want to tell me this isn't at least a little bit cool (watch it from 1:20): ?

I'm not a Halo Fanboi by the way...

PS: You can play with up to 16 people in story mode... via xbox live... which is really fun!
Have you actually got more than 4 people playing co-op without major lag issues? I agree it would be great having 16 people online on story mode, but it just doesn't work most of the time.

Anyway I think Halo 3 just lacks the sense of being there, you feel like its a computer game and you don't get drawn into the action. COD4 does a great job of making you feel a part of the fight, as if your actually running through a sinking ship, or you have just crawled out of a crashed chopper that crashed after a nuke went off. My mate said to me during an online game on COD4 'I am actually scared right now' and thats what Halo 3 lacks. Don't get me wrong, I like Halo, but Halo 3 is just lacking something, everyone thinks it.
I haven't played with more than four people i must admit. But in the normal online mode, the "good connection" setting when you select the search criterias, seems to work quite well. Halo 3 is one of the most lag free games for me so far (on the xbox360).

I can imagine that COD4 is a lot better regarding immersion. A friend of mine has it and loves it (he keeps telling me how bloody awesome it is). But i simply had it with COD. I've played all three of its predecessors. Modern weapons and brilliant new graphics or not, its getting old (for my taste).

I don't know about you, and i respect if you don't like Halo. But for me, the first Halo was impressive. The style of it just did it for me. Halo 2 was not living up to this in my opinion, and Halo 3 is back with the old style. I don't take it very serious... it's all fantasy stuff you know... but i dont play such fun and cinematic games, like Halo manages to be one, very often. I don't know if it helps that i am playing with a projector... but i thought it looked stunning at times.

Another point why i like Halo is because it isn't that serious. Since i don't like war actually.
So it's more fun to me to shoot a bunch of funny and grumpy aliens in a sci-fi environment, rather than "enjoying" a war simulation.
At least to me it's a good laugh when those little alien guys are running away after you shoot their big mates... or some alien starts running at you, screaming "he was my friend!" after you shot, well, his friend...

I don't think that EVERYONE says Halo 3 is missing something.
It's the most sold video game in history, if i'm not mistaken. I think that's wrong tho... haha! But maybe on release day? There was something like that...

Quote :Record week-one sales come on the heels of the previously announced $170 million in sales in the U.S. within the first 24 hours of the game's release, which marked not just the biggest video game launch, but the biggest entertainment launch in history. The Xbox 360 title beat previous U.S. sales records set by blockbuster openings for entertainment events such as the release of "Spider-Man 3" and "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows." In addition, more than 1.7 million copies of "Halo 3" were pre-ordered in the United States, making it the fastest pre-selling game in history, surpassing the previous record-setting pre-sales of "Halo 2."

jibber, I agree with you for the most part. Halo 1 had a brilliant single player, lots of fun. Didn't get on so much with Halo 2, but it was brilliant for multiplayer. Halo 3 seems to have both a fantastic single player and very fun multi. I've yet to have a lag problem with it on Live as well, which is nice.

Sounds like COD4 is worth picking up though, will probably be my next game purchase.

Xbox 360
(48 posts, started )