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Poll : Where would you go if you were Alonso

Beg to Ron Dennis to take you back
If you were Alonso where would you go?
The safe option would be Renault but Honda or RedBull could be really competitive next year.
Champcar? IRL? NASCAR?

If he stays in F1, which I suppose he might, then I'd say Renault but on a three year deal, thus screwing any plans of joining Ferrari (which will be the day Ferrari become shit again). So I reckon a year out, in which time he'll lose a lot of pace (unlike Schumi, who remains the best despite missing out on a year of testing and working with the cars and technologies, which explains a lot about him), and Ferrari will ditch him after a year.

Either way, it's basically the end of Alonso's F1 career as I see it, and it's 100% deserved and self-inflicted.
the pub
Home or Renault.
The hairdressers.
it would be interesting to see him in RedBull, and specially in BMW (eh, how id like to see that team winning), but Renault looks like home for him
To see a priest.
I would go to Renault, because every other team would be just a bit of a gamble.

But Renault isn't that good at the moment either...
Quote from tristancliffe :Either way, it's basically the end of Alonso's F1 career as I see it, and it's 100% deserved and self-inflicted.

I sure would like to end it with all that money he has in his pockets.
mmh renault
Renault or RedBalls, though Honda can't get any worse...
Karting :bunny:
#16 - Gmm
I would go to Salsa Rosa (a gossip spanish program)

Talking about his hot experience in McLaren. He cannot do any more, he speak better than he drive.
If I were him I'd go to the local gun shop.

I think you can see where I'm going with that. I would never want to be him, can't stand the stupid little princess.
V8Supercars or Formula Vee's
Hell no not V8 supercars.

Wheres the option for Alonso goes crawls into a hole and dies? or the Dont care option.

I mean seriously his attitude this seasons was awful i could careless where he goes.
Well Reanult are going to be just as harsly punished as Mclaren have been with this new spying case. So they will be screwed, the world will crucify F1 is the punishment is not as harsh. BMW have 2 great drivers, Kubica will be faster than Alonso. Hamilton rekons he will be his main rival, and Hamilton out paced Alonso most of this year. Red Bull don't want him, they are still developing, and Alonso will disrupt that. Toyota have drivers, Honda might want him but I doubt it. Mclaren, no, Ferrari, no. Williams won't want him either. So if he stays in F1, his best bet will be Prodrive, who are not even racing in 2008.
#21 - axus ... l-owner-rules-out-alonso/
Waahaa. Ain't that a crying shame. So what's he left with? Renault - assuming they don't get kicked out. Or Honda/Super Aguri/Force India, all of which suck quite a bit. The rest of the teams all have contracts already. NASCAR here we come!
Since Hakkinen retired from DTM, Alonso might drive Mercedes there
I know someone is selling a Reynard 913 in ClubF3 spec. He could race it in ClubF3, or quite easily in Monoposto with us.

We're always after talented, friendly drivers to join our club. Oh, well that's Alonso out then...
every drivers are treated equally. isnt tat what you like Alonso?
Down to the store to buy a G25 and finally use that LFS license Hamilton bought me for my birthday.