As we all know lfs is in it's alpha stage. This leaves plenty of room for s1 and s2 liscense holders to voice there opinion on what they believe is good and bad in lfs. so when it does go gold it's in a league of it's own.
1.Smoke: smoke should linger or blow according the wind not just show up then dissapear. i.e if a car spins out in front of you you should be blinded by there smoke.
2.Crash physics: only complaint i have here is being thrown 200feet in the air doing 920's i think we all can agree this doesn't happen in real life. but on the other side if you get sideways at 180mph your car should be picked up like a piece of paper.
3.Tracks: real world tracks! i relize this requires rights. but just imagine indianapolis on the sim
and more oval tracks. please some of us are americans and we love are oval tracks. at least me anyways
4. Damage:cars should leave debri on the track and likewise other cars can get damage and or cut tires on it. also the car doesn't go back to perfect when you make a pit stop after hitting a wall at 160 this is sim racing not playstation
5.cautions: just the ability to be able to throw a full course caution i relize this not necessary in the current stage but if you have debri this where it's needed. and or major wrecks.
6.pit stop:at least at least be able to change you tire pressure when you pit. this is boring racing what ever setup you start with is what you got a good race car driver is constantly making adjusments during the course of the race and so should we.
7.Engine: specifically the ability to blow your engine for all the real reasons over rev not let off when you shift, extreme front-end damage. also the ability to just hurt it like loose a cylinder. and wheelspin real cars spin tires if you don't let off when you shift.
8.random failures:servers should be able to use this option and maybe or maybe not at random somebody looses a gear,clutch,battery,engine etc....
9.crew:this is the most important to me cause no game has it the ability to have a liscensed s2 holder play crew chief for a driver and monitor you vehicle and what it's doing based on a interface and your complaints. when this is used the adjusments are out of the drivers hands and in he's crew chiefs. this would make the racing as close as real as you can get. Team Work!
10.Voice:last but not least built in voice chat with multiple channels. this good for online lesiure play and racing especially with a crew chief. i'm srry but i can't type at 180.
extra: the ability to start a race like it is now and also have pace laps if so desired. this gives guys time to warm up there tires which is some much needed in the begining of long races where your running s3's
that's all i got guys let me hear your complaints.-stich
And yes i've been to the suggested improvement logs. this is what i want in lfs so i don't have to refer to 100 differant post
1.Smoke: smoke should linger or blow according the wind not just show up then dissapear. i.e if a car spins out in front of you you should be blinded by there smoke.
2.Crash physics: only complaint i have here is being thrown 200feet in the air doing 920's i think we all can agree this doesn't happen in real life. but on the other side if you get sideways at 180mph your car should be picked up like a piece of paper.
3.Tracks: real world tracks! i relize this requires rights. but just imagine indianapolis on the sim

4. Damage:cars should leave debri on the track and likewise other cars can get damage and or cut tires on it. also the car doesn't go back to perfect when you make a pit stop after hitting a wall at 160 this is sim racing not playstation
5.cautions: just the ability to be able to throw a full course caution i relize this not necessary in the current stage but if you have debri this where it's needed. and or major wrecks.
6.pit stop:at least at least be able to change you tire pressure when you pit. this is boring racing what ever setup you start with is what you got a good race car driver is constantly making adjusments during the course of the race and so should we.
7.Engine: specifically the ability to blow your engine for all the real reasons over rev not let off when you shift, extreme front-end damage. also the ability to just hurt it like loose a cylinder. and wheelspin real cars spin tires if you don't let off when you shift.
8.random failures:servers should be able to use this option and maybe or maybe not at random somebody looses a gear,clutch,battery,engine etc....
9.crew:this is the most important to me cause no game has it the ability to have a liscensed s2 holder play crew chief for a driver and monitor you vehicle and what it's doing based on a interface and your complaints. when this is used the adjusments are out of the drivers hands and in he's crew chiefs. this would make the racing as close as real as you can get. Team Work!
10.Voice:last but not least built in voice chat with multiple channels. this good for online lesiure play and racing especially with a crew chief. i'm srry but i can't type at 180.
extra: the ability to start a race like it is now and also have pace laps if so desired. this gives guys time to warm up there tires which is some much needed in the begining of long races where your running s3's
that's all i got guys let me hear your complaints.-stich
And yes i've been to the suggested improvement logs. this is what i want in lfs so i don't have to refer to 100 differant post