The online racing simulator
Quote from RaDaR :Anyone have a LFSTweak or Mecanik for S2 version X? (I have a S2 License)

but why don't you use your S2 licence name to post here then...SamH is probably going to ask you to pm hiim your licence name lolzorz hax000rz 1337.
Quote from RaDaR :Anyone have a LFSTweak or Mecanik for S2 version X? (I have a S2 License)

Please PM me using your S2 licence username immediately.
Quote from harjun :but why don't you use your S2 licence name to post here then...SamH is probably going to ask you to pm hiim your licence name lolzorz hax000rz 1337.

Quote from SamH :Please PM me using your S2 licence username immediately.

Haha this thread is funny to read ive been sitting here the last 2 hours reading. This may sound dumb to ask but if i finish the tweak im building may i release it?
lol, i found this thread funny, but your comment even more funnier, i could make something where it...changes the colour of the gloves, i'm allowed to release it, GO FOR IT MAN, EVERYONE WILL BE HAPPY FOR YOU TO RELEASE IT....sorry caps lock got jammed there.
Quote from harjun :GO FOR IT MAN, EVERYONE WILL BE HAPPY FOR YOU TO RELEASE IT....sorry caps lock got jammed there.

I'm pretty sure he should ask a mod first.
I believe Equi is asking because of that attempt at tweak x that was removed... So imo you first have to build in working license protection system into your tweak, then send it to mods for approval and after getting a green light, release it for all us to enjoy

p.s. why is ProMod taking so long to show up (it was supposed to come after a couple of weeks some weeks ago, or I misunderstood something :shrug Anyway, take your time and make it as good as you can, Bob
Quote from Equi :This may sound dumb to ask but if i finish the tweak im building may i release it?

Please contact a moderator when you are ready to release so we can vette the program and then, should it meet our requirements, approve the app.

Quote from MarioX :p.s. why is ProMod taking so long to show up (it was supposed to come after a couple of weeks some weeks ago, or I misunderstood something :shrug Anyway, take your time and make it as good as you can, Bob

In fairness I've not worked on it (the editor) for ages. The promod was a car I made when I got bored one night. I'm not intending to release that (it won't be accurate without drag tyres).
that explained it ...still hoping to see a possibility to tweak S2 cars on the same level as demo ones(not only engine output by modifying classes, like in that removed tweak x)
thanx for quick and honest answer
Quote from Bob Smith :The promod was a car I made when I got bored one night. I'm not intending to release that (it won't be accurate without drag tyres).

so what youre trying to say is youve toyed with the tyres too ?
Quote from Shotglass :so what youre trying to say is youve toyed with the tyres too ?

Sadly, no (in LFS anyway). That would open up so many more possibilities. If somebody ever comes across the data offsets, then I'm all ears. I've never tried looking though. Perhaps I should.
So i have the patch X and just decided to have some fun with V and LFS tweak butttt i only have 1 unlock left and don't wanna waste it on an old patch since i'm having to format my pc soon anyway and will need the unlock just wondering if there is a way to keep my current unlock and use it on the V patch if not its cool i'll just live without tweak untill a new one comes out for X..

cheers weeeee
How "soon" do you need the other unlock exactly?

Because you will get a new one at Friday if you don't have any left.
oh cool i didnt realise that i thought u had to pay everytime you ran out of unlocks. cheers
lol you get one every Friday
You actually only get a new one if you have less than 2 unlocks left.
I download everything from 1st post end it isnot working
Yes i have V and tweek v too ....
Emm...what i need to do so that (tweek) work ? :tired:
You need an S2 licence
ok THX
Quote from makibosset :Hi guys, do you know if there is any LFS S2 Tweak out here that can modify all the cars? or must i get an S2 license to get accses to that?

duh, you need S2 license for them all..(tweak and cars) But there is no tweak that modifies all cars.
Quote from makibosset :Hi guys, do you know if there is any LFS S2 Tweak out here that can modify all the cars? or must i get an S2 license to get accses to that?

please read the posts....

:bananadea :chair:
Quote from makibosset :i have a cracker for the s2 but i can't tweak all the cars, will there be any patch that will give us accses to tweak all the cars?

That's going STRAIGHT in my sig...

In answer to your

Quote from DieKolkrabe :That's going STRAIGHT in my sig...

In answer to your


it isn't in your sig

I have to admit though....bye bye....that was quite funny
Yet Harjun...Yet

Need to re-edit it :P

Agh! I got the 'you need to wait 60 seconds between posts. Dustin!