Aren't all hotlaps reset when there are physics changes? It's not because the laps times would be slower or faster, it's because the hotlap replays have to be compatible with the latest version.
3h_tip_rtcg Release the throttle when changing gear to avoid overheating the clutch
3h_transmis Transmission
3h_box_hpat H-pattern gearbox
3h_box_bike motorbike gearbox
3h_box_sequ sequential gearbox
3h_box_seqi sequential gearbox with ignition cut <-- (ignition cut, that means throttle cut?)
3h_box_semi paddle shift gearbox
3h_seq_hpat sequential operation of H-pattern gearbox
3h_thisnost This car does not have a starter motor
3h_noraceln racing line display is not available
3h_showline 4 - show racing line