Just a quick suggestion and one that I did search for but can't see has already been posted.
I suggest servers should be categorised in to 'Racing', 'dr1Ft0ring' and 'Cruising', and to have an interface to sort / ignore categories at your leisure. Would be pretty a pretty easy implementation too methinks.
Why do I suggest this, I hear you ask?
Well, my heart dies a little death each time I see a well populated server on a good combo and then realise it's a dr1ft or cruise one.
I suggest servers should be categorised in to 'Racing', 'dr1Ft0ring' and 'Cruising', and to have an interface to sort / ignore categories at your leisure. Would be pretty a pretty easy implementation too methinks.

Why do I suggest this, I hear you ask?
Well, my heart dies a little death each time I see a well populated server on a good combo and then realise it's a dr1ft or cruise one.