Mayby some of the posters actually don´t know the benefits a digital indication can have
for some of us.
I didn´t like the headline of this thread from the beginning as it´s IMO a kind of positioning the others mayby different oppionions then the OP´s. Of course the devs. want to have some feedback.
Pls. read this example:
A very fast guy (not me) racing BL1 in his
XFG does 1st splits between 31.1 to 31.3 secs./2nd splits of 1.05.6 - 1.05.8 mins. and laptimes between 1.33.1 - 1.33.5 mins.
He can repeat this for 20 laps if he´s motivated enough.
He knows whenever he crosses the start/finish with (
fictive numbers now):
142 Km/h
it could get a very fast lap and he will focus a little more then he normally would do. His next braking point, he knows, is at
at T1.
He knows his following braking point as well after the long straight.It´s at:
167 km/h
He now tries to get the apex chikane with:
142 km/h
and after 1 more turn he tries entries the turn up the hill with:
Whenever he is just 1-2km/h off his speed he realizes he has to compensate for it at a later stage of his lap.
That´s not racing you might respond, it´s hotlapping.

So what. There still will be the hottlapping feature as far as I know of.Or take my example as a qualifying lap for a race to come.
I have understanding for the guys wanting the digital speedometer back again, I mean, who plays LFS and wants to get slower? It´s the other way arround.
There might as well be something psychological (the change/the missing driving aid) involved in "this whining".
If this would be real racing and this fast guy would come to me (fx. teamowner) and complain about a missing digital speedometer I´d stick him 10 bucks and send him to a car accessoires & parts dealer and my mechanics would put this for him so important add-on in his racing car or gocart or whatever he races with...what´s the big deal?
Happy racing all of you.