The online racing simulator
Few problems with AI.

Track AS2, car Fox, 60 laps

First race, all cars ended up stuck in the two sand traps at the final corner on AS2.
Second Race. Half the cars stuck in the same traps, the other half burnt out their
clutches on track. In both races (2 pit stops), most seems to handle the pit ok, though there were some crashing into each other trying to get into garage. (Maybe it'd be better if they just stayed on their pit, rather than enter garage (easier fix). Not sure if they are faster on this track or not yet. They seem slower. They used to mid 102s, now they are doing 103-104s, with little improvement. Most did roughly 55 laps.

SO6 FMB they seem pretty quick there (at least compared to current avg human times on servers) though clutch problems as usual same with pit problems.

AS3 FXR - well first few laps they all crashed taking final chicane, but they finally learnt it - big improvement - they now also use the correct gear - big improvement. Same clutch n pit problems though.

That's the end of those I've tested. Still not happy with new rev limit and the clutch is way too sensistive to overheated. I deliberately burnt out a clutch once. That was in a normal car, and it took alot longer than this, a race clutch should be alot better than normal cars clutch.

Not Happy
I ran a test race in the FXR Pro setting 12 Car Race - 10 laps of AS6R mandatory pit ON starting from back of grid . When overtaking Ai as I get ahead they slam on the brakes and drop back 50m (Yeilding ? ) and then on lap 7 80% of the cars pitted with myself, I was leading and pulled into my stall only to be shunted out of it by an Ai taking my place the race went pretty well considering the other cars pitted early due to crashes ect. This was the first race I had run them My best lap was a 2:39 and the Ai Best lap was 2:45

I won by a sec and a half as I had to do a drive through
If the AI on as3 fzr miss their pit due to flat tyres, they'll abort and head back out onto the track again, instead of just picking the next pit box. That's with R2 tyres.

As for balance, I'm running a 50 lapper same track with 9 ai, all GTR car types for each set of 3 AI. After qualifying, 1 AI was 1 sec faster than rest, the FZR still seems to dominiate, with the FXR coming last (1.5 seconds behind FZR & XRR). I'll post results of race times. The FZR all blew their tyres, and all kept getting drive throughs, which prevented them from pitting, as they just did the drive thru, and everytime they went into pit, they got drive thru. Definitely need work on them controlling pit speed on entry when damaged.

One other thing about the AI's agressiveness. I noticed if you brake properly into corner when they do, and hit apex, they tend not to be able to tap you. (braking into corner entry I mean).

Yeh race is finished... that's the gap between FZR and FXR (1.5s). The XRR is between them.

I tried a few 5 lap races with mixed XFG XRG and various setups, mustpit on, on SO6.
Quick AI is much better than pro for XRG, and quick XFG AI's still get overall better time than pros because they do not get damage.
XRG pro laptime 1:26.6 best
XRG quick laptime 1:27.4 best but still 20second better race time over 5 laps + pit. And without forced pits the XRG pros still have to go repair.
Apart from that good scaling from newbie to quick.
problem with AI on FE Club

- AI after a single lap race all pit and crash into each other, half the field goes back onto the track and stall their engines.. tested with full grid and was able to reproduce multiple times
In a long race (50L) on AS3 with fxr, fzr and xrr, both the fzr and xrr keep blowing tyres and getting stuck in sand. 6 cars were in sand with flats at one point, of which 2 got out. One pitted and changed tyres... 3 others going around track with flat tyres would not pit, and kept going off. Seems there's a problem with them knowing a flat tyre means pit.

One quick solution to that is a global force pit by the player (ie hit enter) but thats pretty rough way to do it. Definitely need more work.

On a side issue, since R2 tyres go flat after 15 laps with AI FZR, the R3's after 50 laps only heat up the inside. The inside temp was 90, the outside was 60. Could probably be fixed in setup so not really an issue. The XRR was even worse, the FXR was just cold. As I said, setup issue methinx.

None of the circulating cars blew a clutch, except for those stuck in sand. (FZR & XRR).
Quote from Blackout :Are AI trying to over correct wheel movement when they drive over kerbs? Or do they just have very flimsy hands with great strength but no resisting muscles? Because their steering and hands shake very violently and incredibly quickly to side to side when they drive over kerbs.

AS Cadet and the chicane braking on the second sector is a good place to demonstrate it, see the replay.

they do this on straights as well (to some extent)
my guess is they arent fuzzy enough (or at all) in their steering inputs to appear human
BF1's @ KY GP Rev always suffer casualties through T1 and into the next cluster of corners on the first lap of a race. What seems to happen is two of them will end up side-by-side going into the first corner and the outside driver will simply go wide onto the grass, sometimes rejoining the track moments later to take out other racers. I've tried with a full grid, as well as smaller grids down to around 10 AI and the problem is obviously worse with more AI. I've also tried varying fuel loads (for the heck of it) and that didn't change things.

This corner was also an issue with the AI prior to the latest test patches, but hopefully improving their situational awareness will solve a lot of these problems.
(aroX123) DELETED by aroX123
Quote from the_angry_angel :Any AI driver will stall on the drag strip. Once they restart their engine they start going around in circles! Replay attached.


Replay of the year IMO

Sorry for OT but I couldn't resist
LX4 are hitting the wall on last jump on BL2, and burn the clutch after 3 laps.
I started a race with 7 AI drivers and myself, 20 laps XFG, BL, after 6 laps 2 of the AI's couldn't drive anymore because of burned clutches.
I burned my clutch after 4 laps...

Maybe the burned clutches has something to do with the pitstop, where some AI's hit each other, they made their pitstop all in the same lap, maybe this should be more random
when u spin an AI, they overheat there clutch when accelarating from 0mph - what is "normal", but they don't go carefuly with it afterwards, so they burn it all away...
It seems 3/4 of the ai field messes up the oval KY1 in my attempts so far. Big smokes and spinning ais.

EDIT: was with FZRs
EDIT2: after using a GT2 (handicap) set the ais use no handicaps, they only use handicaps if i give them my set
There is a bug , with AI drivers , watch a replay.
Small description - On ''8 Lane Drag'' AI with new formula drives backward.
P.S My 1st post , sorry if something is wrong , and sorry for my bad english.
P.P.S Sorry if someone already posted this bug.
Attached files
al bug.mpr - 42.8 KB - 245 views
Perhaps forcing the AI to pit when a tire's pressure reaches a critical level would help reduce these punctures.

Also I noticed that some of those punctures are caused by the aggressive braking technique they use. Comparing with my driving, I find that they heat up the outside tire alot less than me, however, because of the braking, they lock up the inside causing it to heat more than when I'm driving.

The AI is particularly fast in South City Chicane with the FBM, I did a race with them and just couldn't keep up, it got worse in the final laps when my left front was hot and theirs was just fine.
Did a rally X green on Fern bay (FE6?) and the ais did not ebter pits after race. They just did another lap and stopped in first corner.

What do they do on tracks without pit SO2/SO3? hm gonna find out

EDIT they do another lap and crash
EDIT2 on blackwood rally they mess up pitlane entry after race. One slides a bit and the one after knocks em over.
EDIT3 after races some ais go back on track after having been in pits. also weird.
Quote from R.Kolz :AI´s can´t drive the LX6/RAC/FZ50 on the rallytracks (BL2/FE5) anymore.

@they continue their pitstops outside the pits. Se att.files.

Do you know how this happened? Because normally the pit stop works correctly.

I just want to know how they can get into that sutuation where they are driving around and it still says "refuelling" over their car.
(Mille Sabords) DELETED by Mille Sabords : Replay zipped is 4Mb, can not send
The faster cars TBOs and BL2 are not a good match in the 2nd corner. they slide to outside of track constantly, dont learn.

On FE green rally X after race cars dont come in pit.

Loving racing them if they just see me if i am not on ideal line and sometimes dont give up easily to avoid contact i am even happier
dont know if still reported: in the attached replay is a AI only race. after the start there were some crashed and while recovering from that "Rosberg" overheats his clutch. after that is not working anymore he stand on the backstraight trying to get a gear in, but don't move. so he stays on a dangerous place on track.

another thing i recognized: while the race i pressed "2" to store the replay and after i gave a name the replay instantly begin to playback, but the race was still running ?

here is the link to the spr-replay file:
test patch X32

AI cant take the fast lefthander after the long bridge with LX6 on FE4R
Attached files
ai - 1.7 MB - 253 views
Quote from Scawen :Do you know how this happened? Because normally the pit stop works correctly.

I just want to know how they can get into that sutuation where they are driving around and it still says "refuelling" over their car.

Looks to me like it happens whenever bots are pushed out of their pitboxes before having finished their repairs/refuelling. In this case it´s the AI16.

Worth a look the bot "Torben Jensen" as well a) his pitstop and especially b) as he has entered the pits for his 30 sec. penalty and then all of sudden stops his car.

Finally, the stats rapport "GCBlip" on bots.

Here the replay of it and its statistics:
in X32, AI still give themselves quite a shunt into the far wall at in the right hander off the highway on SO4r/5r/6 in some cars. LX4 and LX6 definitely. Considering that, probably the all the TBO road cars too.
I consider this a bug, so I'll post it here. Posting again in case AI path regeneration was supposed to have sorted these things out.

None of the road cars except for TBO can negotiate the South City Chicane Route- Reverse chicane anything like satisfactorily. XFR can't either, and I haven't looked at all the other race cars.
Start a race with a few LXs, FZs, Racs, XFGs and UF1s. They don't appear to get any better either.
The AI are still going too fast into the pitlane on X32. This is on the KY Oval.

(254 posts, started )