I dt need a progress report, just a word from devs saying "we are working on LFS" or "I'm not working on LFS atm, i'm fixing, kitchen , waterroom, whatever", would be 100x time better than .. nothing... right now, i'm really disappointed that there is zer0 information about what's going on ... i'm so tired with slicks temp/wear problems that i only drive TBO now...
Sorry if i sounds pessimistic, but this is no fun having no info, like Tweaker said, LFS was so great because sim is great and we have constant new stuf to test, or read.. i miss that too. !

Sorry if i sounds pessimistic, but this is no fun having no info, like Tweaker said, LFS was so great because sim is great and we have constant new stuf to test, or read.. i miss that too. !