The online racing simulator
JTbo's car Volvo 360GL -88
(17 posts, started )
#1 - JTbo
JTbo's car Volvo 360GL -88
This is about my own car, setups and mechanic settings to bring it to LFS.

My car is most likely more know as grandma transportation, but I don't let that stop having fun, it is pretty close to XRGT in specs, there are however one big difference that LFS is not yet capable of handling, my car has de-dion rear axle layout with leaf springs.
This makes it to have unrealistically good grip in tight corners, mostly difference is that in real life my car lifts inner rear tire so much that I can't accelerate properly out from corners, in LFS with super suspension that XRGT has this will happen very rarely.

Second thing that is not realistic is tyres. As current version 0.5P There is not possibility to change tire sizes that I know about, so my car has smaller tyres in reallife and this makes gears much taller in LFS and also tires are giving better grip. Often when I go too fast to corner in reallife tire turn under as we say here, it is because of street tyres soft and tall sidewalls 185/60/14 is tire size.

Then there is few minor things that are wrong, caster settings, front antirollbar, shocks are also only guesses and steering lock is somewhat experimental setting.

To get most authentic feel, use DFP 720 degree mode with steer compensation at 0.

Oh yes, also brakes are not yet quite ready, consider this as Alpha release.

About engine.
I have changed carb tuel Megasquirt controlled fuel injection and also camshaft is second hottest that Volvo has made to redblocks, however there is not much difference with this K-cam that I have and H-cam that is hottest one.
Engine produces 130 european hp @ 5760rpm and has 175nm of torque at 4100rpm with fuel map that is optimized for track day use.
Redline starts from 5500rpm and limiter starts banging at 6200rpm.

Next thing that I need to do is try to compensate bigger tire diameter with differential setting to get proper acceleration, gears are too tall, specially 3rd gear in real life too, but not as much as this setup.

There is not much adjustments available in my car reallife so it is not good idea to adjust setup if you like to get even near realism.

I have never raced online with this, I guess it could be somewhere near between UF1000 and XRGT, suspension is soft and gears suck, but close racing should be possible as car is somewhat forgive I think.
It still oversteers bit too much at corner entry, must look that too later.

Looks like I can't get sleep so I made new version, now engine specs are more accurate, but redline starts above 7000, it seems to be that with current possibilities to mod it is not possible to get perfect match of hp&torque so that redline would start 6000.
Also I have changed differential ratio so that speeds at different gears is quite close to real. I just would love to have that hard limiter at 6200rpm as it has in reallife.
Suspension settings are also revised.
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A quick alteration of the final drive (with the original gear ratios) will sort the in-gear speeds out.
#3 - JTbo
Quote from Bob Smith :A quick alteration of the final drive (with the original gear ratios) will sort the in-gear speeds out.

Yes it would, there is two methods to complete it:
1. drive certain rpm at certain gear in reallife and in LFS and adjust differential ratio so that speed in lfs matches to speed in reallife

2. Do little math magic and calculate what ratio you need to have because of different size of tires, I like this one more, but it is little bit hard for me

Maybe I will get this sorted already tomorrow, I know that 6200rpm 2nd gear is 92kph in reallife, so it is easy to with 1st method, however I like to do things hard way so at least I need to spend few hours with method 2. first
That's quite simple really, find out the rolling radius for the real tyres, the rolling radius for the LFS tyres, find the ratio between the two, and multiply the normal final drive by that ratio.
#5 - JTbo
Now I have made few adjustments. I'm not sure if it is possible to get rid of that nasty oversteer that hits at certain situations, I think that only good solution would be proper rear axle

Now I have upped front arb and it is quite safe to drive. Damper settings maybe need little work, those might be now bit too low.
I love the way the 360 is to drive, my 360 gl 87 is stock only .
And it is faster at 4th(195kmt) gear than 5th(185kmt) gear lol.

Hi there

I'm trying to make a set for the fxo to make it like a Volvo S60 so far i've only got the gear ratios in and i need help making it more realistic.
#8 - JTbo

Hi there

I'm trying to make a set for the fxo to make it like a Volvo S60 so far i've only got the gear ratios in and i need help making it more realistic.

Holy mother of Bumps :Eyecrazy: Didn't even remembered that I have made such posts

Different S60 models specs It is in Finnish, but it should be fairly easy to work out which is which.
Some more specs

Camber caster and toe settings

I guess that can get you started?

For the camber/toe and all that settings, is the specified range figure the one i should use?
#10 - JTbo
Quote from JO53PHS :thanks

For the camber/toe and all that settings, is the specified range figure the one i should use?

Look that from live camber, so set in LFS so that live camber shows -1.2 for example and there you can go for + or - 0.60 that is then -1.8 to -0.6 to given example.
intersesting, is this set simular to a Volvo 240 DL in anyway? becuase thats what my parents have.
#12 - JTbo
Quote from Zachary Zoomy :intersesting, is this set simular to a Volvo 240 DL in anyway? becuase thats what my parents have.

Gearbox ratios are same, differential is not and most of other things are not.

LFS tweak is needed to get it closer, power, weight and tire sizes do not match and those can make quite some difference.
Heres my S60 setup,

It is supposed to be like a 2006 2.5 T Sport

9% intake restriction to get it to the correct BHP (210 BHP)
50kg added mass to make the weight more like an S60
S60 Gear ratios

And thats it!

If somebody can make it more S60 like then feel free to do that
Attached files
FXO_Volvo S60.set - 132 B - 1077 views
can you make the volvo 360 so it works on z28 plz
Quote from lillsnortan :can you make the volvo 360 so it works on z28 plz

Dear sir, you just beated Ellis at ultra super duper mega thread bumping. Have a medal

That bump will give us the opportunity to review Jtbo's legendary last posts. So no one should blame you
My bump is a miserable effort in comparison to this one

JTbo's car Volvo 360GL -88
(17 posts, started )