Bring Back Digital Speedo!!
(193 posts, started )

Poll : I Prefer To Have An Option Of

Digital Speedo, Needle Type
Needle Type
Digital Speedo
No Speedo
Wow bit of a thread i'v caused. It is clear what type of speedo is preffered.

The only thing is, that the needle type speedo, if you make the numbers 'bigger' there is nowhere to cram them in.

Quote from dmwright :The only thing is, that the needle type speedo, if you make the numbers 'bigger' there is nowhere to cram them in.

Different marking intervals - see X33's speedos (all apart from XFG, XRG and LX4). The only speed marking, as has been said, that is essential really is the 80km/h mark.
Quote from xaotik :Different marking intervals - see X33's speedos (all apart from XFG, XRG and LX4). The only speed marking, as has been said, that is essential really is the 80km/h mark.

Currently im on my laptop, so I havent really had chance to see it. Although, I definetly will have alook tonight.

Who actually looks at the speedo while racing (aside from in the pits)?
Quote from wark :Who actually looks at the speedo while racing?

I do.
I might go to fast otherwise
Quote from wark :Who actually looks at the speedo while racing (aside from in the pits)?

In a fit of outdated internet humor I'd say Chuck Norris. But on hindsight, the speedo is probably looking at him.
Quote from xaotik :In a fit of outdated internet humor I'd say Chuck Norris. But on hindsight, the speedo is probably looking at him.

In Russia, speedometer reads you!
Nobody did not complain back then, used FOV 80 for screenshot, there was mph and kph in same speedo but both completely unreadable, also there was no even needle and numbers were backwards

Also throttle blip and cut we could not turn off and there were no engine damage or any limiter, mirror could not be turned off and that was only mirror car had.

Ok, we had lime green virtual speedo
Attached images
Good old times
Anyway, I like this new way we have to "feel" the speed, we canot just rely on speedomter, we have to feel the car, when it`s optimum and when it`s close to it`s limits.
I need a "Don't really care" option
I don't really mind the new change to the speedo in most cases, but it is a problem with the FBM. I can't see the speedo AT ALL, which is a problem in the pits, since it has no limiter. It really only matters in the pits though, during a race I go by the feel, and the engine rpm (sound).
Quote from travbrad :I don't really mind the new change to the speedo in most cases, but it is a problem with the FBM.

The speedo was changed in the FBM? I thought it was originally precisely modelled after the real thing...?
Quote from [RF]-art555 :bullcrap

Art, you have had many encounters with the Russian cops and the Ukrainian ones!, ART Lead 10cops through into Pripyat! and he crashed into the door of the REACTOR at Chernobyl at 100kp/h, Art is HARDCORE man.
Digital Speedo gives no advanage really (and I didn't use it) but I rather see it coming back. It's not any "cheat" and you can install one in any car if you like, so why not allow it in all cars for those who want? And those who don't care (like me) can skip it?

A sidenote; give weather effects and dirt bitte!!
digital speedo in cockpit-view - i always used it...
...'cause i use a (nowadays comparatively low-res) 19" 5/4 1280x1024pix screen and a nice bit of viewing angle in IN-CAR-VIEW with cockpit on and no aditional hid of any of the main gages.

digital speedo thus helped me a lot to "test the rest", made it possible for me to memorise the speed i crashed at in the difficult corners. Remembering speed was my way of discovering the limit at braking-points, turn-ins, full-throttle points (out of the corner).

Or like "how fast can i run through that chicane just not crashing it? Things where the digital speedo come in quite handy, especially if you play around with gear ratios a lot, when doing/tweaking your own setups(...)

BUT:: This is about the only complaint I have out of the blue without even having tested the new testpatch (which I am just about to do, now). Seriously: everything else will prove exactly right, since it allows good drivers to be on top again without having to fear the unexperienced and "give me all that'll make me faster" fraction on the track.

So let's try her out...

See you on track
c'mon bring back the digital speedo....
Well, guess what, I just bought a car, which has a dashboard exactly like this: Funny, isn't it?

But in LFS i prefer analog speedo. I used digital when I was a beginner in LFS, and used to glance at it at the apex. But then I read that you should drive by the feel, not by numbers on your dash like a robot, so I tried it, switched to analog, and didn't look back.
Quote from Iron :Well, guess what, I just bought a car, which has a dashboard exactly like this: Funny, isn't it?

Those numbers are quite lot smaller than in old LFS digital speedo

I think devs have made now preparations for cars being more individual in future, there is going to be less options too, just my guess.
Here's your digital speedo, have fun with it!
Put it on and upload a video to Youtube. You'll be famous tomorrow.
Quote from Californian :XFG & XRG

Still picture is a little clearer to read than ingame one. I think the numbers are a bit too messy and the could be like 5% bigger.

I had no issue quickly identifying 80km/h and would have no issue sticking to it at that size. Count yourself lucky you've got an easy number to drive at rather than 48mph.

Quote from AndroidXP :But you have to think of the poor guys who don't have a physical H-gate shifter! Why does nobody ever think of them? *sobs*

You don't need it in a real car do you? One of the GT cars I worked on didn't have one installed because it was a low priority job, it did endurance races with no issues. In fact in a modern car apart from monitoring the engine the little LED lights are all you need, one of the single seaters I've worked on used to run without a working dash, with just the LED lights, quite happily and competitively because a wiring fault in the dash meant the ECU would intermittently cut out. What LFS could do with is a neutral lock option, which both rF and RBR have to stop you accidentally shifting into neutral.
Quote from kurent :Only analoge there, I don't get it?

It also has a digital speedo available.

Bring Back Digital Speedo!!
(193 posts, started )