The online racing simulator
My thoughts on the new patch.
(137 posts, started )
Thats what the devs want, a serious simulator.. world changes.. and we must evolve.. get a wheel.. youll love it.
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#78 - JTbo
Quote from janipewter :Well well. I see everyone here is having a bash at the devs re. the new update. So here is mine.

LFS was a good racing sim, infact it was the best. Notice the use of the word 'was' there. that is purposeful.

Don't get me wrong, a lot of the changes in patch Y are good. However, I really struggle to see the reason why the following 3 changes were made:

Right there alone, the 3 best features of the game have been removed.

I play mostly on cruise servers, in 3rd person view and I use a gamepad, so I'm at a big disadvantage now.

It seems that the game is now heavily biased towards those with racing wheels and you may as well not play the game if you don't have a G25.

What the ****.

There is few problems, first you say it is a sim, then you criticize that it is harder / not possible to use unrealistic controllers and view, where as in sim you should use as close IRL controllers as possible.

Of course it still is perfectly possible to upshift with game pad, also downshifting is possible, but need to learn new technique for that, with 2 pedal wheel it is much easier and faster to drive than with G25.
Yes but I've already paid £24 for the game...I'm not prepared to pay £150 for something else which is required to play it.

Soon enough I bet they will make it so you have to buy an LFS adapter for your G25 so you can play on S2 servers. Which will probably cost another £50.

Upshifting = terrible with controller. Downshifting = even worse due to the fact that I don't have a proportional clutch.

Back in X, using sequential gearbox with auto clutch, throttle blip and throttle cut, was teh shit. Now it is just shit.
Quote from janipewter :
Soon enough I bet they will make it so you have to buy an LFS adapter for your G25 so you can play on S2 servers. Which will probably cost another £50.

Unfortunately many dont have G25, and arent going to get one since theres so much better stuff around
#81 - joen
Quote from janipewter :
Soon enough I bet they will make it so you have to buy an LFS adapter for your G25 so you can play on S2 servers. Which will probably cost another £50.

That comment is just incredibly stupid, ridiculous and absurd, and you know it.
Worst of all, some of you people act like it all comes as such a big surprise that LFS is getting more realistic.
And do you expect the development of LFS to take cruising games into account? Come on.
Well if you actaully get to know redline you'll find that they don't just go on FOX AS2, my favourite combo aswell as DNB's Patrese's, Redi's, every person on my god damn team was BF1 on BL1 and LFS has ruined the potentially best car on the game, they are writing a suicide note for the BF1 no-one wants to use it anymore me all my team and redliners are now moving to the FBM as its about the most stable car on the game now seen as the other great cars have been ruined (FOX and BF1), the BF1 is sluggish slow on that combo now and it stinks, i have the exact same view on it as patrese there is a link to what he thinks in the thread i linked to.

Im just not happy anymore, its ok for most of you because 1. you hardly ever race you just sit here posting crap, brown nosing the devs atleast i have some backbone, when i see something i don't like ill say it and not sit there and say nothing, the clutch is a great new aspect to the game just everything else barring the FBM stinks TBH.
Quote from janipewter :Yes but I've already paid £24 for the game...I'm not prepared to pay £150 for something else which is required to play it.

I have a DFP which I payed much less than 150 pounds for and I can play LFS perfectly fine.
#84 - wien
Quote from pearcy_2k7 :Im just not happy anymore, its ok for most of you because 1. you hardly ever race you just sit here posting crap, brown nosing the devs atleast i have some backbone, when i see something i don't like ill say it and not sit there and say nothing, the clutch is a great new aspect to the game just everything else barring the FBM stinks TBH.

Oh FFS. Now I'm about to lose my cool here. Trying to diminish our opinions because we "don't race enough" is just downright childish. And that you have the gall to accuse us of brown-nosing the devs because we like the changes in the patch pisses me right the hell off!

If you have a specific problem, state your reasoning in a calm and collected manner backed up by facts and I can guarantee you and your opinions will be treated with respect. Whining, going on about how "you don't like it anymore" and other completely subjective opinions will get you exactly zero empathy.

Facts or GTFO!
janipewter - Why is it that you have difficulties with a gamepad and others don't? Do you have less fingers?
Quote from wien :Oh FFS. Now I'm about to lose my cool here. Trying to diminish our opinions because we "don't race enough" is just downright childish. And that you have the gall to accuse us of brown-nosing the devs because we like the changes in the patch pisses me right the hell off!

If you have a specific problem, state your reasoning in a calm and collected manner backed up by facts and I can guarantee you and your opinions will be treated with respect. Whining, going on about how "you don't like it anymore" and other completely subjective opinions will get you exactly zero empathy.

Facts or GTFO!

Yes my earlier post was a bit foolish realy, ive stated my opinion plenty of times and the problems, but no-one seems to listen, maybe they will listen to the redline people as they notice the crappy difference aswell.
I cba anymore if the devs want to ruin the BF1 then let them do it.
Quote from pearcy_2k7 :I cba anymore if the devs want to ruin the BF1 then let them do it.

For amusement's sake, I just went in LFS and used the BF1 with keyboard. Admittedly I set the gears to manual - no sense in demanding control and having automatic, after all it's not that hard to shift gears (a/z: throttle/brake, s/x: up/down)... I see no problem, it works as I'd expect it to work with a digital controller and pretty much as I recall it worked when trying it out with the keyboard in previous versions.

So, basically you're saying they've "ruined the BF1" because they made it not work as it used to with automatic gears (something that F1 cars don't have to start with) when used with a keyboard and it makes you slower on a track that's designed to be essentially a club circuit and is hardly meant for racing F1 cars on. Where's the logic in that?
#88 - wien
Okay, so the auto shift sucks. Have you tried going manual? It's dead easy, even with a keyboard, and once you get used to it you'll be all the better for it. The amount of control you gain by being able to change gear when you need to should far outweigh any temporary slowness from learning to shift properly. And since the BF1 has that fancy gearbox you don't even have to lift/blip.

As for the rest of you complaints, I still don't really understand what exactly you're having problems with. You say the handling's different, but how? What exactly has changed? Are you sure you have tweaked your setups to compensate for the added negative camber?
Quote from xaotik :For amusement's sake, I just went in LFS and used the BF1 with keyboard. Admittedly I set the gears to manual - no sense in demanding control and having automatic, after all it's not that hard to shift gears (a/z: throttle/brake, s/x: up/down)... I see no problem, it works as I'd expect it to work with a digital controller and pretty much as I recall it worked when trying it out with the keyboard in previous versions.

So, basically you're saying they've "ruined the BF1" because they made it not work as it used to with automatic gears (something that F1 cars don't have to start with) when used with a keyboard and it makes you slower on a track that's designed to be essentially a club circuit and is hardly meant for racing F1 cars on. Where's the logic in that?

If you have the talent you can drive it round every track, that was the challenge there, you dont really have time to relax except on the straight plus it s short circuit so you can put huge amounts of laps in there.

Just because i use automatic gears doesn't mean anything IF YOU READ THE LINK I POSTED you'll find that all redline members are also complaining of how it handles and gear chnages THEY USE MANUAL GEARS AND A STEERING WHEEL!

I don't even know why you bothered tying the BF1 on keyboard as 1.You won't have pushed it as hard as i can.
2.Im not going to agree with you as ive done over 5000 laps on the combo and notice the difference. How many have you done?
Quote from wien :Okay, so the auto shift sucks. Have you tried going manual? It's dead easy, even with a keyboard, and once you get used to it you'll be all the better for it. The amount of control you gain by being able to change gear when you need to should far outweigh any temporary slowness from learning to shift properly. And since the BF1 has that fancy gearbox you don't even have to lift/blip.

As for the rest of you complaints, I still don't really understand what exactly you're having problems with. You say the handling's different, but how? What exactly has changed? Are you sure you have tweaked your setups to compensate for the added negative camber?

Hi thanks for the good reply.

Yes the handling is the main issue, also gear change, handling mainly though, i first tried it with the RACE_S setup and it sucked understeers, the front wheels just dont want to turn into corners (other people have said this too), i then got all my old setups back so i tried my old one which was a bit better but more or less did the same thing, then spikee made a new setup to try and help things but still it feels the same.

I have no problem with the devs, they've made a great game, but i just think that they've not taken some of this into consideration, making handling chnages to a car which handled like a dream on patch X, having not spent as much time (most probably) driving it on the previous patches as me.
Quote from pearcy_2k7 :Just because i use automatic gears doesn't mean anything IF YOU READ THE LINK I POSTED you'll find that all redline members are also complaining of how it handles and gear chnages THEY USE MANUAL GEARS AND A STEERING WHEEL!

Nope, they whined over a change in one of their beloved cars (how dares Scawen touching it!) without even thinking of adjusting the gears or camber, as Scawen urged so many times...
#92 - wien
Quote from pearcy_2k7 :i then got all my old setups back so i tried my old one which was a bit better but more or less did the same thing,

Again, did you adjust for the change in default camber. If you kept your setup as-is, your old setup will have about .5 more negative camber. If you didn't adjust for that, the handling will indeed change.

Other than camber though, nothing has changed in how the cars handle. Nothing. If you're still feeling a change after camber adjustments it is due to the engines or you're overcooking your tires, or it's all in your head.
I have 1 thought for the new patch

Absolutely outstanding
#94 - axus
The higher engine inertias have had somewhat of an impact on handling (towards realism). You now need a more open coast locking factor to get rid of the understeer into the corner. Refer to this thread:
#95 - wien
Quote from bbman :Nope, they whined over a change in one of their beloved cars (how dares Scawen touching it!) without even thinking of adjusting the gears or camber, as Scawen urged so many times...

Yep, and that was my main gripe with that thread as well. There is only "I don't like the new clutch" instead of "I don't like the new clutch as it differs wildly from the clutch in my real life car. I can slip the clutch at 3000 revs for 3 minutes in my real car before overheating, but in LFS I can only hold it for 30 seconds before doing the same." See what I'm saying? One is a completely subjective opinion and has absolutely no merit, the other is an objective fact that can be easily confirmed/debunked by a third party.

We want the latter type of comment. The first is worthless. If you want something changed, be prepared to back up your opinion with some facts.
To be honest, the latter is also useless without video and or datalogging, as I can say I've slipped a clutch by 50% at 19000rpm for 829 minutes, and you have no evidence either way (I didn't by the way).

I think the longest I've ever slipped a clutch was about 10 seconds in one go, but it was very low revs, and very low acceleration. I can't imagine what people must be thinking if they did a medium/high rev clutch slip for any length of time above 3 seconds (which in LFS is fine).
#97 - wien
Quote from tristancliffe :To be honest, the latter is also useless without video and or datalogging, as I can say I've slipped a clutch by 50% at 19000rpm for 829 minutes, and you have no evidence either way (I didn't by the way).

Well, yes. But once you throw your results out there they can easily confirmed/disproved by other people with similar experience. Cold hard data obtained through rigorous testing is always best of course, but since good quality data is usually hard to come by in this field anecdotal evidence isn't completely worthless. If a lot of people with experience agree, you're probably on to something.

Anyway the point was, anything other than "I don't like it because it's different". Back up your claims and you'll usually find people listen to you.
Thanks guys for the good replies, the main thing that is making me spin is the gear chnage, ill be coming up t a corner let off the throttle brake let go of the throttle put the power back on, as im doing that, the auto clutch is fiddling around with the clutch and gears, when it kicks in im gone.

I did get a set from spikee which was supposed to be upto date which still understeered terribly, surely the RACE setup would have the right settings so there for shouldn't spin on gear change like it does. So i really don't think its the set. All i could give you is a comparison from my times on patch X and on Y which i have already posted, had another little go in it today (i had a little patience left in me) ill attach the replay, in the end i go so frustrated with it i only did 1 lap.

Redliners are not moaning about the FOX (some are) also the BF1 and feel the same way i do.
Attached files
bag of crap.mpr - 319.8 KB - 172 views
Please tell me why the BF1 should be easy to drive? Why should you have the same times as before? Why can't you just accept realism?

Quote from pearcy_2k7 :Thanks guys for the good replies, the main thing that is making me spin is the gear chnage, ill be coming up t a corner let off the throttle brake let go of the throttle put the power back on, as im doing that, the auto clutch is fiddling around with the clutch and gears, when it kicks in im gone.

That is not the autoclutch (LFS's autoclutch option will only activate on the BF1 when you come to a stop) - it's the automatic gears and you really, really shouldn't be using auto gear changes if you want to be competitive. Do yourself a favour by adding more control to your already lacking digital controls and use manual gears - auto-gears are not the way to go on this.

My thoughts on the new patch.
(137 posts, started )