The online racing simulator
Quote from seinfeld :im disapointed with the patch, all the stuff planed for this patch was put aside to make a POS open wheeler that has noplace in lfs

Since when are you to decide that?
A lot of people, including me are very happy with this new addition.

Quote :
so because bmw said to

BMW had nothing to do with this deal, get your facts straight before spreading FUD.
Quote from seinfeld :im disapointed with the patch, all the stuff planed for this patch was put aside to make a POS open wheeler that has noplace in lfs, there already is a low powered open weeler

And clutch heat, engine stalling, realistic redlines AND a rather fun to drive new single seater which has a perfect place in LFS. Oh and then there's always the graphical updates, AI fixes etc that people seem to have *totally* forgotten about. Get a grip people, realise that this patch is more than just the FBM
Quote from Bodhidharmazen :So, real objects can vanish leaving a void that it is instantly feed it with other particles like atmosphere. You must live in another dimension. None of the known physical laws of this universe would allow such a thing.

Well, in a racing sim when someone refers to "physics" it's mostly about car dynamics and handling, not the physics of The Everything(tm). In racing sim terms, what you refer to - actually waiting to be towed, closing the track until all the debris from your car is cleared up, sending your in-game persona to the in-game hospital for a check-up, etc would hardly qualify as being part of a physics simulation but would more of less fall in the general gameplay mechanics.
I haven´t read all of the many posts in this thread, so sorry, if i say something already told before.

I fully understand that LFS is a simulation game, which means "simulation" + "game". ....BOTH.
Therefore I would suggest that there should be options to play/drive with different levels of simulaton both for the drivers and for the servers.

The servers should have the option to make those levels forced, so people can drive on the server that suits them best.

We have now "cruising" servers and others. Why couldn´t there be servers for maximum simulation and others with less? (optional)
For example, there could be servers without forced view and the forced "clutch" "easing the throttle, when shifting gear", which is strange for those with DFP and Momo, because there is no clutch. So why should it be there?

Another level of forced simulation, if possible, could be forced real clutch and not just easing on the throttle, forced view etc.

This way with different levels of simulation, people can much better do what they want or need in LFS.

The servers with less forced simulation is also a way to get used to the clutch, because they can practice it, when they want, but not in a forced way.
Bodhidharmazen- Theres a thing about Shift-P that you don't understand. Because we sit behind a computer screen to drive, whenever you total a car out, you can't just get out, hop over a wall, and wait for your car to be hauled off. If it was different, most sims would have no tele-race leaving.
Quote from Drunken Predator :Not to take ya down as a whole G25 is an ok deal, but for someone who mainly wishes to get a shifter it makes no sense whatsoever.

I'm happy for you that you know what you want and I hope you get what you want. All I can say is that I own two G25's and the one on my desk is one of the oldest ones in the world. I've been using the shifter constantly since day 1 and it hasn't even hinted at failing.
My spare G25 is still wrapped in plastic. As an owner of various Momo's and DFP's I take no chances with Logitech's quality assurance, but so far I haven't needed to crack open the box and replace my original G25 wheel, pedals, or shifter. I'm sure that if I treated the shifter like a pogo stick it would probably break, but I learned a long time ago to treat input devices with care. They are what they are.
Quote from Bodhidharmazen :

a) What about Shift+P, how can that have its place IN A SIMULATION?

b) What about custom views? I guess thats REAL and should be included in any simulation. Right?

There is still a difference between a Simulator and practical.

And there aren't no substitutes for these things, I already suggested to replace the SHIFT+P to actually drive into the pitbox. And I use custom views for movies/tweaking of brakes and such. But now it isn't there, because LFS isn't finished.
I dont know if anyone watched Top Gear last night, but for people complaining about tyre wear you may have been interested to see that a certain Mercedes tyres lasted only 35 miles.
Quote from seinfeld :im disapointed with the patch, all the stuff planed for this patch was put aside to make a POS open wheeler that has noplace in lfs, there already is a low powered open weeler

so because bmw said to, you made another car and didnt fix anything that really needed fixing, the clutch is ok for the road cars, but the open wheelers and GTr's it burns out to quick imo. the tires should last longer not less

Have you ever actually been happy in life?
Quote from seinfeld :im disapointed with the patch, all the stuff planed for this patch was put aside to make a POS open wheeler that has noplace in lfs, there already is a low powered open weeler

so because bmw said to, you made another car and didnt fix anything that really needed fixing, the clutch is ok for the road cars, but the open wheelers and GTr's it burns out to quick imo. the tires should last longer not less

I have absolutely no idea how you manage to overheat the clutch in normal driving on an open wheeler or GTR car (apart from the FZR) as they use a sequential box. You basically can't flatshift. I guess your racing skill is no better than your personality. Hopefully you will leave the forums now.
Quote from axus :I guess your racing skill is no better than your personality. Hopefully you will leave the forums now.

..and you don´t have to be rude
Quote from Humbleridderen :..and you don´t have to be rude

Just look back through his post history this guy is always moaning about lack of patches and the current LFS being shit. Then he has to have a moan when a patch comes along as well.
Quote from ajp71 :Just look back through his post history this guy is always moaning about lack of patches and the current LFS being shit. Then he has to have a moan when a patch comes along as well.

I don´t know, what he has written, but in my eyes it´s never better, to do the same as you are critizising

I just want that we all feel free to express our different views instead of being mobbed
Quote from Humbleridderen :
I just want that we all feel free to express our different views instead of being mobbed

I agree if people make sensible statements. If their three line post calls Scawens work a piece of shit, a silly statement about overheat the clutch in a car when you don't need it and some drivel about BMW being involved in this then don't expect a polite response from me or a lot of other members of this forum
Quote from Bodhidharmazen :
I will have to look at that game, if the physics are as good as in here I might find it appealing.

Netkar Pro is really really good to drive, it has only few things that I don't like, first it has only open wheelers, second is that it is practically dead, nobody races it, third is that latest update which game really long time ago made at least one of cars very unrealistic because of bug and even there has been talk about new update and new car there has been nothing coming over a year.

I still launch it sometimes to drive around few laps, but as of current state it is unfortainly not very usable.
Quote from Bodhidharmazen :The thing is that Shift+P could be avoided right now, so the fact that it is still there shows that, as much as anyone wants to believe it, there factors other than reality behind its design.

Maybe at one point in the development of LFS shift+p will be disallowed. Since pointed out by JTBO and Quicksilver its still w.i.p. game and not everything is implemented yet.
Shift+P is in the game so that you as a racer can avoid that you not only spoil your own race.
TBH before disallow shift+p there need to be included other simulation-features to the game. Like better collision detection, better damage system, full-Course-Yellows, Safety-cars, cranes and track workers which get the cars off the track. Otherwise you will just have randomly have cars staying around on track. Maybe blocking the whole track.
You see its a long if not impossible way to have the perfect simulation of the real world.
You have to start with some features if you want to do a simulation. Some make more sense to start with, some less as some features build up on other features and let it inly be code-wise.
Quote :Because it's simulated, we have advantages over the real world like not having to wait for all that stuff. I think that's a good thing.

You give a little, you take a little. Consult your doctor, use as directed, opinions may vary.


As far as I'm aware Scawen understands this. I think the focus is on racing- and not a lot of the periphery logistical stuff that happens along the way to getting into a race. May change in time..

Don't forget that in the latest patch Scawen has added new noob things as well, like the green racing line. That's hardly realistic in any sense, but it's still there. That makes me wonder that the direction that LFS is heading isn't as straightforward as some seem to think (straight line into hardcore land).
Quote from Nobo :TBH before disallow shift+p there need to be included other simulation-features to the game. Like better collision detection, better damage system, full-Course-Yellows, Safety-cars, cranes and track workers which get the cars off the track.

At least safety cars got a whole lot more probable with the AI update... And actually, you don't need cranes and the likes as they usually aren't visible to the drivers anyway (if they're not getting you out of some gravel pit), as all the work takes place when the cars are on the other side of the track (the whole reason of a safety car is to round the cars up and keep them in one particular place)...
Quote from Humbleridderen :
Therefore I would suggest that there should be options to play/drive with different levels of simulaton both for the drivers and for the servers.

"You can't please all the people all the time" - unknown

If Scavier started to cater to people who want different things than their vision (i.e. 'dumb' physics, etc) than the project could very well become muddled. There would be so much time wasted in debating what the drifters need/want vs what the cruisers want that it would affect the development of the racing sim negatively.

What we can look forward to is the day after LFS has run its course and Scavier can sell the physics engine out. Then (perhaps) various types of racing games can enjoy the basic car physics that are easily some of the best in the world.
Why do we need safety cars? They're only useful in longer races, most of which are already organsied and can provide safety cars now if they want them.

What I think would be a good idea on the realism front is to get rid of the restart option, I'd like to see it replaced with a red flag which required people to have a cool off period after first lap carnage, maybe by driving round to the start line and taking the start again, with the damage they took, if you had to pit you'd start from the pitlane. It'd stop the usual chaos we see on servers like Redline.
Quote from srdsprinter :"You can please all the people all the time" - unknown

I think something is wrong there
Quote from ebola :I think something is wrong there

yeah, just add 't in there SOMEWHERE
Red flags should come too at some point, at least I think that would be reasonable?
Quote from ebola :I think something is wrong there

What? I see nothing wrong... :hide:

TY... Merry Christmas
Quote from minage :
And now it's totally gone!!

No, I don't think it's gone.

Let me check...

nope, still there.

MAJOR disappointment.
(343 posts, started )