Cockpit View Only
(295 posts, started )

Poll : Realism or Arcade

Realism: Cockpit view, behind the steering wheel, just like in real life.
Arcade: Wonder Woman invisible cars, God's eye view, Linda Blair look completly around, etc.
Quote from zeugnimod :Now this is a poll that's completely unbiased.

I use chase view because I have the most fun driving in that view and that's what it's all about.

You noob!
I am a realism freak, and will always use cockpit view, but that is my choice.
As a game you can pick any view you want, as a sim it has to be cockpit view, my reasoning is this

I want to see hear and feel as near as possible what a real driver see's hear's and feels - you cannot do that from any view other than cockpit.
From the driving seat you are naturally more aware of what the car is doing and how it feels - you have more reference points and all driving feel and forces are better percieved from the drivers seat.

To those who say "there is no advantage in chase cam" - rubbish, with chase cam you can see over the top of cars in front and you can see further ahead and around corners, maybe not cheating exactly but a definite big advantage as you will be able to react quicker to a situation further up the road that the car in front cannot even see yet.
Using chase cam is your choice but don't try kidding yourself and us that there is no advantage.

If I was racing for prizes or cash I would race with forced cockpit view only.
Quote from zeugnimod :The "hardcore sim racers" will probably just turn this around and state that this is an undeserved advantage for chase view drivers.

Quote from Polyracer :To those who say "there is no advantage in chase cam" - rubbish, with chase cam you can see over the top of cars in front and you can see further ahead and around corners, maybe not cheating exactly but a definite big advantage as you will be able to react quicker to a situation further up the road that the car in front cannot even see yet.
Using chase cam is your choice but don't try kidding yourself and us that there is no advantage.

What do I win?
Quote from RatzMilk :To those posting 'not this again' posts, the views have changed and are more restricted now. This was done for realism.

Thus, any previous polls on this subject were based on different views being available in the first place.

If you think this poll is a waist of time, then don't read it or participate, no one is forcing you to.

You're banging on about forced cockpit view and it's been done to death.
I'll let them get rid of some views in the name of realism when they add g-forces that shove you around your room as you drive, also in the name of realism of course.

Its all very well saying 'you can't do x in a real car' but you also CAN do y,z,a,b,c and d in a real car, which the simple mechanics of driving whilst sat at a computer in your underwear make impossible. You have to lose a few aspects of realism to make the thing playable.
Of course a real driver can't move their head more than 90 degrees to the left or right, but a real driver has 180 degree, fully 3 dimensional field of view .
Fortunately, the cockpit view doesn't reduce ones ability to 'feel' the car, or significantly reduce spatial awareness...
Quote from Crashgate3 :...whilst sat at a computer in your underwear make impossible.

Now i could understand that statement if you lived in the tropics, but your from Manchester! Hardly the warmest place on the planet

If you tried that in Cornwall your bits would drop off

Damn...i must just be a southern softy.
Quote from RatzMilk :

We TrackIR users are such a small minority in this Sim that nobody will probably care that this option has been removed just for us.


I've come to the same conclusion. I believe that TrackIR view being crippled in this patch is just an oversight. If you're using TrackIR and sitting in a passenger car you'll realize immediately that in "real life" you would be able to turn your head past 90 degrees with no problem.

Merry Christmas

Quote from The Very End :The game may be as realistic as it wants, but chase veiw need to stay there. It`s not affecting the realism on any way

Sorry, but that's absolute rubbish How can flying behind a car be realistic?

Carry on...
I personally voted for arcade, mainly because it only really effects the realism of the person driving the car. I have a feeling that eventually chase view will be eliminated from the game. LFS will never be perfect, because if it was absolutely perfect i imagine the fan base wound be even smaller than it currently is.

I find that chase could even by safer to drive with.
Quote from Gil07 :Sorry, but that's absolute rubbish How can flying behind a car be realistic?

Carry on...

He obviously wanted to say the realism of the physics.
I can't understand this topic

Seriously why can it bother someone so much?
Is disturbing someone that other people use different view?
I mean it's funny how some people think, really

I prefer cockpit view but seriously some of drivers prefer not to use cockpit view and how can it bother someone?
It doesn't give any advantages (I think it doesn't as you can feel your car much better while using cockpit view) and it's there and nobody is forced to use it so if you don't like to use it don't use it then, but really forced cockpit view is the last thing that you need in this game because with it you couldn't look at things like you can now and the game would be much more boring.

Realism you say but hey, think twice, it's a game and you can't get out of your car when you have to look at the back of your car etc. or look at the surroundings so you need different views. This kind of ideas are just funny because the owners of them don't think it all the way throught or they are thinking too black & white

BTW: Happy holidays to all!
Quote from DeadVoid :I've come to the same conclusion. I believe that TrackIR view being crippled in this patch is just an oversight. If you're using TrackIR and sitting in a passenger car you'll realize immediately that in "real life" you would be able to turn your head past 90 degrees with no problem.

I'd love you to look 90 degrees and see something in a car with a cockpit like this, which is what all the cars in LFS are likely to have even in club level motorsport. So long as the interior updates patch brings rollcages and racing seats in all cars then I'd be more than happy to let TrackIR users stare at the back of their seat as much as they like, should be emphasised that is a just a typical club racing 968, nothing high budget or new there. As a compromise I'd be happy if the road cars had racing seats without high sides, which would improve the visibility to allow a 90 degree look if you could move your head that far. In a road car you can look behind you only by leaning forward and bending round, not possible without an inertia reel seat belt, or for that matter try driving in a car with an inertia reel belt and a bucket seat and it's still bloody impossible to stretch out of it.

To summarise my argument, you've got to be having a laugh if you can suggest you can look more than 45 degrees in any modern GT/touring car and a lot of club racing car and cannot look further than 90 degrees in any car with required belts and helmet, even on the assumption you're racing in a series that permits standard road seats.
Quote from Doorman :Oh no! Not again. I thought this subject was dead and buried.

It was, but they forgot to put a wooden stake through the heart.
I'm alot faster in the tail happy cars when I get an unobstructed view (like hood,roof, bumper and formula-helmet cam) It helps me see even small degrees of slide (much like when you can see the side of the car in chase cam).

So for a competetive series I surely see the reason to block selectable views as a server option. On the other hand, until I get enough bribes into santas swiss bank account that I get a force dynamics machine in the sock I want to be able to use it (I have not used it at all for a long while but I have only been driving the cars with a soft slide (opposed to snappy slide))

When there is affordable equipment giving the seat of the pants feel, I'm all for scrapping it.

Chase cam is good for replays, for real time I can't even stand it in GTA.
Quote from Californian :I can't understand this topic

Seriously why can it bother someone so much?
Is disturbing someone that other people use different view?
I mean it's funny how some people think, really

I prefer cockpit view but seriously some of drivers prefer not to use cockpit view and how can it bother someone?
It doesn't give any advantages (I think it doesn't as you can feel your car much better while using cockpit view) and it's there and nobody is forced to use it so if you don't like to use it don't use it then, but really forced cockpit view is the last thing that you need in this game because with it you couldn't look at things like you can now and the game would be much more boring.

Realism you say but hey, think twice, it's a game and you can't get out of your car when you have to look at the back of your car etc. or look at the surroundings so you need different views. This kind of ideas are just funny because the owners of them don't think it all the way throught or they are thinking too black & white

Finally the voice of reason has arrived.
Quote from legoflamb :Actually the average human eye has a FOV of 120 degrees so 90 is not anywhere close to that.

I have mine at 110 so that I can still read the guages, but also can see as much in game in cockpit as I do in my car IRL.

Edit:Its called peripheral vision, so unless you have tunnel vision, then you should be able to see 120 degrees around without turning your eyeballs.

Are you one-eyed?
It's weird to talk about 1 eyes FOV .
Usually you use your both eyes at the same time

And well even if the human FOV is around 180 degrees the helmet reduces it to a lower value!
Quote from RatzMilk :You can say the same thing about the look behind view that has just been removed for everyone. Couldn't that to have been a setting decided on by the host weather or not to allow it, just as forced cockpit view is?

I'll take a guess that the Devs may want exactly what you have said, I do to. - But didn't have time to program in the different menu options for the different Custom/Cockpit views before Christmas. I can only speculate, but I base that on the following:

Look at the Chase View menu options now, it was improved in W patch and had many more options added to it. Before W patch it only had the option of FOV. The Devs wouldn't have added all those new options while intending to remove the chase view in the future. I really don't think that the view options for chase would have been improved that much if it's only purpose was to monitor "Forces View".
Quote from Maelstrom :Are you one-eyed?
It's weird to talk about 1 eyes FOV .
Usually you use your both eyes at the same time

And well even if the human FOV is around 180 degrees the helmet reduces it to a lower value!

I just put on my helmet and it does not abstuct my vision in any way except for in the down direction, as long as I don't move my eyes.

I say eye rather than eye(s) because the other one doesn't add to the maximum field of vision angle.
Quote from legoflamb :I just put on my helmet and it does not abstuct my vision in any way except for in the down direction, as long as I don't move my eyes.

I say eye rather than eye(s) because the other one doesn't add to the maximum field of vision angle.

Just 60° (1/3)
Quote from Maelstrom :And well even if the human FOV is around 180 degrees the helmet reduces it to a lower value!

Then you have the wrong size, or a poorly designed helmet. I have an ancient full face helmet from the early 70,s that you can see the helmet at the sides.

But my three new modern helmets all have a complete uninterrupted view.

El'cheapo helmets often only have 1 or two shell sizes and the vary the thickness of the polystyrene foam in them to give the different head sizes. Top of the range helmets have a different sized shell for every size helmet they do and also the position of the viewing aperture should vary as well for each of the different shell sizes.

Bottom line is, if you can see your helmet, it's the wrong size, or cheap crap.
Sure, cockpit only
Cockpit view for me as well.

Cockpit View Only
(295 posts, started )