So you are saying if you go into a situation with a bad attitude and the wrong information about racing, and an incident happens, then its more likely to be your fault than the other peoples? That is my concern, what if this person has that attitude, but in this one incident he/she is totally innocent. I've seen people say stupid things in defense of their driving when they really didn't have anything to defend in the first place. I myself have done it, you get carried away in the moment.
I agree with you that the majority of the time its the guy who thinks having a 1mm overlap gives him the corner is to blame, but I think sometimes people can make a fuss and say stupid things when they are the innocent party. I guess it is down to the people voting to decide if that is the case.
I love the way you read the chat log out instead of putting the text on the screen, its hilarious. Nothing wrong with the intro either, very good idea.
Keep up the good work.