A simple thread: post what you've been reading lately and a few words and/or a rating if you feel like it. 

I'm about halfway in and it's living up to its reputation so far. I have a few issues with the way it's structured (reading it is kind of like being the ball in a game of ping-pong), but despite its somewhat exhausting nature it's very, very entertaining and erudite. Pretty stunning for a first novel.

Gene Wolfe is a god among writers, and deserves to be ranked up there with Borges, Calvino, Eco, etc. I've heard this is his best collection and thus far I'm not disappointed.
Recently read:
The Genocides, by Thomas Disch (8/10)
Envy, by Yuri Olesha (6/10, but might have been the translation)
The Coma, by Alex Garland (5/10)
The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch, by Philip K. Dick (7/10)
I have a Goodreads account here in case anyone feels like friending me/obsessively tracking what else I've read.


I'm about halfway in and it's living up to its reputation so far. I have a few issues with the way it's structured (reading it is kind of like being the ball in a game of ping-pong), but despite its somewhat exhausting nature it's very, very entertaining and erudite. Pretty stunning for a first novel.

Gene Wolfe is a god among writers, and deserves to be ranked up there with Borges, Calvino, Eco, etc. I've heard this is his best collection and thus far I'm not disappointed.
Recently read:
The Genocides, by Thomas Disch (8/10)
Envy, by Yuri Olesha (6/10, but might have been the translation)
The Coma, by Alex Garland (5/10)
The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch, by Philip K. Dick (7/10)
I have a Goodreads account here in case anyone feels like friending me/obsessively tracking what else I've read.