The online racing simulator
Well, i`m not sure about some tutorials, but after you learn to use Adobe Photoshop u will be able to make it by yourself, cause u`ll know all the tools.
fast edit of my new privat fz50 skin

greetz caoz
Pretty nice, here`s one i made yesterday. Just got bored ..

By the way, how to add the ''Attatchment'' Thing ?
(Bosse) DELETED by Bosse
Quote from feat :By the way, how to add the ''Attatchment'' Thing ?

Post reply - manage attachments (in additional options) - press browse and choose the file you wish to be uploaded - press ok - press upload - close that window and press submit reply.
Quote from Lynce :Dedicate to MataGyula

Some pics.

Thank you very much, looks realy great ! =)

Very, very nice Feat. Good imagination.

This pics is dedicate to Spangler_CZE

Original - Edited - Edited with your nick if you like.



NOTE: This pic isn't inspired in nothing.
Attached images
Rac fondo original.jpg
Rac fondo.jpg
Rac fondo SpanlgerCZE.jpg
muy bonitas Lynce
hehe, nice work Lynce and thank you
Thanks, Lynce ! That wasnt my best, but anyways, thanks.
Quote from Riders Motion :I had to put some blur to hide the jaggy lines. I added blur until you couldn't see any jaggy lines. Now, not only the wheels look like they psin, but the whole car does! That sucks....

I know the secret... you are standign still... :O

haha just kidding... nice picture
Quote from Lynce :Matagyula

Very, very nice Feat. Good imagination.

This pics is dedicate to Spangler_CZE

Original - Edited - Edited with your nick if you like.



NOTE: This pic isn't inspired in nothing.

Very nice!
Spangler_CZE, Sponge, feat

mickyc30, all right, no problem for editing lfs pic based on Flatout 2.

Be patiente. Too much dificult, but not impossible.

eco Live For Speed
Attached images
Dedicate to mickyc30.

I'm Sorry but there are to much original pics.

Attached images
Flatout 2.jpg

Im just wondering, but how do you all get some of your really high res pictures? I use fraps and it doesnt seem as good as some of these.
Make your resolution larger, turn on antialiasing and anisotropic filtering, and press screenshot
Oficial Background Interfaz v. Delta

Attached images
RB4 GT en Boxes 2.jpg
LFS 2007-08-06 18-26-28-96.jpg
This is S3
Attached images
Isn't Render
Attached images
FOX Salón.jpg
Very nice smurfen !!

Edited pics
(14108 posts, started )