this is very cool all u need to do now is put a message system in so in servers we can freakout demo noobies
talk about public testing eh victor, i bet you didn't except such a large beta test group
At first the standalone version didn't work on my (Intel-based) MacBook Pro and a "permission denied" error was logged to system.log.

I checked the contents of the bundle and found that for some reason the permissions of the included Flash player didn't have their execute bit set. I fixed it by running the following from Terminal:

% cd [whatever]/
% chmod +x Flash\ Player

Now it works fine.
Strange FL!P, seeing it worked perfectly from me just downloading and extracting it, mind you I did extract the .zip in windows to my HFS drive.

EDIT: Just did it from OSX, and it didn't work, so permissions issues FTW.
When did you download it, Dustin? Maybe I've got a more recent version, because I got it half an hour ago.
Nah, I tried again to epic fail. Windows is fantastic at ridding OSX stuff of correct permissions, too bad OSX just picked the right way to take permissions, rather than the ZIP specified.

However, the annoying .icns is angering me more than anything.
OK, then. Here's a fixed version for those not at ease with Terminal. 4.3MB.
A more fun idea would be to have the ability to create a screensaver from it (OSX - Quartz Composer?), and have it select a server, although that'd be a bit outside scope more than likely.
Great work, but there could be some more buttons for admin.
Like /restart, /qual x, /qualify etc.

Is possible to make the tracks with bigger resolution when you zoom?
In final zoom the track could look better... Every zoom level could have own picture of track - in every zoom level will be track in good quality. Then you can better recognise object on the track and you know where exactly is the car.

I hope someone understood to me , sorry about my english...
you know what would be good


being able to put in on your teams website

it's been done with lfsworld what not this
I've embedded it into the new AR site, whats the problem?
Yup, it's embedded into the "in-dev" AR site, and it looks outstanding

Link em Kelvin
Nah, then everyone can explore an unfinished site, not gonna happen

EDIT: Anyway hughesie89, if you want to embed it, i just used an iframe, specified height and width, hey presto!
but it is a view of your server?
Yeah, well once we have a relay or whatever on ours. Heres an example using CTRA;

src =""
width="100%", height="700">

yeah that works great i ran that exact script and it came up on our site fine

but im trying to use my server instead of ctra

"team ka racing server" so should that be
Quote :<iframe
src =""
width="100%", height="700">

also tried what what it gives me in the message window

"Team KA %Racing20%Server"
and Team KA 20%Racing20%Server

no luck either
my server is in the relay i can connect to it going through the server list in the viewer
I am still struggling to get our server "insim enabled" so we can "see" our server on LFS remote.

How do I do it?
Couple of steps :

1) enable InSim on your host. You can do this either via the setup.cfg file with the /insim=PORTNR option, where PORTNR is a free network port. This is not the same network port as your hosts's normal port.
OR you can do it in-game as an admin, by typing /insim PORTNR
2) make sure the host's firewall allows incoming connections to that InSim network port (it uses the TCP protocol)
3) submit your host at lfsworld

Then wait a minute and if all went well, the host is now connected to the Relay.
I reckon it must be a port issue, as I have tried all that and it still comes out as dead........
Just got
Quote :Unable to load PTH file AU1 : [IOErrorEvent type="ioError" bubbles=false cancelable=false eventPhase=2 text="Error #2032"]

Trying to spectate's server online.
Quote from danowat :I reckon it must be a port issue, as I have tried all that and it still comes out as dead........

Take it up with your server provider (Franky?), they shoul dbe able to sort you out.
Aye, I sent a support ticket in
Quote from SamH :Just got
Trying to spectate's server online.

thanks fixed in my version. There aren't any AU1 or AU2 path files.

LFS Remote / Spectator
(378 posts, started )