The online racing simulator
Bulgarian Language
(65 posts, started )
Bulgarian Language
Bulgarian Language
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Bulgarian.txt - 48.9 KB - 1457 views
#2 - ZanZi
Hey i az bqh zapo4nal edin prewod... 6te hwurlq edin pogled ako iska6 za napred moje da si pomagame
наконец-то ещё один кирилический перевод
ше си помагаме ако искаш няма проблем
#5 - axus
Nice one guys. I thought about doing a translation a while back but there were hardly any bulgarians on the forum and my Bulgarian is totally rusty from living in South Africa.
if you need help for translation in bulgarian for someting PM me
Lol how to put that language in my lfs

Thank you for doing the Bulgarian translation. Would you like us to add it to our online translation system? Of course you would have access to update the translation online, and this is helpful when we add new lines, you can easily find them, even before a patch is released. We can also give access to an additional Bulgarian translator if you wish at some time.

One thing we need for it to become an official translation and to be included in the next patch - at least two sections of the help file should be translated - that is, these sections :


These two are the most important because they come up even without clicking a ? button. If you want to test the /agreement screen, just delete the line "Welcome Y" from your cfg.txt before starting LFS.
Брао бе пичаги и аз го бях почнал ама се отказах ако преведете и lessons.. ама много работа...
Мисля скоро да почна да превеждам \agreement и \demo_warning. Между другото излизат някакви грешки при зареждането на бг-то... Мисля че на някои места броят на буквите е по голям от определеното за тях място. Ще видя какво мога да направя и ще постна.

I think that i shall start translating \agreement and \demo_warning. By the way there are some errors that appear on the screen when loading the bulgarian language file. Probably the number of characters us too big for the space left for them. Ill see what i can do

edit -> here's log and screenie of the errors

LFS : 0.5Y
Too long : 3a_off_butt (by 2)
Too long : 3a_on_buttn (by 1)
Too long : 3a_brak_mph (by 5)
Too long : 3a_brak_kmh (by 10)
Too long : 3a_ishwdywy (by 4)
Too long : 3a_ishwdnwy (by 5)
Too long : 3a_ishwdnwn (by 7)
Too long : 3h_showline (by 8)
Too long : 3g_kapitspd (by 2)
Too long : 3a_aacombin (by 3)
Too long : 3a_shrescon (by 7)
Too long : 3a_shressnd (by 1)
Too long : 3a_ass_mlft (by 2)
Too long : 3a_ass_mrgt (by 3)
Too long : 3a_ass_mmid (by 12)
Too long : 3a_asavauto (by 8)
Too long : 3g_cfg_drg8 (by 8)
Too long : 3g_cfg_toco (by 4)
Too long : 3g_cfg_grto (by 2)
Too long : 3g_pitstops (by 1)
Too long : 3g_spenalty (by 1)
Too long : 3a_shgautos (by 2)
Too long : 3a_smllaptm (by 2)
Too long : 3a_smlspltm (by 9)
Too long : 3g_l_cr_adj (by 5)

Attached images
If possible, those lines need to be reduced in length.

After trying to reduce them, any that cannot be reduced need to be checked by the translator if there is really enough screen space for them, so from the translator's point of view, the string really needs to be longer, cannot be stated meaningfully with a shorter line and there appears to be enough space on screen for the long version wherever they are used.

Then in some cases I can increase the length available for them. But I'd prefer to do that for just a few, not a long list, as any increased strings need to be individually investigated by me for screen and buffer space, wherever they are used. Sometimes the allowed length cannot be increased because of the screen space they must fit into or because they are sometimes combined with other long strings.
en: I don't want to insult anybody but @BOSCHO's translation isn't suitable for such a serious game at all The translation is very inacurate and unprofessional.
In 2 days i will finish my translation wich will be good enough for a official version. Also it doesn't have errors

Happy new year!!!

bg: Не искам да обиждам никого но преводът на BOSCHO въобще не е подходящ за сериозна игра като тази. Превода е много неточен и непрофесионален. Примерно "Не си избал кола бе идиот" или "Посетителят ще бъде дисконектиран" са меко казано неприемливи. Иначе браво за ентусиазма ама изпълнението можеше да е много по-добре. До два дни ще завърша моят превод които ще е достатъчно добър за официалната версия, или поне така мисля. Също така няма грешките дето се показват на ZanZi.

Честита нова година!!!
Наистина това е голяма грешка или несериозност..
This is my beta translation. It may require some spelling corrections, but it's good enough for everyday's use. I'll post my final version after a couple of days
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Bulgarian.txt - 51.5 KB - 1355 views
Off Topic: Искам само да питам как качвате така фаилове като Atached files?
Браво момчета продължавайте все така аз се пробвах ама нещо немога
Останаха само уроците
Only the lessons left
We'd like to include Bulgarian, of course.

What we need for an official translation is a good and well tested translation. I see there are two translations posted here, by wolfshark and BOSCHO. I don't know if wolfshark worked from BOSCHO's original or if the two translations were independently developed.

We need to see some agreement from other people about which one is the best to use and if it is fully updated and without mistakes.

Also we'd need a help_Bulgarian.txt file with at least the first two entries updated (/agreement and /demo_warning). All other translatable things are optional, and not required for a language to be included.

The translator(s) should be then be assigned to our online translation and will receive notifications in future when there are any changes (normally a few lines are added every few months).

Waiting to hear your comments...
OK, i will find some time to translate it completely. I want to say that BOCHO's translation is more like a joke and it contains some swears

p.p. My translation is absolutely independently developed.
Guys its end of april and no official bg version. What are we doing?
Well mine is still in progress. ~40% done but not tested. I have a strong back up team too :P
I hope the upcoming week it will be done and tested
If you like, we could put your Bulgarian translation onto the online editing system.

That can be helpful and we could assign you and someone else to it. The advantage of using the online system is any of you who are assigned to it, can go and add / edit a few lines whenever you feel like it, and you don't have to worry about merging your versions.

Of course we wouldn't put it in the patch until it's complete and well tested.

So, if you would like to do that, you can post the translation here so we can upload it, and if you want someone else to have editing access, let us know. Just please make sure their English is good and their Bulgarian is very good so we have a high quality translation!
Yea we're all at high level ( im mostly on the mechanics where others are a bit left down :schwitz.
The crew is consisted of 2-3 testers and 2 translators so i think we're strong enough.

Its okay to give access to the online editing thingy to me i guess

here's the file. The hardest part of it all is passed.
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Bulgarian.rar - 10.1 KB - 515 views
Well, what we need is the user name of the other translator, and also your semi-complete translation so we can upload it. Then we'll give you access.

EDIT : ok, got the translation. Just tell us the other user name to be assigned.
I think the version is up at the post above yours. The guy that helps me doesnt have account here. Where would he need to register one? Here or @ ?

Bulgarian Language
(65 posts, started )