The online racing simulator
Quote from JTbo :Not much of luck, I leave at Sunday mornings and at best come home at Friday evenings, probably more like Saturday mornings, so there is not much time to do preparations for next week, but certainly not time for any hobbies.

Wow, so you only get just over 24hrs a week in your own home !, That's some tough s**t there dude !. Ever thought of moving closer to work ? or are you a traveling....erm...a traveling-whateveritisyoudo-type man ?

Can't really think of anything to suggest other than leaving the server open and changing the combo every week, and hope lots of people turn up and race (but i guess you do that already). Or whenever you do get time online to race just make a post in big red letters in the General Forum Section saying lets race now.

You could always try bribing Renku to come back
#27 - JTbo
Quote from Mazz4200 :Wow, so you only get just over 24hrs a week in your own home !, That's some tough s**t there dude !. Ever thought of moving closer to work ? or are you a traveling....erm...a traveling-whateveritisyoudo-type man ?

Can't really think of anything to suggest other than leaving the server open and changing the combo every week, and hope lots of people turn up and race (but i guess you do that already). Or whenever you do get time online to race just make a post in big red letters in the General Forum Section saying lets race now.

You could always try bribing Renku to come back

I just go where my job happens to be, that is sometimes quite far away, over 1000km, sometimes bit closer, but it looks like now to be rather far away at least until summer. It is about 20-36 hours at home per weekend, goes until summer, then until christmas and then until summer again

I think I have set server so that you can change tracks, so it is only matter of yelling out what time to race and which track, ask few regulars and you could share job of posting event every week or so

Picking single day and time would have benefit of people eventually knowing that on that time on this place there is always some racing and eventually it might start to living it's own, people just come
#28 - troy
since nobody has the time to keep this running, i guess i could jump on board and try to bring some of the weekly lx racing back again. i was lucky enough to be part of the esport racing lx cup until now but that one will end in some days. i will miss my weekly racing with all of you guys and it would be really a shame to just let it slowly die.

i would only take over if that is ok for the rest of you of course, since renku did a great job with the organization already there isn't a need to change anything (at least i guess so). just bring all the lx fans together on a specific date and keeping up the nice spirit we had until now.
#29 - JTbo
Quote from troy :since nobody has the time to keep this running, i guess i could jump on board and try to bring some of the weekly lx racing back again. i was lucky enough to be part of the esport racing lx cup until now but that one will end in some days. i will miss my weekly racing with all of you guys and it would be really a shame to just let it slowly die.

i would only take over if that is ok for the rest of you of course, since renku did a great job with the organization already there isn't a need to change anything (at least i guess so). just bring all the lx fans together on a specific date and keeping up the nice spirit we had until now.

You got the job then Good luck and big
#30 - troy
hi lx racers

since we had a longer break now with the weekly action provided by renku, i thought its better to not start again today already. like this people actually got the time to notice that the racing continues. next meet up will be wednesday 30.01.2008, 18.30 UTC. everything stays the same 3 short races and 2 longer ones, on combos changing every week.

Week 57 LX event:
Date: Wednesday, January 30. 2008
Server: Volvolandia LX
Start: 18:30 UTC
Car: LX6
Track: Kyoto GP Long (rev) (KY3R)

18:30 UTC - Qualification - 10 minutes
Race 1: 4 laps
Race 2: 4 laps
Race 3: 4 laps
Qualification - 10 minutes
Race 4: 10 laps
Race 5: 10 laps

reverse grid will be used.

a short note for those of you who can't wait, i will probably be online on volvolandia today, training for the lx cup (lx6 on bl1) and generally fooling around with all the admin commands i need to know to successfully restart the events next week. you are welcome to join me there of course
Troy, you're a top bloke

Cheers for doing this.

I might actually be able to make a few of these this year (hopefully)
Good news, I'll be there!

Great track as well, long fast sweepers = 6th gear oversteer madness. :woohoo:
I would join but being in the US puts me 6 hours behind you, I would be at work at that time so I can't race : ( And if it had been on the weekends I run the Head to Head events on Saturdays and am in the Gentlefoot races also : / so those are packed too.
Although I only participated in two short races I really enjoyed it. Pretty cool going four cars in a row, any single mistake will cost you a place or two. Didn't think so about this combo. Thank you all!
#35 - troy
thank you for attending guys, was lots of fun can't wait for next week

here some stats (you can never have enough stats!) from the races
Thanks for lastnight's event and some good racing

Heh those stats are great.
Just have to say I enjoyed the racing last night guys, was good fun and very clean racing from all involved! Just a shame I missed the longer races
#38 - troy
sorry for posting so late guys, we moved hosts of our forums and i had a lot to do getting the whole thing to run again. almost forgot about our lx racing. i hope you can still make it today, it wont happen again.

Week 58 LX event:
Date: Wednesday, February 6. 2008
Server: Volvolandia LX
Start: 18:30 UTC
Car: LX4
Track: Westhill (rev) (WE1R)

18:30 UTC - Qualification - 10 minutes
Race 1: 7 laps
Race 2: 7 laps
Race 3: 7 laps
Qualification - 10 minutes
Race 4: 15 laps
Race 5: 15 laps

reverse grid will be used.

next week we will be lx rally crossing not sure which combo so far but it will be in the dirt
#39 - troy
a little reminder bump only 25 min to go, i hope to see some people online. sorry again for announcing the combo so late.
#40 - troy
thank you everybody for attending, stats page has been updated

next week lx6 on bl2 sounds good? i guess that will be it
Good racing there yesterday. Not much people and i can see all the races wasn´t completed cos there was only 2 guys after i left.

Those stats are really nice though.

edit: 80 posts so far... nice and round
#42 - troy
Week 59 LX event:
Date: Wednesday, February 13. 2008
Server: Volvolandia LX
Start: 18:30 UTC
Car: LX6
Track: Blackwood RallyX (BL2)

18:30 UTC - Qualification - 10 minutes
Race 1: 8 laps
Race 2: 8 laps
Race 3: 8 laps
Qualification - 10 minutes
Race 4: 16 laps
Race 5: 16 laps

reverse grid will be used
#43 - troy
25min to go, get your lx pants ready gentlemen ^^
(ussbeethoven) DELETED by ussbeethoven
#44 - troy
thank you everybody for joining stats page has been updated. cu next week
#45 - troy
Week 60 LX event:
Date: Wednesday, February 20. 2008
Server: Volvolandia LX
Start: 18:30 UTC
Car: LX4
Track: South City Sprint 1 (rev) (SO2R)

18:30 UTC - Qualification - 10 minutes
Race 1: 10 laps
Race 2: 10 laps
Race 3: 10 laps
Qualification - 10 minutes
Race 4: 19 laps
Race 5: 19 laps

reverse grid will be used
ill b there
is this still running?
#48 - troy
of course! we started running the weekly action again around 30 days ago and will continue to do so in the future. so don't be shy, join us people
Thanks for tonight's event and the good racing !

Here's the replay of race 3 (i think it worked)
Attached files
race320feb.mpr - 797.3 KB - 212 views
#50 - troy
thank you i will update the stats page soon.

edit: updated