fifth gear is ok but top gear is the top dog... seems as though there miles ahead with there better cars , better driver and well , better production... fifth gear have a long way to go before they even become a challenge
Obviously I couldn't tell before he accelerated. What a stupid thing to say. Did you switch your brain off?
Watch that clip again (although you won't get the proper feeling as you KNOW what's coming). BEFORE he mentions the flick, and BEFORE he starts the flick, you can see, from the camera angles, the lines, his body position and the entry speed that the van is going to end up on it's side. You don't need to be Nostradamus, you just need eyes and some automotive sense.
yeah, judging from your post
1) you need to be a racing driver...
2) you need to look at your tv like a detective on a mission
3) you have to actually....
don't forget that not everyone is a racing driver detective
Why would you need to be a racing driver? How does that help spotting vans falling over on a runway? And why like a detective - if you watch casually (like I do) don't you see the same image as when you watch more carefully? And I doubt I was the only one to see it coming a mile off (figure of speech - I didn't actually see it a mile off, as I was over a hundred miles away and watching several months later).
Why are you being so defensive about it. You didn't see it coming - fair enough. But you have to admit it wasn't exactly a big surprise either.
Yep. I just watched the van roll yesterday evening (a "best of top gear" show aired). It was just simply hilarious. "Richard had a size problem and the car wasn't very big either"
Actually I don't think 5th gear sucks that much as the poll suggests. It isn't as boring as a car show could get. German Motorvision is a lot worse: all they do is drive around with great cars (mercs, lambos etc) in fancy places, but it's boring as hell. How can they screw up such a good consept?
Best Motoring is the shizzle I totally forgot about that. That's is probably the best car review program type thing in terms of knowledge you gain. most of it is on
Suzi Perry USED to be the shizzle, but as of late I am not sure... she seems to have lost something.... along with MotoGP... she doesn't seem to have that enthusiasm she once had at the height of the Rossi VS Gibenau wars... The main problem was that over the years she has championed MotoGP as being the best racing but in fact F1 was more interesting last year, which was a miracle. She has lost something for me anyway.
The only thing pointing to the roll of that van in the whole video (before their cop car chase and rolling the van) for me was the obviously high center of gravity...
I DO know that they rolled it on purpose, I just didn't think they would do that (maybe because it was the first season I watched TG)
I could tell it was going to flip at T1 just because of his entry speed, and I am no racing driver, or watch my TV like a detective on a mission, or have the ability to balance a broom on my face.
In my opinion Top Gear is a lot better than Fifth gear, and Tiff is gay
But, when there's no Top Gears to watch I enjoy Fifth Gear also..
Top gear's camerawork and the music implemented in the films are so nice, that a few good movies can compete with them, that's just one of the many reasons. I also like the humour, which is a lot better than in 5th.
Who the hell would want to buy it though? Even more so at 3k. It was unreliable as hell, it has a bullet hole in the floor, and it randomly catches on fire.
I agree. Only thing it's missing is a laugh (audio) track. It would so much better without that lame staged, faked, scripted crap.
The filming/editing is nice but when you've seen it once, you've seen it all. Always the same camera angles and in the end that generic music video style fast cutting isn't that amazing.
i actually like the studio format better then the original top gear style(which fifth gear now adopts)... but i watch fifth gear when i want to watch a review of a car that top gear didn't do... like the new impreza!
i quote from the impreza review...
"bring on the next impreza!.... oh, dear!"-tiff
If that ain't good sheep o meter, then I don't know what is, or it could be another show just offers different things that are not interesting to most board users, but that I don't believe