The online racing simulator
Thank you for the test results.

It selected the Thrustmapper fonts by default because they were already there (and wrongly reporting to Windows that they contained East Asian character sets) before you installed the East Asian support. So LFS saved those font names in your cfg file to remember your "selected fonts".

If the East Asian support had been installed before you first ran the patch then the ones at the top of the list would have been selected.

Quote from dawesdust_12 :Scawen, another slight issue I had with Traditional Chinese with SimHei at 600 (I don't know what that number means) font, there seems to be a bit of overdrawing of textures, clipping the sides of other fonts, creating little dots on the left sides.

EDIT: Happens at all values atleast though with SimHei, just the size of the . are bigger.

Please could you select SimHei in Traditional Chinese, then exit LFS and restart LFS. Then if you could paste the TextMetrics information for Chinese BIG5 from your deb.log file that would be helpful. Thanks, and take your time, I'm off to bed!
Please make a "turn off all message sounds" option with the new patch
Quote from mcgas001 :I think i could be wrong. Does the dedi server automatically revert to the closest weather config number to the one you put in? i thought it might show a error and close the LFS.exe but it doesnt seem to react. For example. AS1 if i input (4) would it goto 2 as its closest in line.

and this was my bug report.

I think it just bounds it, rather than reporting an error. The most important thing if that LFS should still work regardless of cfg.txt errors.

So it would just make sure the weather and config are valid values after loading the cfg.txt information.

Quote from legoflamb :Please make a "turn off all message sounds" option with the new patch

They are renamable / editable / deletable sound effects in the data\sound folder.
Here it is Scawen, ChineseBig5 is it?

TextMetrics for CHINESEBIG5 :
tmHeight 64
tmAscent 55
tmDescent 9
tmInternalLeading 0
tmExternalLeading 9
tmAveCharWidth 33
tmMaxCharWidth 66
tmWeight 700
tmOverhang 0
tmDigitizedAspectX 96
tmDigitizedAspectY 96
tmFirstChar 30
tmLastChar 255
tmDefaultChar 31
tmBreakChar 32
tmItalic 0
tmUnderlined 0
tmStruckOut 0
tmPitchAndFamily 7
tmCharSet 136

Quote from Scawen :About Castellano and Spanish, my understanding is that there are a few different languages spoken in Spain, such as Castellano, Galician, Catalonian. And these are all Spanish languages although "Spanish" does normally refer to Castellano because it's the most widely spoken language in Spain.

But to be correct, it should be called Castellano to distinguish it from the other Spanish languages.

Here is an article describing how it is known as Castellano in Spain and Espanol in South America. ... ation/castillian_spanish/

Ah yes you are right, sometimes I forgot that Castellano comes from Castillia, a region of Spain, my bad but here we also use Castellano to refer to our native language and not Spanish as the article suggests, although I don't know about other Castillian/Spanish american speaking countries, but it isn't relevant.
Another bug - The Server screen, the ping menu looks like a chaotic, squished together mess, but then pyramids out to be normal.
Bleh, I let more servers load, after a few of them, it runs out of character buffers.
Example Below:
Attached images
Quote from Scawen :About Castellano and Spanish, my understanding is that there are a few different languages spoken in Spain, such as Castellano, Galician, Catalonian. And these are all Spanish languages although "Spanish" does normally refer to Castellano because it's the most widely spoken language in Spain.

But to be correct, it should be called Castellano to distinguish it from the other Spanish languages.

Here is an article describing how it is known as Castellano in Spain and Espanol in South America. ... ation/castillian_spanish/

For mi POV i see in a bad way the Castellano With a spanish flag

Is like you speak English (In eeuu) with a British flag

i hope you understand me

Another thing , in all games i play when i stall any game and has a option to select the Language
Allways say Spanish and no Castellano , so my idea is , change The Castellano for spanish and done
I love this patch!!! Thank you Scawen!!!
What about Windows 2000?
Quote from Inouva :
Is like you speak English (In eeuu) with a British flag

english is originaly from british not from american like french is from france not from some region of canada
Quote from Scawen :They are renamable / editable / deletable sound effects in the data\sound folder.

Oh cool ill delete them right away
Thanks for the configurable AI plate names option, but both Player and AI plate names are shortened by changing colors within the text. Could this be set to say nine or ten actual characters displayed and not include the control characters?

BTW, if you change the AI plates, remember that loading a previously saved grid lineup will still contain the old plates and not the new ones. This got me thinking it was not working for a minute or two.
Bug Reports
There is wrong host list when I use the simplified chinese. I think the value is wrong of 3g_txt_x_ms in “Simplified_Chinese.txt” file. So I've modified the value to "%d ms".
Attached images
Attached files
Simplified_Chinese.txt - 40.7 KB - 9814 views
Scawen: ive found another bug. Check the pic.

That to the top left of the screen is peoples text. Its gone all weird. The buttons no screen are insim buttons. They are ment to be full to the buttom. Seen as its gone weird. Its made some of them blank.
Attached images
Not sure if this is caused by our inSim Application (CityLifeCrew Cruise). Might not be fault of LFS. I will investigate and try some more inSim buttons in other ways.
Quote from HaobenXia :There is wrong host list when I use the simplified chinese. I think the value is wrong of 3g_txt_x_ms in “Simplified_Chinese.txt” file. So I've modified the value to "%d ms".

I've fixed this in my version now, there was not enough text space for the translated milliseconds string.

Quote from mcgas001 :Scawen: ive found another bug. Check the pic.

That to the top left of the screen is peoples text. Its gone all weird.

It's not really weird, it's just missing the text characters so you only see the background.

I'm increasing the character buffer space so this and all bugs related to missing characters should be fixed in Y9, coming soon (a few hours).
Quote from JasonJ :Not sure if this is caused by our inSim Application (CityLifeCrew Cruise). Might not be fault of LFS. I will investigate and try some more inSim buttons in other ways.

In your version, only 1536 characters can be drawn on screen at once - that is the problem.
Quote from Scawen :
It's not really weird, it's just missing the text characters so you only see the background.

I'm increasing the character buffer space so this and all bugs related to missing characters should be fixed in Y9, coming soon (a few hours).

OK, So basically the same kinda bug that was in the last pic i put this thread. Thanks

Quote from LFSn00b :Is it me or haven't i seen Data/pic/LFSFLAGS.raw before?

That's probably because the flags weren't there before.
How do you think I created my replacement for that bloody Union Jack, and have a real flag there instead?
About the discussion about "español/castellano" I'd like to give the point of view of a Spaniard, with some links and info too.

Extracted from a nice article from wikipedia:

Quote :Las academias de la lengua de los países en los que el término castellano es usado corrientemente (como Chile o Argentina) han adoptado la denominación de idioma español. Para estas academias, que fijan el léxico normativo de su país, el término es de origen filológico y no tiene connotaciones políticas. Por ejemplo, según la Academia Argentina de Letras[4] :
En el uso general las denominaciones «castellano» y «español» son equivalentes. No obstante, es preferible, en razón de una más adecuada precisión terminológica, reservar el tradicional nombre de «castellano» para referirse al dialecto de Castilla anterior a la unificación, y llamar «español» -como internacionalmente se hace- a la lengua que desde entonces lleva en sí, junto al viejo tronco, los múltiples aportes que otros pueblos de España y de América han dado al «castellano»
Por su parte la Asociación de Academias de la Lengua Española mediante su Diccionario panhispánico de dudas[5] , que tiene carácter normativo, ha declarado:
Para designar la lengua común de España y de muchas naciones de América, y que también se habla como propia en otras partes del mundo, son válidos los términos castellano y español. La polémica sobre cuál de estas denominaciones resulta más apropiada está hoy superada.
Una vez asentado que ambas formas son válidas, todas las academias de la lengua española, a través del DPD, recomiendan en general el uso del nombre español:
Aun siendo sinónimo de español, resulta preferible reservar el término castellano para referirse al dialecto románico nacido en el Reino de Castilla durante la Edad Media, o al dialecto del español que se habla actualmente en esa región.

This comes to say, basically, that the terms "español" and "castellano" are equivalent in all Spanish speaking countries. Anyway it's preferable to use "español" (Spanish), and leave "castellano" for referring the old language that originated in the Kingdom of Castile during the middle age.

This is the posture adopted by the "Asociación de Academias de la Lengua Española", which includes all official "Academias de la Lengua" of all Spanish speaking countries.

Anyway it seems that for cultural reasons people in Argentina, Perú and Chile prefer the term "castellano" because "español" has some bad connotations related to the Spanish colonization. Anyway, this does mean that "castellano" is NOT only preferred in Argentina, but also in other countries, and the fact is that the Argentinian dialect differs from the ones from Chile and Perú as much as to the one from Spain. This means that a LFS player from Perú could interpretate "castellano" as incorrect for "standard Spanish" as it's the name of his own dialect as much as an Argentinian do.

Anyway, in Spain we use both "español" and "castellano" in some regions with the same meaning, the only difference may be that "castellano" is often used as a more polite/formal word, but we use them as equivalent words. In other regions that are bilingual, where they use their own regional language, they generally use "castellano" to differentiate it from their regional language, as those regional languages are "Spanish languages" as well. In the most nationalist regions of Spain they don't mind using "español" because they consider themselves a separate nation from Spain.

So, in all regions of Spain when we spot the word "castellano" we think about the official language of the country, not about the dialect they speak in other spanish speaking countries. In fact, I can tell that most people here in Spain don't have a clue about other countries considering "castellano" as the name of their own dialect.

The reason that in LFS it appears as "castellano" may be because of that, and most importantly because there's also a Catalonian translation of the game, and the common thing in this cases is to use "Castilian/Catalonian" in opposition to "Spanish/Catalonian".

According to the official institutions the most correct would be "español" for Spanish and "català" for Catalonian. In case of a custom Argentinian translation, it should be as they do with USA and British English:
"Español (España)"
"Español (Argentina)"

This is a good read (in English) about the topic: ... n_to_the_Spanish_language

PS: Too much of a post, I know...
I'm happy that i speak dutch and not chinese or so because it looks like hell to get it al set in the new patch ... Anyway, thanks for the great patch
Is there any plan to have some of the new Chinese/Korean/Japanese Characters on the number plate ?

Because in the moment, you couldn't add them to your number plate
Quote from MaKaKaZo :About the discussion about "español/castellano" I'd like to give the point of view of a Spaniard, with some links and info too.

Extracted from a nice article from wikipedia:

This comes to say, basically, that the terms "español" and "castellano" are equivalent in all Spanish speaking countries. Anyway it's preferable to use "español" (Spanish), and leave "castellano" for referring the old language that originated in the Kingdom of Castile during the middle age.

This is the posture adopted by the "Asociación de Academias de la Lengua Española", which includes all official "Academias de la Lengua" of all Spanish speaking countries.

Anyway it seems that for cultural reasons people in Argentina, Perú and Chile prefer the term "castellano" because "español" has some bad connotations related to the Spanish colonization. Anyway, this does mean that "castellano" is NOT only preferred in Argentina, but also in other countries, and the fact is that the Argentinian dialect differs from the ones from Chile and Perú as much as to the one from Spain. This means that a LFS player from Perú could interpretate "castellano" as incorrect for "standard Spanish" as it's the name of his own dialect as much as an Argentinian do.

Anyway, in Spain we use both "español" and "castellano" in some regions with the same meaning, the only difference may be that "castellano" is often used as a more polite/formal word, but we use them as equivalent words. In other regions that are bilingual, where they use their own regional language, they generally use "castellano" to differentiate it from their regional language, as those regional languages are "Spanish languages" as well. In the most nationalist regions of Spain they don't mind using "español" because they consider themselves a separate nation from Spain.

So, in all regions of Spain when we spot the word "castellano" we think about the official language of the country, not about the dialect they speak in other spanish speaking countries. In fact, I can tell that most people here in Spain don't have a clue about other countries considering "castellano" as the name of their own dialect.

The reason that in LFS it appears as "castellano" may be because of that, and most importantly because there's also a Catalonian translation of the game, and the common thing in this cases is to use "Castilian/Catalonian" in opposition to "Spanish/Catalonian".

According to the official institutions the most correct would be "español" for Spanish and "català" for Catalonian. In case of a custom Argentinian translation, it should be as they do with USA and British English:
"Español (España)"
"Español (Argentina)"

This is a good read (in English) about the topic: ... n_to_the_Spanish_language

PS: Too much of a post, I know...

>_< , I know all that



In my 15 of pc gamer adict , i never see a game when you installed , say Castelano in language selection , Allways say Español or Spanish
But never Castellano

Thats my point i all this , Correct that thing and done
Quote from ATHome :Is there any plan to have some of the new Chinese/Korean/Japanese Characters on the number plate ?

Because in the moment, you couldn't add them to your number plate

No. This is not easy because of the way it is coded, some big changes would be needed.
This thread is closed