The online racing simulator
Round 2 Penalties and Results
This thread will be the place to request investigation of incidents, and also find results of all sessions, as well as penalties.

Only incidents in FP1, FP2, FP3, FP4, Qualifying, and Race sessions will be heard.

Please limit this thread to discussion of Penalties, ONLY.

There will be a separate post-race discussion thread.

Attached files
Results_FP1.pdf - 20.3 KB - 255 views
Results_FP2.pdf - 15.7 KB - 258 views
Results_FP3.pdf - 18.1 KB - 274 views
Results_FP4.pdf - 21.1 KB - 247 views
Results_Qual.pdf - 23.5 KB - 256 views
Results_Race.pdf - 26.6 KB - 265 views
Results of FP1 are now posted on the LFSBC site.

PDF of the results are attached to the originating post.

FP2 is ended. Results online. Check OP for PDF version.

FP3 from 0200-0300 GMT, 2100-2200 Eastern Std Time

FP3 has ended, and results posted.

Remember about FP4, then at 1900 GMT is qualifications. Please be on the server by 1855 GMT.

FP4 results now posted.

See you all for the race !
/me gets ready for all complaints.

Please, I expect many.

It'll give me something to do !

#7 - J@tko
My Complaints:

At restart in second race, Kablikus started infront of me even though i finished 4th before SC.

That Bulgarian guy with the name that starts with a V crashed me in the safety car period, twice.

Juuretis, no idea where to start.
Quote from J@tko :

Juuretis, no idea where to start.

Yeah, I am also complaining about Juuretis for general bad driving an lack of respect toward other drivers.
I'd like to complain about [BDT]Vankata and J@tko overtaking under safety car.
@ Juurme

One particular quote from you (and Moskvich3v1) which hurt me was 'What am I doing here'.

Yes, it was a crap race, but you were there because you signed up, and all us organisers tried our damned hardest to make this a great series for Beginner's, but whiners like you ruin it for yourselves, us and the other racers.

Quote from dougie-lampkin :yes, Jatko and someone else (Can't remember the name) seemed to be confused over who was 3rd and who was 4th in the safety car lap...

I was 5th, and Jatko was in front of me. He drifted around T5 (I think) and spun off. About a lap later, he caught up, but took an extra position. IIRC it was sorted before green flag though...

Yes, there was a bit of confusion there, sorry!
Sorry also if I hit you!

I don't really care where I finished, the race was ruined by a couple of terrible people.
Here's the deal, folks.

I will be going throuh the replay as soon as I get a chance, first looking at the things already discussed here.

Penaties will range from grid penalties for Round 3, points penalties, time penalties.

Please be sure to keep this topic to requesting incident investigations ONLY.

Please use the "Round 2 Post Discussion" thread for generla race discussion.

=== Stop ===

Could we please pick up this discussion in the post race discussion thread
#13 - Stan
I tapped McColl99's rear in the left hand hairpin, causing him to spin, however I did wait for him to get in front of me before I continued. (Sorry McColl)

Also, at the rolling start, FinnWest came flying past me before the Start/Finish line. (Sorry FinnWest).
So, here's the (other) deal:

I'm going to watch everyone's race, one by one.

I expect to have to write lots of notes down.


Technically you're allowed to floor it before the green, as long as you don't pass the person in front of you, and you don't purposely create a gap in front to gain acceleration, right?
#16 - Stan
Quote from TAYLOR-MANIA :Well if the Green Flag was displayed then I think it's more or less deemed to be okay.

7. Rolling Start Procedures

8. There is to be no overtaking until the Release Point is crossed.

There's the rule.
Start Finish is deemed to be the release point.
Could 17th and 18th placed drivers (for example) start racing each other two turns before the pit straight just because the leaders have been given the green flag?
Quote from Stan :Could 17th and 18th placed drivers (for example) start racing each other two turns before the pit straight just because the leaders have been given the green flag?

Yes, because then there's a green flag. The release point is when the leader passes the line.

Hope that clears it up...
I have begun the process of reviewing the replay from the race.

I have posted Qual and Race results, Race resutls are not yet official.

Quote from J@tko :At restart in second race, Kablikus started infront of me even though i finished 4th before SC.

kABLiuks LTU was in P3 at time of SC deployment, [TG] Hammond was in 4th.

You also spun during the SC. You should have stayed in the spot you were in when you rejoined the queue. This was not explicity stated in the regulations, so you will recieve no penalty for this. This will be corrected for next round.

You did, however, make excessive contact with kABLiuks during the SC period causing him to spin. For this, I am issuing you a 2 point penalty, and will deduct that from your points earned in the race. This will also cover your overtaking under SC.
Quote from J@tko :
That Bulgarian guy with the name that starts with a V crashed me in the safety car period, twice.

[BDT] Vankata spun you out during the first lap, and again later in that lap.

[BDT] Vankata also overtook under the Safety Car.

[BDT] Vankata - causing an avoidable incident, reckless driving in a Safety Car period. Overtaking during a Safety Car period. Telepit without permission in a race, and rejoined the race.

1-round suspension.
Quote from hyntty :I'd like to complain about [BDT]Vankata and J@tko overtaking under safety car.

The overtaking under SC has been included in the penalties for these two drivers.
Quote from TAYLOR-MANIA :Well regretfully, I have some complaints to make...

Lap 1
On Turn 2 J@tko (with frequent lag might I add) spins from a tap by Moskvish3v1. They touch yet again just after Turn 3. J@tko then spends the rest of the lap passing cars to regain his position.
(See Lap 5 below...)

Lap 5
J@tko spins yet again under the Safety Car. I was suprised to see him go driving past me & the others at Turn 1 of Lap 6...I think Kabliuks was too!
Still with plenty of lag & more overtaking under the SC...naughty naughty Jack!
I wouldn't of brought this up if I wasn't told the following -

This complaint has been taken care of with the penalty.

Quote from TAYLOR-MANIA :Lap 2
Moskvish3v1 (who earnt a Stop-Go even before the 1st Turn of Lap 1 for overtaking 2 cars!) is driving quite aggressively now...
At Turn 2 he makes a mad dive up my inside. I had Technique on my right so I had no further room to give Moskvish3v1.
He connects with my rear left causing me spin to around. He continues to do so untill I'm facing the barrier, out of his way & so he could pass just fine. He doesn't hesitate in the slightest, not even a lift off the throttle.
I wouldn't mind or complain if he atleast slowed down even a tiny bit so I could get it straight.
Poor etiquette & reckless driving don't you think?

This has also been taken care of with his one-race suspension.
Quote from Stan :I tapped McColl99's rear in the left hand hairpin, causing him to spin, however I did wait for him to get in front of me before I continued. (Sorry McColl)

Also, at the rolling start, FinnWest came flying past me before the Start/Finish line. (Sorry FinnWest).

Thankyou for admitting your fault in this incident. Thankyou for allowing him to get his place back, even though it put you half a lap back.

Remember to be cautions of what's going on around you, especially in the first couple laps when everyone's packed in.
I passed two cars before the start/finish line as soon as "green flag" was displayed on the screen. One was during the first start, and the second was on the restart. I'm not sure if I should be penalized or what. I thought anything goes once "green flag" is displayed - and due to the better power to weight ratio of the RAC I accelerated much faster than the RB4's on restarts.
Well I just saw my replay to see if I made any mistakes. The only contact there seemed to have been was with hyntty but I was clearly on the inside.

Also would like to clarify one thing. If I am leading under SC period, am I aloud to leave a gap between me and SC so that i get more speed coming into the last turn when the green flag is going to be displayed?