Last night was awesome, got to see someone very famous around the world for his photography, films, books, etc.
Wade Davis came to VSU last night and told basically his life story lol from growing up, to his trips around the world, people he's come across, all sorts of great stuff (sorry if this isn't making much sense I'm heavily medicated from being very sick and having to take a test a few hours ago)
Interesting guy, had lots of great photos, but I'm kinda upset because the Anthropology class got to have breakfast with him this morning, and just got to talk one on one with him, unfortunately I didn't get to go because I'm not in that class lol, but what's even more upsetting is that less than half of the people in the class went!
Really wish I could have gone, very interesting guy, had some fantastic photos last night that he showed off, and the best part is these aren't just photos, these photos make him who he is. It isn't like pictures we're posting here, these actually had great stories behind them and actual meaning.
I tried to milk out some info from a friend of mine who is in the anthropology class because aparently he talked to them this morning about his photography (mad i wasn't there), which I noticed last night, even before the fact when he said he likes to change things up a bit (literally that's how he said it lol), and doesn't like doing stuff the same way every time. This was extremely evident in someone that knows a little about photography or atleast styles and meanings behind them. About 90% or more (probably more) of his photos were portraits, many showing lots of movement, using the flash and rotate or zoom technique, many showing color (he is part of national geographic :shrug

, he apparently loves wide angles, and enjoys altitude landscapes (unlike landscapes from the ground showing off mountains etc. he preferred to look downwards on subjects moreso than the usual).
(had to go milk a little more info from my friend), it isn't a surprise, but he does use a Canon, and only a few photos into his show it was apparent he loved film, and another thing he told the anthropology students this morning is that it wasn't until the latest trip he went on that he attempted digital photography. He didn't mention (no surprise) to the students anything about a tripod except that he doesn't use one much, but some of his darker photos were just insanely sharp, unbelievably sharp for some of the exposure times i'm sure he pulled without using a tripod, but.. that doesn't really relate to anything.
My friend though (this is kinda funny) asked him if he enjoyed photographing anything besides people, said he hated it, said he took a picture of a lion once, and that's about it.
This is dragging on, my hands are freezing because my window is open and it's like freezing outside, but i'm determined, and i'm on around 130+mg of concerta! yay!, which is making this near impossible for me to make any sense of what i'm typing, and i've hit the backspace atleast once every line.
On the topic of drugs though it's funny because Wade Davis is also a ethnobotanist, meaning he knows a fair amount of drugs and their effects, but he talked quite a bit about drugs last night, not only from what he took while he traveled around the world with indigenous tribes from all over the place, of specific plants when combined with others to form some powerful stuff, but it was funny what he said last night, which is at one dosage we have a medicine, at another dosage we have a narcotic, and at another, we have poison.
I guess I'm gonna stop here before I run out of figures to type lol, I could literally go on for quite some time about Wade, he's a genious, literally he graduated from Harvard, has two degrees, and a PhD, just brilliant. Been many places, learned many things, and couldn't get his first cell phone call to stop last night

Very cool guy, extremely down to earth.. it was a fun experience, I just wish I could've talked to him personally.
If you wanna read a little about him here's a segment at wikipedia:
Just got a copy of his book from my friend,
Light at the Edge of the World, signed and all to my friend's name, looks like I've found reading for the weekend, something enjoyable at that

moreso than contact with native americans by europeans.
Okay yea I'm done lol my hands are frozen just about, and i'm going on dull tangents lol