Video Card and RAM
(42 posts, started )
Besides, we're talking about ON-BOARD graphics from a few years ago here... he is GOING to get a pretty good boost. Period. He could get a much BIGGER boost if he upgraded everything, but he'll see a big improvement nonetheless.
From that point of view, yes he is going to get boost. But at what cost? his cpu is going to get raped to hell and may cause instabilities because LFS physics engine calculations+windows+8800GT will pretty much max out at 100%
However, he has a socket 775 motherboard, so the next time he gets some money he could easily plug in a Core2Duo in there. So upgrading is not such a bad option.
Quote from Eleanor SpeedGT :Yeah, totally agree with you..

+1 again.... just not the same with out the H.C.O.T.M.

Sounds like a good upgrade. If you've got capable hardware (PCI-E 16x & >350watts), you should be in for a huge jump upward.
But would I be able to play Crysis and CoD4 with a decent frame rate?
Quote from scoobyrbac :I dont care if its an 8800 series one considering I dont have vista and I dont plan on having it so I wont need the DX10...And yes my PC WILL handle 2gig ram.

You sound like you don't need our help. Your just telling us constantly that your gonna get RAM and Graphics card.

Your PSU won't run an 8800GT, and If it does then it won't run it well. Simple as that - its not that we think you should rebuild your PC rather than that, even though thats a better solution, its the fact that it won't work and you just keep denying it.

But its up to you if you want to spend that much money on a paperweight.

When we say its better to upgrade your whole computer overall than just a great graphics card and some decent RAM, we mean it. Your CPU is old, my Intel Pentium Dual Core E2140 (basically a core2duo) runs like a dream with my 8800GT, if anything it is bottlenecked by the 8800GT and this CPU is running at 2.8Ghz.

Give us a maximum budget and a website to order from and we'll get you the best options that will run Crysis, COD4 and LFS just fine.
#33 - Jakg
Quote from shiny_red_cobra :However, he has a socket 775 motherboard, so the next time he gets some money he could easily plug in a Core2Duo in there. So upgrading is not such a bad option.

You sure that the mobo will take a C2D? Remember there are 775 board that wont take C2D's...

Also HP, Dell etc all use THE weakest PSU's to power their PC's with the hardware they give. Do you really think the PSU will be enough to power an 8800GT?

If it were me i'd get an E2140, a 2 GB kit and a 3850 Pro, and a new PSU ofc.
Quote from Jakg :Also HP, Dell etc all use THE weakest PSU's to power their PC's with the hardware they give. Do you really think the PSU will be enough to power an 8800GT?

It'd certainly be pushing it. Not because of the wattage, but the amount of juice it can supply at 12V. Unbranded/OEM PSUs are the worst offenders for having low amps on the 12V rail. Even if it's rated at, say, 380W, if it can only do 20A at 12V then I wouldn't let it anywhere near a recent graphics card. 8800GT manufacturers suggest ~22-24A @ 12V as recommended.

Still, he seems like the sort of chap that will please himself anyway.
To be honest I don't know what the board supports as I can't find any precise specs on it. I just thought that a socket 775 would support at least some of the older core2duos, especially if it supports ddr2 ram. And surely the psu would have to be upgraded, but they're not expensive.
If he just wants to have a little upgrade,even a mid-range VGA would help him.Doesn't need to have a 8800 GT because cpu would be a big bottleneck and surely the PSU cant hold it(remember that big producers just want to impress you with ram and cpu,while putting a crap mobo and psu).So i guess even a 7600GT is good because really there's no need to spend money on an old system...
You guys say that the power supply wont be powerful enough...If I get it..will the PSU like overheat and fry? What will happen to it is what im wondering?

Maby i'll go with an 8600 or 8700 or maby just a 7000 series card...dont know =\
#40 - Jakg
8700 doesn't exist...

If your PSU isn't up to scratch the PC could not boot (ie not turn on), could turn off during gaming or could (most dangerously) fugger up your PC (killing your mobo, RAM, CPU etc...).

Bottom line - NEVER cheap out on a PSU.
Quote from Jakg :8700 doesn't exist...

If your PSU isn't up to scratch the PC could not boot (ie not turn on), could turn off during gaming or could (most dangerously) fugger up your PC (killing your mobo, RAM, CPU etc...).

Bottom line - NEVER cheap out on a PSU.

Yeah i was tired when i posted that...

But, around the 22nd or the 26th is when i will get the money, so i will let you guys know what im buying. And i'll ask my unlce about the PSU deal and see if i could get another one.
I finally ordered my stuff tonight..


Video Card - GeForce 8600GT 256 MB $91.99
PSU - Coolmax 500W $29.99
RAM - Kingston DDR2 2GB (2 x 1GB) $39.98

Dad's PC
Wintec DDR 2GB (2 x 1GB) $83.99

Total Spent $261.91

Video Card and RAM
(42 posts, started )