Damn... they don't have a solution :/

Guess this is the end of LFS for me
Random thing that might work, try right clicking on lfs > properties > compatability > run in 640x480.
nope :/
#29 - wien
Do other games work on your computer, or is it just LFS having a problem?
All other games work just fine.
All HL2 Source games (CS:S, DoD:S and so on)
Test Drive Unlimited
NFS Pro Street

... these are the games that are installed and they work perfectly
#31 - wien
Hmm, that's weird. Could you try moving the files cfg.txt and card_cfg.txt out of the LFS directory and let the game regenerate them? You can move them back if it doesn't help. Probably won't do any good if it is indeed a clean copy you have there, but worth a shot.
If you get a list of supported hardware for a random game, it (almost) never lists mobile gpu's. Even though 95% of the games work just fine with mobile gpu's, they're not guaranteed to work. Although the hardware architecture of the mobile gpu's is practically the same as that of their desktop counterparts, the bios and drivers differ.
#33 - troy
maybe your graphic drivers from the acer site are outdated? a friend of mine also had lots of problems with his vista laptop and the nvidia card in it. we then found recent drivers at http://www.laptopvideo2go.com/ and most of the problems are gone, could be worth a try for you too.
Hello guys, I'm sorry but I didn't get a notification in email for a reply.

wien: I tried moving the cfg and it did not work

troy: I just updated my graphic card drivers to 71.16 from laptopvideo2go.com and they are very good actually and boosted performance.... but LFS does not work!... bwwaaaa....

I'm thinking if it can be the BIOS? Not so long ago I upgraded it and haven't played LFS since..
#35 - wien
Quote from maxelmar :troy: I just updated my graphic card drivers to 71.16 from laptopvideo2go.com and they are very good actually and boosted performance.

71.16? Aren't those ancient? Do they even support the 8XXX-series?
Quote from wien :71.16? Aren't those ancient? Do they even support the 8XXX-series?

My bad...
I meant 171.16
#37 - wien
Quote from maxelmar :My bad...
I meant 171.16

Ah, I see. Well, in that case I'm out of ideas. Do any other DX8 games work? How about the CMX Viewer available from the main LFS site?
Hold on... will try that
Quote from wien :Ah, I see. Well, in that case I'm out of ideas. Do any other DX8 games work? How about the CMX Viewer available from the main LFS site?

Wow, wien, you spotted something here, that's for sure, CMX viewer does NOT work, I get the same error!
#40 - wien
Well, that only narrows it down to LFS being a problem (we already know that ). If you can find another DX8 application (can't think of any off the top of my head) and that doesn't work either, we're probably on to something.

EDIT: Wait, you have CS:S right? Add "-dxlevel 81" or "-dxlevel 80" to the launch options of it. That will force CS:S to use DirectX 8 and if that doesn't work we know LFS is in the clear.

EDIT2: If CS does indeed work, there's one more thing you can try. (a long shot, but worth a try if all else fails) Edit the cfg.txt file and change the line (from my file) "Screen Info 0 60 1920 1200" to a resolution that works in another game, or simply something different from what it's set at now. The first number is the bit-depth (0 = 32bit, 1 = 16bit), the second is the refresh-rate and the two remaining is the resolution. Try different values and see if you can make it work.
CS:S works...
Set it to my usual screen size "Screen Info 1 60 1280 800" and it didn't (i use this in my games and my desktop)

And ye ... new error... not new... but different:
LFS : 0.5Y10
timer resolution 1 ms
read config
1 : 1
2 : 0
3 : 0
get command line
4 : 0
5 : 1
6 : 7
preinit d3d
number of adapters : 1
adapter 0 : no valid modes

Also, im installing my good old HL1 from steam... gonna try that one to
Half-Life 1 works
#43 - wien
Quote from maxelmar :Set it to my usual screen size "Screen Info 1 60 1280 800" and it didn't (i use this in my games and my desktop)

That's 16 bit though. Change the first number to 0 to get 32bit which is what most games use these days.

I'm 99% certain it's a problem with drivers, but it's strange that only LFS seems affected. Have you tried turning off Aero before starting LFS? Maybe that helps.
32 bit.... didn't work
Turn off Aero.... didn't work

this is getting so frustrating!
my drivers are not whql verified if that helps
tried installing whql cerified... but didn't work

please help ... my pc is your labrat
#46 - wien
Quote from maxelmar :please help ... my pc is your labrat

I'd love to, but I can't really think of anything else for you to try. Usually this problem is solved by updating drivers, but it seems like you've tried a few different ones.
I have Windows Vista.... dx10
Any update soon? It better have a fix...
I'm having the same problem. LFS worked perfectly before, until yesterday I re-installed xp and installed _exactly_ the same graphic drivers as before. Other games work just fine, but lfs seems to be uptight about something.

I even tried uninstalling drivers, used DCP to remove every trace from registry and installed newest nvidia (8800gt) drivers but no effect. Same problem remains. This is really annoying because other games work perfectly.
Well, It's a major turnoff for players like me, haven't played the game since it broke down.
Support tells me that they don't know what's wrong so they can't help.