The online racing simulator
Is there a more detailed explanation of how to make the most of this app? I've read the included pdf, so I understand what most things do, but I'm slightly confused as to how to make optimal use of the info.

For example I'd like to understand at what revs I should set each gear to give optimum acceleration / top speed etc for any particular car. Should I set the gear to change at the line for torque peak, or power peak. or rpm peak??

I'm sure this stuff is staring me right in the face, I'm just a bit thick

Great App though Bob
Well tbh there's a fair amount of freedom involved, and it also depends what you want to achieve. I could sit down and talk to someone about adjusting gearing for a good 25 mins I reckon, so I'm never going to cover everything in a single post.

I have touched on it in the setup guide, but it's something I do need to explain in a bit more depth when I've more free time.

To actually make this post useful:
Calculation of the optimum shift point is automatic at the moment (well, unless you turn that off) and while worked great in S1, the broader spectrum of torque curves in S2 means it's not that accurate anymore - but at the moment it's best to leave it on, since it provides far more information that using fixed rpm (that way you can only see the drop between gears). Basically while accelerating you want to maximise torque at the wheels, which means stradling the rpm of peak power (e.g. shift at 750rpm above peak power, revs drop to 650rpm below peak power).

*The drop in rpm should get smaller with each gear change, I will add (configurable) auto gear spacing at some point soon.
* You want to be going past peak power rpm in top gear at the fastest point in the track, or acceleration around the track will be less than optimum. How far past peak power rpm depends on how close to the vehicles potential top speed you are reaching (e.g. UF1 at oval, you want to hit about 25rpm past peak power (or some other very low value), FZ5 at FE Club you want to nearly make the engine explode). I will also add auto-calculation of that at some point.
* Make first gear as tall as possible but so the engine doesn't bog down during starts - however this doesn't always allow 2nd gear to be short enough to give good punch out of slow corners (without being too similar in length), so experiment.

Is that enough to start with? More questions, just fire away.
Thank you Bob. Very good, helpful info

Quote from Bob Smith :Calculation of the optimum shift point is automatic at the moment (well, unless you turn that off)

Where / how is this option enabled?? Do you mean the gear change indicator in the car? Or is this something within your app? Like the RPM numbers turning blue and red for example?
The idea is, that GRC picks the rpm to shift up at, and should do at the same point that the red light comes on in LFS. However, it's not spot on anymore, so I'll have to fix that. For instance, make two gears very close to one another, and it will say shift up at peak power rpm + 1%, make them very spaced apart, it could be more like peak power rpm + 10%.

To see the difference in turning it off, go to Tools, Options, Misc, Rev Calculation, Custom Fixed, and enter a number.
Ah right, so the 'Engine Speed - Before' RPM is the optimum shift point??

So the speed column relates to the speed at that optimum shift point? Or the max speed possible in that gear???
1. Correct. Likewise "engine speed - after", is what the engine rpm drops to after the shift.

2. Speed at the (optimum*) shift point.

*not actually optimum (as explained in previous posts)
In response to this thread (which is now locked)

There is no uninstaller for GRC, nor LFS, so please, GRC will not harm your computer. If it confuses you, read the documentation! If it still confuses you, tough.
Just to make it official, development of GRC2 is now officially over, halted, stopped, dead, never to continue, etc.

But it's not all doom and gloom, since the code base is the basis for my next adventure, Project3, so GRC2 will live on in spirit. More details on the new project later.

Also a kind Polish gentleman has also created and emailed me a Polish translation of GRC2, I'll include that in zip of 2.5.3 for any Polish folks who aren't so fluent in English.
Quote from Bob Smith :Just to make it official, development of GRC2 is now officially over, halted, stopped, dead, never to continue, etc.

Why that??
Read the next line.

Demo of GRC's replacement should be public this weekend.
can demo racers use it to?
Realy nice bump....
#63 - MR_B
rofl! This thread is actually showing signs of decomposition... sharukh is now our resident grave robber.
Quote from Bob Smith :Read the next line.

Demo of GRC's replacement should be public this weekend.

I dont know for others, but I prefer more older version...
sharukh - this app works with or without LFS installed, and does not care if you are licenced. It's not a mod.

Quote from AleksejBASOwarrior :I dont know for others, but I prefer more older version...

Why is that? Are you saying you preferred GRC to VHPA? :S?

And yeah, this thread didn't really need bumping.
Whats wrong with bumping?
If someone who bumps, but has question/good post, then why not?

I understand if people bump like that: lololololol.
Plus you could always lock it, if you didnt want it bumped
LFS Gear Ratio Calculator - Someone can update downlaod link ?
10 seconds on Google and I found it...Pays to have a look first
Attached files - 1.3 MB - 551 views
Quote from Bob Smith :

Languages supported:
  • English
  • Czech (Cestina)
  • German (Deutsch)
  • Dutch (Nederlands)
  • Finish (Suomi)
  • Polish (Polski)

Bob, it's Finnish. With two N letters. Not very important, but just saying.
*bump* i have downloaded this and unzipped it but when i open the program it comes up w/ this error

Component 'MSCOMCTL.OCX' or one of its dependencies not
correctly registered: a file is missing or invalid
ty draggo but i can't work out how to work the it because it comes up w/ same message how to fix lol
I have no problem with running the program. Propably it depends on the version of Windows you are using.
i use Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit