lol! ok.. its hardly an all new revision then..
g25-noob question:What's rev 101?
Quote from lucifer_greece :g25-noob question:What's rev 101?

Its a newer version. Hardly anything has changed apart from the shifter, which is now almost silent. I also heard logitech claimed to have got rid of the dodgy soldering which causes them to break, but mine is a new version too, and yet this has broken...

I have been waiting a month now for dabs to pick it up. I think i may ring them and see whats up.
Well im looking to buy a G25, i want to aviod buyng online if i could. Cheapest place ive seen them is on amazon for £150 and if i want to go to retail only PC World have them and they're £180 from what ive seen. Is there any other store i could get one from? i only have £150 to spend.

Why would you like to avoid buying it online? I don't know how the consumer rights are in the UK, but I'd imagine it's just as "safe" as buying it from a store. (as long as you're using a UK registered webstore) I think you'll have trouble finding it that cheap in a regular store, although what do I know -- you could get lucky.

Whichever way you end up buying it -- you won't regret it!
Its finally happend.

After almost 1,5 years of fun, the shifter is broken.

When the stick is up in any position: left, middle or right. I can only have 3th gear.
And when the stick is down i can only have 4th.

So I guess the pot for the horizontal movement is broken.

Is there a way to fix this? Just solder a new one? I don't know if i still have warranty, maybe i can send it back but thats going to cost me a lot since this box is big

Or save up for a better shifter?
Its not i don't think its safe, id have to borrow my dads credit card, but don't really want to do that. If i can't find one for £150 in store then ill get 1 from amazon but they also have none in stock.
Are you over 13? Get one of these. No credit check, no refusal. Usable all over the world / online / anywhere that takes Mastercard. Your folks won't even have to know about it. East Peasy.
Quote from pearcy_2k7 :Its not i don't think its safe, id have to borrow my dads credit card, but don't really want to do that. If i can't find one for £150 in store then ill get 1 from amazon but they also have none in stock.

Try, good prices, quick delivery (UK). Got quite a lot of computer stuff from them..
Noone have an idea how i could repair my shifter?
I don't know the consumer rights in your country, but in Norway you're not supposed to pay for shipping or anything as long as you have the receit or warranty for the purchase. If I were you I'd check that out and give the retailer (not Logitech, but the store you bought it at) a call and explain the situation.
Ok, im going to contact the store

But will logitech notice that i'v unscrewed it?
Quote from 128MB :Ok, im going to contact the store

But will logitech notice that i'v unscrewed it?

If you scratched the black paint on the bolts -yes
Quote from [RF]-art555 :If you scratched the black paint on the bolts -yes

Whell, the whole thing is scratched from fitting it to my shifter stand lol
you screwed then
Damn i want to shift! im realy missing it

How can i fix it? Solder new potmeter?
Try anyway, you have nothing to lose.
Just bought on an online store on G25! Cant wait!
Quote from hypnolobster :Try anyway, you have nothing to lose.

Cant find these pots anywhere.

And the soldering realy sucks, i pulled another cable off by acicident :s

I think i'm going to use the shifter board as a buttonbox lol.
Hi guys i need help with setting up a g25 on vista. It does not seem to have seperate axis pedals
Hey guys, yesterday I ordered a Logitech G25, new with shipping for $241 ( I know, great price!). So the one concern I have, is the shifter. It doesnt look very stiff, so is that a problem sometimes? Also, with the H shifter, do you think my times will drop or go up (considering I know how to drive a real stick) , becuase sequential doesnt include clutch. What else...what else.....Oh yes, this is kind of off topic, but do you guys think that the S2 licence is realy worth 47$? I'm thinking about getting one, but, ehh, $50 you know?

Ok so can some G25 owners answer these questions for me?
Well, my G25 is ALMOST new, it's a week old, and now the small turn on/off light thing only works slighty, have done NOTHING to it, and everthing works, other than the wheel... even the bottuns on the wheel work, just mot the wheel

Edit: ... Forgot to turn the power on
Quote from russianfire768768 :So the one concern I have, is the shifter. It doesnt look very stiff, so is that a problem sometimes? ?

It isn't particularly stiff but I haven't had any problems because of that. As long as you don't grind gears etc (Ouch ) or smash it into gear like a maniac it should be ok.

Quote from russianfire768768 :Also, with the H shifter, do you think my times will drop or go up (considering I know how to drive a real stick) , becuase sequential doesnt include clutch.

As long as you can use it smoothly then there is no reason why you times should go up. To start off with you will be really slow and will keep spinning . But once you get used to it, it makes controlling the car much easier, and therefore you will probably get faster

Quote from russianfire768768 : What else...what else.....Oh yes, this is kind of off topic, but do you guys think that the S2 licence is realy worth 47$? I'm thinking about getting one, but, ehh, $50 you know?

Yes. The Racing on S2 is so much better than on demo, and, there are many less rude people
My shifter is now completly broken.

So i removed the buttonboard from the shifter housing and attached it to bottom spoke of the wheel