Huh? i ain't trying to better anyone....I was just pointing out that people where kinda knocking it without even discussing other areas of the game

Agreed the game storyline was abit boring and my god did it take up a heck ova lota space on the hdd but SAMP played a big role in testing and ironing out the bugs for multiplay. Imo any title that provides a platform for dozens of people to free-roam around a city with hellicopters/planes/bikes/jump-jets/boats/hover-craft etc. deserves a little more respect as it is/was the best fun ever.
Sadly SAMP never recieived much support from Rockstar to carry the testing further iirc but if the impact that it did have is anything to go by this release is gonna be the shnitzy.
Also, talking of GTA as a platform I'd love to see a script editor with this one, the editor for SAMP was way too confusing to use and just took too much time to get running right. The best mod of em all would be the abillity to design ones own buildings(staying within the confines of origional structures obviously) and being able too edit/paint the internal rooms too. The current method of scripting the AI is cack tbh, a nice GUI editor would go down a treat and then we could design mini societys and communitys feeding off one and other...kinda like a supercharged Sim-City but with a whole lot more possibilites.
I don't know why, but possibilty of designing cultures/societys/classes and commnitys really appeals to me and atm GTA is the only title thus far to produce a possibly workable platform. I guess if GTA did eventually give us the abillity to give each AI a decent script we could then go sorting the AI by culture/class/location/community, the AI would do everything real people do everyday and they would also have needs and wants ie. each class striving to become a member of the next higher class. It's the breaking point that would be fun to watch/analyze, when say I only allow £100 billion to be circulated between the classes and then I remove say 20 billion

The scenarios for SAMP where pretty fun to play my fav being 'Protect the president' which involved two teams either side of the map and the president in the middle, the game would begin and everyone would scramble for different vehicles, try to imagine 50-60 people converging in an explosive battle meanwhile the choppers are buzzing around trying to pick the President up to take him to a safe place, which by that point the road-chase has begun